967 research outputs found

    Are critically endangered fish back on the menu? Analysis of U.K. fisheries data suggest post-ban landings of prohibited skates in European waters

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    Skates (Rajidae) have been commercially exploited in Europe for hundreds of years with some species’ abundances declining dramatically during the twentieth century. In 2009 it became “prohibited for EU vessels to target, retain, tranship or land” certain species in some ICES areas, including the critically endangered common skate and the endangered white skate. To examine compliance with skate bans the official UK landings data for 2011–2014 were analysed. Surprisingly, it was found that after the ban prohibited species were still reported landed in UK ports, including 9.6 t of common skate during 2011–2014. The majority of reported landings of common and white skate were from northern UK waters and landed into northern UK ports. Although past landings could not be validated as being actual prohibited species, the landings’ patterns found reflect known abundance distributions that suggest actual landings were made, rather than sporadic occurrence across ports that would be evident if landings were solely due to systematic misidentification or data entry errors. Nevertheless, misreporting and data entry errors could not be discounted as factors contributing to the recorded landings of prohibited species. These findings raise questions about the efficacy of current systems to police skate landings to ensure prohibited species remain protected. By identifying UK ports with the highest apparent landings of prohibited species and those still landing species grouped as'skates and rays’, these results may aid authorities in allocating limited resources more effectively to reduce landings, misreporting and data errors of prohibited species, and increase species-specific landing compliance

    Two’s company, three’s a crowd: fine-scale habitat partitioning by depth among sympatric species of marine mesopredator

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    A sympatric assemblage of morphologically similar predators is expected to exhibit fine-scale habitat segregation, or resource partitioning, to reduce the effects of direct competition. This principle has been well studied for predators in terrestrial ecosystems. In the marine environment, how sympatric species of large predators spatially segregate at the fine-scale is poorly understood because detailed movement and behavioural data is often not available across multiple species within the same timeframe. How co-occurring congeneric predators separate spatially is even less well understood. Medium sized species of skates (Genus Raja) co-occur in temperate habitats of the north-east Atlantic Ocean, share similar morphologies and have distributional ranges that overlap significantly in the western English Channel ecosystem. Here, detailed depth time series retrieved from 89 electronic data storage tags attached to four species of skate were analysed to determine preferred depth ranges. The four species were found to segregate spatially into two groups, with one group having a significantly shallower core annual depth range than the other. To our knowledge fine-scale segregation by depth has not been observed previously. Interestingly the members of each species group appeared complementary, each group comprising species having different dietary preferences and with a larger and smaller body size. An understanding of how core depth ranges differ and how these species utilise vertical habitat has potential to predict geographic ranges around the coast with important implications for how these species interact with fisheries and Marine Protected Areas

    Fisheries: Better policing for fishy catch data

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    Oceanic adults, coastal juveniles: tracking the habitat use of whale sharks off the Pacific coast of Mexico

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    Eight whale sharks tagged with pop-up satellite archival tags off the Gulf of California, Mexico, were tracked for periods of 14–134 days. Five of these sharks were adults, with four females visually assessed to be pregnant. At least for the periods they were tracked, juveniles remained in the Gulf of California while adults moved offshore into the eastern Pacific Ocean. We propose that parturition occurs in these offshore waters. Excluding two juveniles that remained in the shallow tagging area for the duration of tracking, all sharks spent 65 ± 20.7% (SD) of their time near the surface, even over deep water, often in association with frontal zones characterized by cool-water upwelling. While these six sharks all made dives into the meso- or bathypelagic zones, with two sharks reaching the maximum depth recordable by the tags (1285.8 m), time spent at these depths represented a small proportion of the overall tracks. Most deep dives (72.7%) took place during the day, particularly during the early morning and late afternoon. Pronounced habitat differences by ontogenetic stage suggest that adult whale sharks are less likely to frequent coastal waters after the onset of maturity

    Diel vertical migration and central place foraging in benthic predators

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    Diel vertical migration (DVM) is a widespread behaviour among many pelagic species, from zooplankton to sharks and has been widely studied in both marine and freshwater environments. Usually, DVM comprises repeated daily vertical movements through the water column, from shallower at night to deeper during the day. Consequently, DVM is perhaps unexpected in benthic predators. Nonetheless, DVM has been observed in benthic sharks and freshwater teleosts, where it comprises inshore-offshore migrations over the substrate. However, there is no clear evidence of this behaviour in large temperate benthic predators, such as skates. Here we present new observations of DVM in 4 species of skate (Raja brachyura, R. clavata, R. microocellata and R. montagui) that identify it as a general behaviour in this clade. Analysis of 89 depth recording archival tags yielded 674 clear DVM events where skates left daytime deeper waters for shallower nighttime areas before returning to within 2.5 m of starting depths. Interestingly, these events closely resemble those of central place foragers, where shallow areas are foraging and deeper areas are refuging locations. Behaviour such as this has not been previously recorded in marine benthic predators, and the findings suggest that DVM might occur in many other benthic species. A broader understanding of DVM in benthic animals will be important in the design of effective boundaries for marine protected areas. These findings also have implications for trophic coupling between deep and shallow benthic zones. Further characteristics of this unexpected behaviour are presented and hypotheses for its occurrence are discussed

    Complete analysis of the B-cell response to a protein antigen, from in vivo germinal centre formation to 3-D modelling of affinity maturation

