32 research outputs found
This research aims for knowing is there is difference enhancement results study chemistry SMP Kalam Kudus Medan using flash animation media with Ms. Power Point on the Discovery Constructive Learning model. The population in this study were students class VIII-B and VIII-C SMP Kalam Kudus Medan. Taking sample study taken by purposive sampling consisting of from class learning Discovery Constructive Learning with flash animation media and in class learning Discovery Constructive Learning with Ms. Power Point media. Type this research is research experiment pseudo . Based on the results of the data requirements test , it is known that both the result data study student class learning Discovery Constructive Learning with flash animation media and class Discovery Constructive Learning with Ms. Power Point media is stated is normally distributed and has uniform variance (homogeneous) . Based on the normalized gain data , the increase in results learn using _ learning Discovery Constructive Learning with flash animation media is 84.43% and an increase results learn using _ Discovery Constructive Learning with Ms. Power Point media is 71.06 %. The size difference enhancement results study chemical students is 13.37%. Test results hypothesis , obtained t < -t½α and t > t½α by using t test two party namely 0.0437 < -0.025 and 0.0437 > 0.025 at the level significance = 0.025. This means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted , where Ha = exists difference enhancement results study chemistry SMP Kalam Kudus Medan using flash animation media with Ms. Power Point on the Discovery Constructive Learning model for class VIII SMP Kalam Kudus Medan on the subject discussion substance additive food 2013/2014.
Keywords: Discovery Constructive Learning model, IT media , SMP Kalam Kudus Meda
Analysis of Chemical Practicum Guides for Learning Evaluation Based on the National Education Standards
This study aims to analyze the outstanding
practicum guides so as to know the feasibility of practicum guidance books that are suitable for grade XI students of odd semester high school. This research is also part of the study of the development of STEM-DL integrated practicum guides to improve student learning outcomes. The samples in this study are two chemistry lab guides of XI Senior High School (SMA) that have been spreading. There are three aspects to the assessment of this book, namely the appropriateness of content, the appropriateness of language, and the appropriateness of presentation using a Likert scale. The analysis used is descriptive analysis which is done by calculating the percentage value of content, language and presentation. The results of the feasibility analysis of chemical practicum guides that are spread based on national education agency standards. 1) the feasibility of the contents of book A 2.04 and book B 2.41, 2) the feasibility of book A language 2.60 and book B 3.00 and 3) the feasibility of presenting book A 2, 14 and book B 2.57
The ricinoleic of Castor Oil was dehydrated by various dehydrator agent (P2O5, K2CO3, H3PO4, NaHSO4, Al2O3, molecular sieve and activated bentonite at 450 °C - HCl) on the same condition (150 °C, mol ratio 1:1 and 2 hours ). The compositions of Refined Ricinus Castor Oil as starting material were : 0.92% palmitic , 5.56% linoleic , 4.07% octadecanoic , 1.22% stearic and 85.06% ricinoleic. The spesific wave number of IR was bandwith 3411 cm-1 caused of hydroxyl (-OH) group of ricinoleic at C-12 as main component. The product was Dehydrated Castor Oil (DCO) mixed of linoleic (omega 6) [C18 : 2 (9,12)] and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) [C18: 2 (9,11)]. The best dehydrator was P2O5 based on three parameters were : Free Fatty Acid (FFA) nearly the same (1.855% of Castor oil and 2.139% of DCO), the most increased of Iodium value (49.860 mg/g of Castor oil in to 63.090 mg/g of DCO), and the most decresed of hydroxyl number (28.27 mg of Castor oil in to 17.75 mg/g of DCO). To optimized the dehydration was done by various number of P2O5 (3g, 5g and 7g), tempereture (room, 100 °C and 150 °C) and time (2h, 2.5h, 3h, and 3.5h). The optimal conditon of dehydration was not found yet. Some of sugestted or idea for dehydration were: dehydration must be done by base or netral, non oxydator dehydrator, mol ratio 1:1, temperature (100-150 °C) and 2-3.5 h. Based on GC-MS the best DCO (7g P2O5, 150 °C and 3.5 h) were showed that the decrease of ricinoleic 14.13% (85.08% of Castor Oil in to 70.93% of DCO), increased linoleic 2.09% (5.56 of Castor oil in to 7.65% of DCO) and conducted of 9.09% CLA. Some new peaks between linoleic and ricinoleic are maybe isomer's of linoleic and CLA. The wave number of cunjugated alkene (C=C) (1666.3 cm-1) of IR spectra of DCO together with GC-MS chromatogram's to indicated that linoleic and CLA were conducted.
