6 research outputs found

    Understanding the experiences of caregivers of children with tuberculosis in directly observed therapy

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    Objective To understand the situations and communications experienced by caregivers of children with tuberculosis (TB) with regard to directly observed therapy (DOT). Method A descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach was applied and developed in the ambulatory of Programa Einstein na Comunidade de Paraisópolis (PECP). The data were collected using semi-structured interviews of 13 caregivers of children with TB in DOT. The Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) method was used to analyze the data. Results Seven CSDs were identified and grouped into four categories: "Living in a difficult situation", "Changing the family routine", "Responsibility almost always fall son the mother", and "Adapting to the DOT". Conclusions The difficulties faced by the caregiver of the child at the beginning of DOT significantly changed the familiar routine. The responsibility for its continuity was assigned to the mother, who must adapt to the demands of the treatment and face the situation

    The Dynamics of Supply and Demand in mRNA Translation

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    We study the elongation stage of mRNA translation in eukaryotes and find that, in contrast to the assumptions of previous models, both the supply and the demand for tRNA resources are important for determining elongation rates. We find that increasing the initiation rate of translation can lead to the depletion of some species of aa-tRNA, which in turn can lead to slow codons and queueing. Particularly striking “competition” effects are observed in simulations of multiple species of mRNA which are reliant on the same pool of tRNA resources. These simulations are based on a recent model of elongation which we use to study the translation of mRNA sequences from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome. This model includes the dynamics of the use and recharging of amino acid tRNA complexes, and we show via Monte Carlo simulation that this has a dramatic effect on the protein production behaviour of the system

    Domain-wall theory and nonstationarity in driven flow with exclusion

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    We study the dynamical evolution toward steady state of the stochastic nonequilibrium model known as the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process, in both uniform and nonuniform (staggered) one-dimensional systems with open boundaries. Domain-wall theory and numerical simulations are used and, where pertinent, their results are compared to existing mean-field predictions and exact solutions where available. For uniform chains we find that the inclusion of fluctuations inherent to the domain-wall formulation plays a crucial role in providing good agreement with simulations, which is severely lacking in the corresponding mean-field predictions. For alternating-bond chains the domain-wall predictions for the features of the phase diagram in the parameter space of injection and ejection rates turn out to be realized only in an incipient and quantitatively approximate way. Nevertheless, significant quantitative agreement can be found between several additional domain-wall theory predictions and numerics

    O significado da velhice e da experiência de envelhecer para os idosos Significado de la vejez y de la experiencia de envejecer para los ancianos The meaning of old age and the aging experience of in the elderly

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    O estudo objetivou conhecer e analisar o significado da velhice e da experiência de envelhecer para os idosos moradores da zona rural do Estado do Ceará. Pesquisa descritiva-exploratória, realizada com 48 idosos, homens e mulheres, cadastrados e atendidos na estratégia saúde da família da zona rural do Ceará, no primeiro semestre de 2005. Os discursos dos idosos revelaram que a velhice traz muitas perdas, principalmente quando acometidos pelo adoecimento. No entanto, relatam que, hoje, são felizes pelas conquistas pessoais e materiais, além da família que conseguiram formar. A experiência de envelhecer e a velhice para o grupo pesquisado revelam-se como acontecimento positivo, comparado aos mitos e preconceitos oriundos do meio urbano.<br>El estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer y analizar el significado de la vejez y de la experiencia de envejecer para los ancianos habitantes de la zona rural del Estado de Ceará. Investigación descriptivo-exploratoria, realizada con 48 ancianos, hombres y mujeres, censados y atendidos en la estrategia Salud de la Familia de la zona rural de Ceará, durante el primer semestre de 2005. Las declaraciones de los ancianos revelaron que la vejez acarrea muchas pérdidas, principalmente cuando están afectados por alguna enfermedad. Aún así, relatan que hoy son felices por las conquistas personales y materiales, y también por la familia que consiguieron formar. La experiencia de envejecer y la vejez para el grupo investigado se manifiestan como acontecimientos positivos en comparación a los mitos y preconceptos originados en el medio urbano.<br>The objective of the present study was to identify and analyze the meaning of old age and the experience of aging for elderly individuals living in the rural area of Ceará state. This descriptive, exploratory study was performed with 48 aged men and women, registered in the family health strategy of the rural zone of Ceara, in the first semester of 2005. The statements of the elderly revealed that old age brings many losses, mainly when they fall ill. They also reported, however, that, today, they are happy for the personal and material achievements, and for the family that they have. For the study group, the experience of aging and old age itself appeared to be a positive event when compared to myths and preconceptions of the urban environment