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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Tıp Fakültesi dönem bir öğrencilerinin yaşam biçimi ve alışkanlıkların kanser hastalığı üzerine etkilerine yönelik bilgi ve tutumlarını saptamaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Araştırma grubu Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi birinci sınıfta eğitim gören öğrencilerden oluşmaktadır. Tanımlayıcı tipte bir çalışmadır. Veriler anketle toplanmıştır. Öğrencilerin sosyodemografik özellikleri, sigara, alkol, spor ve beslenme ile ilgili alışkanlıkları değerlendirilmiş; alışkanlıklar ve kanser arasındaki ilişki konusundaki bilgileri belirlenmiştir. Bulgular: Araştırmaya %52,7'si erkek, %47,3'ü kadın toplam 184 öğrenci katılmıştır. Araştırma grubunun %41,8'inin yakınında kanser hastalığı öyküsü bulunmaktadır. Öğrencilerin %15,2'si halen sigara içmektedir. Araştırma grubunun %48,4'ü haftada iki kez ya da daha seyrek olarak alkol kullanmaktadır. Araştırma grubunun %24,6'sı düzenli olarak spor yapmaktadır; tüm öğrenciler arasında sedanter olmayanların oranı yalnızca %11,8'dir. Yaşam biçimi ve bazı alışkanlıkların kansere etkisi olduğunu bilenlerin oranı %86,8'dir. Sonuç: Sigara kullanma oranı ülkemizde yapılmış çalışmalara benzer, alkol kullanma oranının ise yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Spor yapan öğrenciler azınlıkta olup çoğunluğun sedanter olduğu, sağlıklı beslenme alışkanlığı olanların oldukça düşük oranda olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırma grubunun şişmanlığın kanser hastalığı oluşumunda etkisi konusundaki bilgi düzeyi düşüktür. Sağlık algısı yüksek ve orta olan öğrenciler daha fazla yağlı ve kalorili gıdalarla beslenmektedir. Öğrencilerin bireysel sağlıklı yaşam biçimini benimsemeleri önemlidir. SUMMARY Objecive: The aim of this study is to determine the knowledge and attitude of first year medical school students about lifestyle related factors and their association with cancers. Material and method: The study group was consisted of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine first grade students. Data is collected with a questionnaire. The questionnaire included questions about demographic characteristics, knowledge and attitudes about cigarette, alcohol, sport and nutrition. Results: Total 184 students respond questionnaire which was 52.7% male and 47.3% female. Forty-two percent of students have at least one relative with a cancer. 15.2% were smokers. Fifty-two of study group were taking alcohol which was more than two times in a week. Twenty-four of study group were doing sport regularly and rate of non-sedentary life was only 11.8% among all students. The effects of lifestyle and some habituation risk factors on cancer diseases were known by 86.8%. Conclusions: Cigarette smoking rates were similarly but alcohol using were higher than our country results. A small part of our population was making sport while more have a sedentary lifestyle and poor healthy nutrition habituation. Knowledge level of obesity on cancer disease development was low. The students with medium and high score of health awareness, have more faty and high calori diet. Acceptance and application of healty lifestyle by students have great importance

    Demographic Characteristics and Clinical Outcome of Work-related Open Globe Injuries in the Most Industrialised Region of Turkey

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    Objectives: To evaluate demographic characteristics and clinical outcomes of work-related open globe injuries in the most industrialized region of Turkey. Materials and Methods: The demographic and medical records of patients with work-related open globe injuries who presented to the ophthalmology or emergency departments with an official occupational accident report were retrospectively reviewed. Visual acuity categories were defined according to the World Health Organization. The injury types and zones of the open globes were classified according to Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology System. Results: Among 479 patients with work-related eye injuries in 5 years, there were 102 eyes of 101 patients with open globe injuries (21%). The mean age of the patients was 34.5±8.9 years with a mean follow-up of 12.5±12.6 months. The injuries peaked in June in the hour between 12:00 and 13:00. Eighty-six percent presented to emergency services within 12 hours after the injury. Twenty-two percent of the patients had been wearing protective eyewear at the time of injury. The open globe injuries were penetrating in 51%, intraocular foreign body in 40%, rupture in 7% and perforation in 2% of the eyes. The most frequent finding was traumatic cataract. Final visual acuity of 33.3% of patients was below 3/60. Seventy-eight percent of patients that had visual acuity worse than 6/18 at presentation had visual acuity of 6/18 or better at final visit. Sixty-three percent of eyes which had injuries involving all 3 zones resulted in phthisis bulbi, enucleation or evisceration. Conclusion: Work-related open globe injuries may have severe consequences such as visual impairment and blindness among the young male working population in industrialized areas. Nearly half of the occupational open globe injuries resulted in visual impairment and blindness