9 research outputs found

    Surface complexation model for strontium sorption to amorphous silica and goethite

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    Strontium sorption to amorphous silica and goethite was measured as a function of pH and dissolved strontium and carbonate concentrations at 25°C. Strontium sorption gradually increases from 0 to 100% from pH 6 to 10 for both phases and requires multiple outer-sphere surface complexes to fit the data. All data are modeled using the triple layer model and the site-occupancy standard state; unless stated otherwise all strontium complexes are mononuclear. Strontium sorption to amorphous silica in the presence and absence of dissolved carbonate can be fit with tetradentate Sr2+ and SrOH+ complexes on the β-plane and a monodentate Sr2+complex on the diffuse plane to account for strontium sorption at low ionic strength. Strontium sorption to goethite in the absence of dissolved carbonate can be fit with monodentate and tetradentate SrOH+ complexes and a tetradentate binuclear Sr2+ species on the β-plane. The binuclear complex is needed to account for enhanced sorption at hgh strontium surface loadings. In the presence of dissolved carbonate additional monodentate Sr2+ and SrOH+ carbonate surface complexes on the β-plane are needed to fit strontium sorption to goethite. Modeling strontium sorption as outer-sphere complexes is consistent with quantitative analysis of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) on selected sorption samples that show a single first shell of oxygen atoms around strontium indicating hydrated surface complexes at the amorphous silica and goethite surfaces

    Nécrologie. Jean Brissaud (1854-1904)

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    Nécrologie. Jean Brissaud (1854-1904). In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 17, N°65, 1905. pp. 121-123

    Flexible Electrode for Implantable Neural Devices

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    The function of neural electrodes is to interface with the neural system for both sensory and actuation purposes. One of the major challenges in neural devices is to achieve a precise and reliable neuron–electrode interface (NEI). Advances in microfabrication technologies create the possibility to increase the number and reduce the size of electrode sites which can improve the spatial resolution of the NEI. Alternatively, replacing the substrate material of the microfabricated neural electrode from the rigid silicon to the flexible polymer can minimize the stiffness mismatch between electrodes and neural tissue, thus potentially improving the reliability of NEI. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the recent development in microfabricated polymeric neural electrodes. At first, we give a summary of material properties and fabrication processes for some polymers commonly used in the neural electrode application. Then, we review various designs of polymeric neural electrodes in the context of their specific applications. Finally, challenges and corresponding strategies in the development and practicability of polymeric neural electrodes are discussed. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014.1

    Gender and Iron Genes May Modify Associations Between Brain Iron and Memory in Healthy Aging

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    Brain iron increases with age and is abnormally elevated early in the disease process in several neurodegenerative disorders that impact memory including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Higher brain iron levels are associated with male gender and presence of highly prevalent allelic variants in genes encoding for iron metabolism proteins (hemochromatosis H63D (HFE H63D) and transferrin C2 (TfC2)). In this study, we examined whether in healthy older individuals memory performance is associated with increased brain iron, and whether gender and gene variant carrier (IRON+) vs noncarrier (IRON−) status (for HFE H63D/TfC2) modify the associations. Tissue iron deposited in ferritin molecules can be measured in vivo with magnetic resonance imaging utilizing the field-dependent relaxation rate increase (FDRI) method. FDRI was assessed in hippocampus, basal ganglia, and white matter, and IRON+ vs IRON− status was determined in a cohort of 63 healthy older individuals. Three cognitive domains were assessed: verbal memory (delayed recall), working memory/attention, and processing speed. Independent of gene status, worse verbal-memory performance was associated with higher hippocampal iron in men (r=−0.50, p=0.003) but not in women. Independent of gender, worse verbal working memory performance was associated with higher basal ganglia iron in IRON− group (r=−0.49, p=0.005) but not in the IRON+ group. Between-group interactions (p=0.006) were noted for both of these associations. No significant associations with white matter or processing speed were observed. The results suggest that in specific subgroups of healthy older individuals, higher accumulations of iron in vulnerable gray matter regions may adversely impact memory functions and could represent a risk factor for accelerated cognitive decline. Combining genetic and MRI biomarkers may provide opportunities to design primary prevention clinical trials that target high-risk groups