14 research outputs found

    B cell and/or autoantibody deficiency do not prevent neuropsychiatric disease in murine systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Background: Neuropsychiatric lupus (NPSLE) can be one of the earliest clinical manifestations in human lupus. However, its mechanisms are not fully understood. In lupus, a compromised blood-brain barrier may allow for the passage of circulating autoantibodies into the brain, where they can induce neuropsychiatric abnormalities including depression-like behavior and cognitive abnormalities. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of B cells and/or autoantibodies in the pathogenesis of murine NPSLE. Methods: We evaluated neuropsychiatric manifestations, brain pathology, and cytokine expression in constitutively (JhD/MRL/lpr) and conditionally (hCD20-DTA/MRL/lpr, inducible by tamoxifen) B cell-depleted mice as compared to MRL/lpr lupus mice. Results: We found that autoantibody levels were negligible (JhD/MRL/lpr) or significantly reduced (hCD20-DTA/MRL/lpr) in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid, respectively. Nevertheless, both JhD/MRL/lpr and hCD20-DTA/MRL/lpr mice showed profound depression-like behavior, which was no different from MRL/lpr mice. Cognitive deficits were also observed in both JhD/MRL/lpr and hCD20-DTA/MRL/lpr mice, similar to those exhibited by MRL/lpr mice. Furthermore, although some differences were dependent on the timing of depletion, central features of NPSLE in the MRL/lpr strain including increased blood-brain barrier permeability, brain cell apoptosis, and upregulated cytokine expression persisted in B cell-deficient and B cell-depleted mice. Conclusions: Our study surprisingly found that B cells and/or autoantibodies are not required for key features of neuropsychiatric disease in murine NPSLE

    Applicability of non-invasively collected matrices for human biomonitoring

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    With its inclusion under Action 3 in the Environment and Health Action Plan 2004–2010 of the European Commission, human biomonitoring is currently receiving an increasing amount of attention from the scientific community as a tool to better quantify human exposure to, and health effects of, environmental stressors. Despite the policy support, however, there are still several issues that restrict the routine application of human biomonitoring data in environmental health impact assessment. One of the main issues is the obvious need to routinely collect human samples for large-scale surveys. Particularly the collection of invasive samples from susceptible populations may suffer from ethical and practical limitations. Children, pregnant women, elderly, or chronically-ill people are among those that would benefit the most from non-invasive, repeated or routine sampling. Therefore, the use of non-invasively collected matrices for human biomonitoring should be promoted as an ethically appropriate, cost-efficient and toxicologically relevant alternative for many biomarkers that are currently determined in invasively collected matrices. This review illustrates that several non-invasively collected matrices are widely used that can be an valuable addition to, or alternative for, invasively collected matrices such as peripheral blood sampling. Moreover, a well-informed choice of matrix can provide an added value for human biomonitoring, as different non-invasively collected matrices can offer opportunities to study additional aspects of exposure to and effects from environmental contaminants, such as repeated sampling, historical overview of exposure, mother-child transfer of substances, or monitoring of substances with short biological half-lives

    The Impact of Innovative Management Accounting Practices on Corporate Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia: Moderating Contingency-Based Investigation

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    Tujuan – Penelitian ini menyelidiki dampak dari akuntansi manajemen yang inovatif praktik terhadap kinerja perusahaan manufaktur Indonesia dengan moderasi Investigasi Berbasis Kontingensi Tujuan – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur penerapan Manajemen Inovatif Accounting Practices (IMAPs) di perusahaan manufaktur. Setiap item diteliti untuk mengidentifikasi dampak langsung IMAP pada kinerja perusahaan (CP) dan moderasi tiga faktor kontingensi, yaitu Budaya Perusahaan (CC), Teknologi Informasi Lanjutan (AIT), dan Perceived Environmental Uncertainty (PEU). Selain itu, pentingnya moderator dalam hubungan (IMAPs-CP) juga diperiksa. Desain/Metodologi/Pendekatan – Explanatory research ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Itu Data primer dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada sekelompok sampel yang dipilih dari 365 perusahaan manufaktur sebagai populasi dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Itu kuesioner, dibuat menggunakan Google-Form, didistribusikan menggunakan pendekatan convivence melalui metode bola salju virtual kepada karyawan di tingkat manajemen rendah, menengah, dan atas atau posisi pekerjaan. Mereka adalah Manajer Keuangan (FM), Asisten atau Wakil Manajer Keuangan, Controller, Auditor, Kepala Departemen Akuntansi, Manajer Pemasaran, Manajer Penjualan, Manajer Operasi, Manajer produksi, Manajer Pengembangan produk baru, Kepala Departemen Keuangan, Manajer Sekretaris Perusahaan, Rekanan Pajak, Akuntan, dan Penjualan Pengawas. Sebanyak 85 perusahaan manufaktur ikut serta. Data dikumpulkan dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan lembar Excel untuk persiapan data dan pengkodean (Google Form Excel Lembaran). Uji validitas diskriminan dilakukan dengan menerapkan Average Variance Extracted, Komposit Keandalan, Alpha Cronbach dan Variance Inflated Factor. Kolinearitas adalah dinilai menggunakan Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM) di SmartPLS 3.0. Itu pendekatan interaksi-moderasi dari faktor kontingensi juga digunakan untuk menganalisis dampak IMAP pada kinerja perusahaan

    Binding Proteins of Protein Therapeutics

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