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    Somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin variable region genes occurs within germinal centres (GCs) and is the process responsible for affinity maturation of antibodies during an immune response. Previous studies have focused almost exclusively on the immune response to haptens, which may be unrepresentative of epitopes on protein antigens. In this study, we have exploited a model system that uses transgenic B and CD4<sup>+</sup> T cells specific for hen egg lysozyme (HEL) and a chicken ovalbumin peptide, respectively, to investigate a tightly synchronized immune response to protein antigens of widely differing affinities, thus allowing us to track many facets of the development of an antibody response at the antigen-specific B cell level in an integrated system <i>in</i> <i>vivo</i>. Somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin variable genes was analysed in clones of transgenic B cells proliferating in individual GCs in response to HEL or the cross-reactive low-affinity antigen, duck egg lysozyme (DEL). Molecular modelling of the antibody–antigen interface demonstrates that recurring mutations in the antigen-binding site, selected in GCs, enhance interactions of the antibody with DEL. The effects of these mutations on affinity maturation are demonstrated by a shift of transgenic serum antibodies towards higher affinity for DEL in DEL-cOVA immunized mice. The results show that B cells with high affinity antigen receptors can revise their specificity by somatic hypermutation and antigen selection in response to a low-affinity, cross-reactive antigen. These observations shed further light on the nature of the immune response to pathogens and autoimmunity and demonstrate the utility of this novel model for studies of the mechanisms of somatic hypermutation

    Young off-axis volcanism along the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge

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    Author Posting. Š The Authors, 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature Geoscience 3 (2010): 286-292, doi:10.1038/ngeo824.Mid-ocean ridge crustal accretion occurs continuously at all spreading rates through a combination of magmatic and tectonic processes. Fast to slow spreading ridges are largely built by adding magma to narrowly focused neovolcanic zones. In contrast, ultraslow spreading ridge construction significantly relies on tectonic accretion, which is characterized by thin volcanic crust, emplacement of mantle peridotite directly to the seafloor, and unique seafloor fabrics with variable segmentation patterns. While advances in remote imaging have enhanced our observational understanding of crustal accretion at all spreading rates, temporal information is required in order to quantitatively understand mid-ocean ridge construction. However, temporal information does not exist for ultraslow spreading environments. Here, we utilize U-series eruption ages to investigate crustal accretion at an ultraslow spreading ridge for the first time. Unexpectedly young eruption ages throughout the Southwest Indian ridge rift valley indicate that neovolcanic activity is not confined to the spreading axis, and that magmatic crustal accretion occurs over a wider zone than at faster spreading ridges. These observations not only suggest that crustal accretion at ultraslow spreading ridges is distinct from faster spreading ridges, but also that the magma transport mechanisms may differ as a function of spreading rate.This work was supported by the following NSF grants: NSF-OCE 0137325; NSF-OCE 060383800; and NSF-OCE 062705300

    Impact of metabolic comorbidity on the association between body mass index and heatlh-related quality of life: a Scotland-wide cross-sectional study of 5,608 participants

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    <p/>Background: The prevalence of obesity is rising in Scotland and globally. Overall, obesity is associated with increased morbidity, mortality and reduced health-related quality of life. Studies suggest that "healthy obesity" (obesity without metabolic comorbidity) may not be associated with morbidity or mortality. Its impact on health-related quality of life is unknown. <p/>Methods: We extracted data from the Scottish Health Survey on self-reported health-related quality of life, body mass index (BMI), demographic information and comorbidity. SF-12 responses were converted into an overall health utility score. Linear regression analyses were used to explore the association between BMI and health utility, stratified by the presence or absence of metabolic comorbidity (diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia or cardiovascular disease), and adjusted for potential confounders (age, sex and deprivation quintile). <p/>Results: Of the 5,608 individuals, 3,744 (66.8%) were either overweight or obese and 921 (16.4%) had metabolic comorbidity. There was an inverted U-shaped relationship whereby health utility was highest among overweight individuals and fell with increasing BMI. There was a significant interaction with metabolic comorbidity (p = 0.007). Individuals with metabolic comorbidty had lower utility scores and a steeper decline in utility with increasing BMI (morbidly obese, adjusted coefficient: -0.064, 95% CI -0.115, -0.012, p = 0.015 for metabolic comorbidity versus -0.042, 95% CI -0.067, -0.018, p = 0.001 for no metabolic comorbidity). <p/>Conclusions: The adverse impact of obesity on health-related quality of life is greater among individuals with metabolic comorbidity. However, increased BMI is associated with reduced health-related quality of life even in the absence of metabolic comorbidity, casting doubt on the notion of "healthy obesity"

    CD98hc facilitates B cell proliferation and adaptive humoral immunity.

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    The proliferation of antigen-specific lymphocytes and resulting clonal expansion are essential for adaptive immunity. We report here that B cell-specific deletion of the heavy chain of CD98 (CD98hc) resulted in lower antibody responses due to total suppression of B cell proliferation and subsequent plasma cell formation. Deletion of CD98hc did not impair early B cell activation but did inhibit later activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase Erk1/2 and downregulation of the cell cycle inhibitor p27. Reconstitution of CD98hc-deficient B cells with CD98hc mutants showed that the integrin-binding domain of CD98hc was required for B cell proliferation but that the amino acid-transport function of CD98hc was dispensable for this. Thus, CD98hc supports integrin-dependent rapid proliferation of B cells. We propose that the advantage of adaptive immunity favored the appearance of CD98hc in vertebrates
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