7 research outputs found

    HI-Tree: Mining High Influence Patterns Using External and Internal Utility Values

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    We propose an efficient algorithm, called HI-Tree, for mining high influence patterns for an incremental dataset. In traditional pattern mining, one would find the complete set of patterns and then apply a post-pruning step to it. The size of the complete mining results is typically prohibitively large, despite the fact that only a small percentage of high utility patterns are interesting. Thus it is inefficient to wait for the mining algorithm to complete and then apply feature selection to post-process the large number of resulting patterns. Instead of generating the complete set of frequent patterns we are able to directly mine patterns with high utility values in an incremental manner. In this paper we propose a novel utility measure called an influence factor using the concepts of external utility and internal utility of an item. The influence factor for an item takes into consideration its connectivity with its neighborhood as well as its importance within a transaction. The measure is especially useful in problem domains utilizing network or interaction characteristics amongst items such as in a social network or web click-stream data. We compared our technique against state of the art incremental mining techniques and show that our technique has better rule generation and runtime performance

    Frequent Itemset Mining with Elimination of Null Transactions Over Data Streams

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    A data mining approach for machine fault diagnosis based on associated frequency patterns

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    Bearings play a crucial role in rotational machines and their failure is one of the foremost causes of breakdowns in rotary machinery. Their functionality is directly relevant to the operational performance, service life and efficiency of these machines. Therefore, bearing fault identification is very significant. The accuracy of fault or anomaly detection by the current techniques is not adequate. We propose a data mining-based framework for fault identification and anomaly detection from machine vibration data. In this framework, to capture the useful knowledge from the vibration data stream (VDS), we first pre-process the data using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to extract the frequency signature and then build a compact tree called SAFP-tree (sliding window associated frequency pattern tree), and propose a mining algorithm called SAFP. Our SAFP algorithm can mine associated frequency patterns (i.e., fault frequency signatures) in the current window of VDS and use them to identify faults in the bearing data. Finally, SAFP is further enhanced to SAFP-AD for anomaly detection by determining the normal behavior measure (NBM) from the extracted frequency patterns. The results show that our technique is very efficient in identifying faults and detecting anomalies over VDS and can be used for remote machine health diagnosis. © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York