Keywords: castor oil, risinoleic, dehydration, omega 6 dan CL
TRANSFORMATION OF RICINOLEIC OF CASTOR Oil INTO LINOLEIC (OMEGA-6) AND CONJUGATED LINOLEICACID BY DEHYDRATION Transformasi Risinoleat Minyak Jarak Seeara Dehidrasi Menjadi Linoleat Omega 6 dan Linoleat Terkonjugasi
The ricinoleic of Castor Oil was dehydrated by various cehydrator agent (P20S, K2C03, H3P04, NaHS04, A1203,
molecular sieve and activated bentonite at 450°C -HCI) on the same condition (150°C, mol ratio 1:1 and 2 hours).
The compositions of Refined Ricinus Castor Oil as starting material were: .0.92%palmitic, 5.56% linoleic, 4.07%
octadecanoic, 1.22% stearic and 85.06% ricinoleic. The spesific wave number of IR was bandwith 3411 cm"
caused of hydroxyl (-OH) group of ricinoleic at C-12 as mai,component. The product was Dehydrated Castor Oil
(DCO) mixed of linoleic (omega 6) [C18: 2 (9,12)] and ConjugatedLinoleicAcid (CLA)[C18: 2 (9,11)].
The best dehydrator was P20Sbased on three parameters were : Free Fatty Acid (FFA) nearly the same
(1.855% of Castor oil and 2.139% of DCO), the most increased of lodium value (49.860 mg/g of Castor oil in to
63.090 mg/g of DCO), and the most decresedof hydroxyl number (28.27mg of Castor oil in to 17.75mg/g of DCO).
Tooptimizedthedehydrationwasdoneby variousnumberof P20S (3g,5gand7g),tempereture(room,100°C
and 150 °C) and time (2h, 2.5h, 3h, and 3.5h). The optimal conditon of dehydration was not found yet. Some of
sugestted or idea for dehydration were: dehydration must be done by base or netral, non oxydator dehydrator, mol
ratio 1:1,temperature(100-150°C)and2-3.5 h. Basedon GC-MSthebestDCO(7gP20S, 150°Cand3.5h) were
showed that the decrease of ricinoleic 14.13%(85.08%pf Castor Oil in to 70.93%of DCO), increased linoleic 2.09%
(5.56 of Castor oil in to 7.65% of DCO) and conducted of 9.09% CLA. Some new peaks between linoleic and
ricinoleic are maybe isomer\u27s of linoleic and .eLA. The wave number of cunjugated alkene (C=C) (1666.3 cm-1)of IR
spectra of DCO together with GC-MSchromatogram\u27s to indicated that linoleic and CLA were conducted.
Keywords: castor oil, risinoleic, dehydration, omega 6 dan CL
Study of Dehydration of Ricinoleic of Castor Oil By P2O5
The aim of this research is to find out the best temperature, time and amount of dehydrator on dehyration of ricinoleic of castor oil by P2O5. Dehydration as means to obtain linoleic and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) as glyseride forms. Dehydration was carried out using various temperature, time and amount of dehydrator. The reaction medium was maintained under vacuum through by silica gel to reduced water, gentle bubling with nitrogen thorough by Mg to prevent oxidation, and used Zn powder as an antipolymerization agent. Dehydration was followed by GC which the best result was caused the lowest ricinoleic and the highets linoleic and CLA. Identification was done by FTIR, UV and GC- MS and it was compared with the standard. The best dehydration was obtain for 200oC, 3% (w/w) P2O5, and 4 h with a convertion factor (yield) of 97,94%. The composition of best result was: 1.02% (9c – 12c) linoleic, 41.97% (9c/t – 12t/c) linoleic, 19.50% (9c/t-12t/c) CLA, 4.89% (9t – 12t)linoleic,19.79%(9t–11t)CLA and0.94%ricinoleic.TheratioofCLA:linoleicofdehydrated was 0.82 : 1 or 76.18 % compared to the standard CLA with the proportions of 1.45:1
Transformasi risinoleat minyak kastor: menjadi berbagai senyawa yang lebih bermanfaat
xii, 156 p. ; 23 cm
Spektroskopi elusidasi struktur molekul organik
viii, 96 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 23 cm