3 research outputs found

    Gaya keibubapaan dan penyalahgunaan dadah: kajian sistematik literatur

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    Sistematik literatur ini dibuat untuk mengesan sejauh mana gaya keibubapaan memberi pengaruh terhadap penyalahgunaan dadah dalam kalangan remaja. Objektif kajian ini melihat kaitan gaya keibubapaan dengan penagihan dadah, mengenal pasti jenis gaya keibubapaan yang dikaitkan dengan penagihan dadah, dan melihat faktor lain yang mempengaruhi penagihan dadah. Kajian sistematik literatur ini dijalankan melalui penggunaan beberapa kata nama seperti parenting style dan drug abuse dengan menggunakan pencarian daripada SCOPUS, Science direct, dan Elsevier database, sebagai sumber utama untuk mendapatkan artikel jurnal. Implikasi dari kajian ini, kaunselor mesti menerima golongan ini tanpa syarat dan melayan mereka dengan lebih terbuka. Selain itu, penerokaan masa lalu golongan ini berkaitan gaya asuhan yang diterima juga sangat penting. Hasil kajian ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa gaya asuhan berkait rapat dengan kecenderungan remaja dalam melibatkan diri dengan penagihan dadah. Kesimpulannya, gaya autoritatif dan autoritarian lebih melindungi remaja berbanding gaya permisif dan pengabaian

    MYDAMAI HOME apps for post COVID 19 pandemic: an innovative system to enhance well-being via work-life balance among women

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    Following the COVID 19 pandemic outbreak, mental health and wellbeing of employed women are at stake. The Movement Control Order (MCO) has forced the majority employed women to play multiple roles in a 24/7 situation with little break if ever for her own self-care. Therefore, we propose a new employment scheme called DAMAI (Domestic Assistant Malaysian Affectionate Initiative) along with mobile and web applications online housekeepers and caregivers to improve the well-being of working women by including computer implemented genogram as mental health screening. To provide a comprehensive solution to the problem, human ecological theory, family systems theory and women well-being model are discussed. While the theory of planned behavior (TBP) and technology acceptance models are referred to in the development of web and mobile applications called MyDAMAI HOME. Finally, the presentation of the Mock Up MyDAMAI Home mark the end this paper with conclusion

    Diversity of Non-Volant Small Mammals in Pulau Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia

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    A non-volant small mammal survey was conducted at Pulau Tinggi between July and September 2019. This study aimed to provide baseline data for non-volant small mammals in Pulau Tinggi by setting 55 cage traps and 20 pitfalls for 44 trapping nights. A total of 20 individuals of non-volant small mammals were documented, representing five species from three families: Soricidae, Sciuridae and Muridae. The Rajah spiny rat (Maxomys rajah) and the Red spiny rat (Maxomys surifer) were the most abundant species (n=6) of non-volant small mammals in Pulau Tinggi. The Malayan field rat (Rattus tiomanicus) was the least species (n=1). The Malayan shrew (Crocidura malayana) is the only shrew recorded on the island. The analysis of similarities between our study site and other Malaysian islands reveals that Pulau Tinggi shares more similarities with Pulau Pangkor and Pulau Perhentian than Pulau Tioman. The small mammal richness on Pulau Tinggi is relatively low compared to other islands, most likely due to the study site’s limited coverage and time constraints. Long-term monitoring is required to determine the true diversity of species and distribution of small mammals on Pulau Tinggi