766 research outputs found

    Quantum Coherence, Coherent Information and Information Gain in Quantum Measurement

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    A measurement is deemed successful, if one can maximize the information gain by the measurement apparatus. Here, we ask if quantum coherence of the system imposes a limitation on the information gain during quantum measurement. First, we argue that the information gain in a quantum measurement is nothing but the coherent information or the distinct quantum information that one can send from the system to apparatus. We prove that the maximum information gain from a pure state, using a mixed apparatus is upper bounded by the initial coherence of the system. Further, we illustrate the measurement scenario in the presence of environment. We argue that the information gain is upper bounded by the entropy exchange between the system and the apparatus. Also, to maximize the information gain, both the initial coherence of the apparatus, and the final entanglement between the system and apparatus should be maximum. Moreover, we find that for a fixed amount of coherence in the final apparatus state the more robust apparatus is, the more will be the information gain.Comment: 6 Pages, Comments are welcom

    Development of transgenic cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) resistant gerbera plants expressing CMV coat protein gene

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    121-130Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii L.) has its immense importance to the floriculture industry worldwide. The gerbera flower production has been hampered by various viruses, among them cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has shown considerable damage.As natural resistance to CMV is absent in gerbera, here, we have made an attempt to develop transgenic gerbera plants expressing coat protein (CP) gene of CMV via Agrobacterium mediated transformation of base petiole explants for genetic resistance to CMV infection. Among the 44 putative transgenic gerbera plant acclimatized, 39 were found positive for integration of CP gene by polymerase chain reaction and southern hybridization assay using their specific primer and probe respectively. Northern hybridization assay using CP gene specific probe confirmed the transcription of transgene in all 39 transgenic plants. These plants showed translation of CP during DAS-ELISA when tested with antiserum specific to CP of CMV. These 39 plants when challenged by mechanical inoculations with CMV gerbera isolate showed virus resistance in 53% (21 out of 39) plants, virus tolerance (delayed mild symptom) in 33% (13/39) plants, while rest 12.8% (5/39) plants showed severe disease symptoms. The CP mediated resistance of CMV in transgenic gerbera is being reported for the first time from India

    Identification of selective cytotoxic and synthetic lethal drug responses in triple negative breast cancer cells

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    Background: Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a highly heterogeneous and aggressive type of cancer that lacks effective targeted therapy. Despite detailed molecular profiling, no targeted therapy has been established. Hence, with the aim of gaining deeper understanding of the functional differences of TNBC subtypes and how that may relate to potential novel therapeutic strategies, we studied comprehensive anticancer-agent responses among a panel of TNBC cell lines.Method: The responses of 301 approved and investigational oncology compounds were measured in 16 TNBC cell lines applying a functional profiling approach. To go beyond the standard drug viability effect profiling, which has been used in most chemosensitivity studies, we utilized a multiplexed readout for both cell viability and cytotoxicity, allowing us to differentiate between cytostatic and cytotoxic responses.Results: Our approach revealed that most single-agent anti-cancer compounds that showed activity for the viability readout had no or little cytotoxic effects. Major compound classes that exhibited this type of response included anti-mitotics, mTOR, CDK, and metabolic inhibitors, as well as many agents selectively inhibiting oncogene-activated pathways. However, within the broad viability-acting classes of compounds, there were often subsets of cell lines that responded by cell death, suggesting that these cells are particularly vulnerable to the tested substance. In those cases we could identify differential levels of protein markers associated with cytotoxic responses. For example, PAI-1, MAPK phosphatase and Notch-3 levels associated with cytotoxic responses to mitotic and proteasome inhibitors, suggesting that these might serve as markers of response also in clinical settings. Furthermore, the cytotoxicity readout highlighted selective synergistic and synthetic lethal drug combinations that were missed by the cell viability readouts. For instance, the MEK inhibitor trametinib synergized with PARP inhibitors. Similarly, combination of two non-cytotoxic compounds, the rapamycin analog everolimus and an ATP-competitive mTOR inhibitor dactolisib, showed synthetic lethality in several mTOR-addicted cell lines.Conclusions: Taken together, by studying the combination of cytotoxic and cytostatic drug responses, we identified a deeper spectrum of cellular responses both to single agents and combinations that may be highly relevant for identifying precision medicine approaches in TNBC as well as in other types of cancers

    SSR marker-based DNA fingerprinting of Sub1 introgressed lines in the background of traditional rice varieties of Assam India

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    350-356Rice varieties are usually characterized by agro-morphological descriptors used for seed certification and seed characterization by following distinctiveness, uniformity, and stability (DUS) test. But in fact, these primary distinguishing morphological descriptors among rice varieties are very limited and hence face problems to distinguish germplasm accessions. Germplasm certification in NBPGR requires a DNA fingerprinting profile to explain germplasm uniqueness compared to existing varieties. Varietal identification has gained a key role worldwide, particularly in plant variety protection. Sixty-two morphological descriptors studies have shown the Sub1 introgressed advanced lines E-6, C-210, C-196, 1189-1 and 1160-1 are distinct from the other varieties for more than 15morphological traits, based on these variations the lines were selected for DNA fingerprinting. About68 SSRs markers were used for DNA fingerprinting in seven genotypes, two of which were parents (Ranjit, Bahadur) and three Sub1 introgressed advanced lines (E6, C210, C196) in Ranjit background, and two Sub1 introgressed advanced lines (1189-1, 1160-1) in Bahadur background. DNA fingerprinting was done on these genotypes of rice using SSR markers. Among the 68 SSR markers, total 65 markers were amplified and three were found not amplified. Out of 65 markersfour of them viz. RM 152, RM 172, RM 251, and RM 346 showed better polymorphism with amplicon size ranges from 155-163 bp, 150-159 bp, 137-147 bp, and 166-175 bp, respectively, and remaining 61 showed monomorphic amplification. Therefore, SSR (Simple-sequence repeats) based DNA fingerprinting helped to differentiate Ranjit, Bahadur, E-6, C-210, C-196, 1189-1, and 1160-1. Hence, the research reveals that newly developed high-yielding Sub1 introgressed advanced lines in the background of traditional Assam rice varieties (Ranjit and Bahadur) are unique in their identity

    Latent HIV in primary T lymphocytes is unresponsive to histone deacetylase inhibitors

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    Recently, there is considerable interest in the field of anti-HIV therapy to identify and develop chromatin-modifying histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors that can effectively reactivate latent HIV in patients. The hope is that this would help eliminate cells harboring latent HIV and achieve an eventual cure of the virus. However, how effectively these drugs can stimulate latent HIVs in quiescent primary CD4 T cells, despite their relevant potencies demonstrated in cell line models of HIV latency, is not clear. Here, we show that the HDAC inhibitors valproic acid (VPA) and trichostatin A (TSA) are unable to reactivate HIV in latently infected primary CD4 T cells generated in the H80 co-culture system. This raises a concern that the drugs inhibiting HDAC function alone might not be sufficient for stimulating latent HIV in resting CD4 T cells in patients and not achieve any anticipated reduction in the pool of latent reservoirs
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