857 research outputs found

    UU Nomor 34 Tahun 2004 dan UU Nomor 12 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah: antara DAS Sollen dan DAS Sein

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    Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintah Daerah atau lazim disebut sebagai Undang-undang Otonomi Daerag secara legal dan yuridis telah dishkan dan ditandatangani oleh Presiden Replublik Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri di Jakarta pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2004. Selain itu juga telah diundangkan oleh Sekretaris Negara Republik Indonesia Bambang Kesowo dalam Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2004 Nomor 125. Ini berarti membuka pintu kajian semakin jelas (transparan) akan pentingnya keterlibatan dari masyarakat maupun pemerintah dalam mematuhi secara sadar isi dari Undang-undang yang telah disahkan tersebut (das sollen) dan dilaksanakan secara konsekuen dalam komunikasi/hubungan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara, bahkan berpolitik (das sein)

    Peran Advokat dalam Pengembangan Ekonomi Syariah Khususnya di Bidang Perbankan Syariah

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    The Advocate Role 117 Sharia Economic Developmental, a especial of Islamic Sharia Banking, in the context of increasingly widespread Islamic economy these days, it is much needed role of the Advocate. The Advocates help solving the problem; giving and serving legal advice, among others in the field of Islamic banking, Islamic insurance, Islamic mutual funds, and broker sharia; creating a legal audit and legal opinion in preparation for the establishment, mergers and acquisitions sharia, including for the purpose of borrowing money and investing; conducting advocacy in the forum court; creating of legal drafting and Islamic business contracts, representing a company attorney at sharia arbitration forum either institutional or ad hoc or on the forum Alternative Settlement Issues (alternative dispute resolution), for example: mediation, consultation, negotiation, conciliation and expert evaluation

    Elasticities of Output Supply and Input Demand of Indonesian Foodcrops and Their Policy Implications: Multi-input Multi-output Framework*)

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    It is a commonly practiced that agricultural economists frame their analyses within the single commodity (multi-input single-output) framework. The problem with this framework is that this seems to be inappropriate because most agricultural production systems are characterized by multi-product farms. Motivated by this problem, this paper is aimed at providing a brief explanation on the multi-input multi-output (MI-MO) framework and applying the framework on the Indonesian food crops subsector. Based on this framework, an econometric model is specified and then estimated using the restricted seemingly unrelated regression method. Estimated cross-price elasticities obtained from the model suggest the significance of cross-effects of input or output prices on input demand or output supply, justifying the MI-MO nature of the crops. The most notable policy implication from this study is that a price policy on either outputs or inputs may not be effective. If, however, such a policy were politically desirable, it should be applied on inputs rather than on outputs because the magnitudes of the elasticities are in absolute term higher in input demands than in output supplies

    Hukum dan Kekuasaan Hukum

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    Hak-hak warga negara tidak saja diancam oleh kekuasaan hukum, melainkan juga oleh pribadi.Pada masa lalu, penekanan dalam kekuasaan hukum adalah pada perlindungan terhadap individu warga negara. Asumsi yang mendasarinya adalah bahwa dalam kondisi-kondisi moderen negara baik kalangan legislatif,eksekutif, yudikatif, maupun kekuasaan pengusaha, bahkan kekuasaan partai pilitik yang bertentangan atau melawan hukum

    Analisis Disparitas Putusan Hakim dalam Penjatuhan Pidana terhadap Tindak Pidana Perjudian

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    According to the Kartini Kartono at her book âSocial Patologyâ (2005), Criminal Law used to solve social problems, expecially to crime prevention, as one of the society desease and social patology form like gambling case. Gambling at the history process from generation to generation, it is not easy to be prevented, although the reality showed that result from gambling by goverment can be used for development activities. Article 1 Undang- undang No 7 Tahun 1974 about Penertiban Perjudian, regarded as reasonable and legitimate, but very threaten the social society. Legal doctrine ruled that âRes Judicate Pro Veritate Hebeturâ it means that everything is decided by the judge was correct, although at the reality it is not true until it binding and cannot be cancelled by other court. As court function, behavior of law enforcement, expecially Integrated Justice System and more expecially is judge behavior, became one of the main barometer for a state law to know how affectuation law and legislation.Reality, at the court, judge can be decided criminal offense according to the gambling action but different (disparitas) although at the same case

    Sumpah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    : Civil Servants Oath in the Perspective of Islamic Law. In Indonesia, all employees working for the government or other formal organizations are required to take an oath of office prior to undertaking duties. The implementation of the oath are arranged in a number of regulations, ranging from Government Regulations, Presidential Regulations, to Ministerial Regulations. The oath-taking was also conducted before a person occupies a particular position. In the perspective of Islamic law, the oath-taking is also known particularly in court. God condemns the perpetrators of perjury or who do not implement the contents of the oath as it is stated in several verses of the Koran, such as Ali Imran [3]: 77. Ironically, the rule does not have significant effects on the reduction of abuse of power in this country. This research is motivated by such a phenomenon

    Shelf Life Estimation of Instant Noodle From Sago Starch and Catfish (Pangasius SP.) Using Accelerated Method

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    The research purpose was to estimate the shelf life of noodle from sagostarch and catfish (Pangasius sp.). Shelf life is one of the requirements that mustbe met before marketing of food products. Shelf life estimation was using theaccelerated method of observation of instant noodles for 28 days at three differenttemperatures namely 35°C, 45°C and 55°C. Parameters observed during thestorage process were the assessment of sensory level of rancidity and TBA value.Results show that shelf life of sago instant noodle by organoleptic assessment was35,81 days and the shelf life of sago instant noodle by TBA value was 44,85 daysat a temperature of 27oC. For food quality and safety reason, the shorter shelf lifeperiod (35,81 days) was choosen as shelf life of sago instant noodle


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    Mesin Open Top Roller (OTR) adalah suatu mesin penggulung daun teh yang terdapat pada pabrik PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV Unit Bah Butong yang berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan cairan sel pucuk layu dengan menggulung teh pucuk layu. Untuk mengetahui tingkat keefektifan dari mesin penggulung Open Top Roller (OTR) maka dilakukan analisa dengan metode OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), Six Big Losses, dan menganalisa tingkat resiko kegagalan pada komponen mesin penggulung Open Top Roller (OTR) digunakan metode FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) sehingga didapatkan nilai Risk Priority Number (RPN) yang tertinggi sebagai penyebab dominan kegagalan yaitu komponen Silinder penggulung, meja penggiling, Poros engkol, Elektro motor dan V-belt. Berdasarkan analisa didapat hasil perhitungan dengan nilai rata-rata availability 89.74%, performa efficiency 75.79%, rate of quality product 100% dan OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) yaitu 67.99% dan nilai Risk Priority Number (RPN) pada komponen-komponen Silinder penggulung 21, meja penggiling 105, Poros engkol 120, Elektro motor 63 dan V-belt 30. Dengan adanya analisa ini dapat dirancang pencegahan sehingga dapat mengurangi terjadinya breakdown pada mesin penggulung Open Top Roller (OTR)