21 research outputs found
Effect of Additives on UV-Activated Urethane Acrylate Polymerization Composite Coatings
An increased demand for new and improved coating systems, for environmental & health & safety and performance reasons, have appeared during the recent decades. Currently, there is new interest in preparation of thin UV curable urethane acrylate (UA) composite coatings with short-term properties. Cellulose based additives: nitrocellulose, cellulose acetate butyrate, sucrose benzoate and silica were evaluated to determine their influence on unreacted composite characteristics (viscosity, pigment suspension stability) and characteristics of cured film (ultimate tensile strength, elongation at break, surface gloss, surface scratch resistance and film adhesion loss time). The most suitable additive content was found to provide required viscosity. All additives increase surface scratch resistance, but cellulose based additives increase surface gloss values and decrease the time of adhesion loss. Silica has great effect on the interaction between linear and hyperbranched urethane acrylates, which has crucial influence on the stability of uncured pigmented mixture samples
Ekodizaina metode Ä·Ä«misko vielu nevÄlamas ietekmes uz vidi un cilvÄku veselÄ«bu samazinÄÅ”anai produkta dzÄ«ves ciklÄ
AugoÅ”s pierÄdÄ«jumu daudzums par produktu sastÄvÄ esoÅ”o kaitÄ«go Ä·Ä«misko vielu nelabvÄlÄ«go ietekmi uz vidi un cilvÄku veselÄ«bu liecina par nepiecieÅ”amÄ«bu samazinÄt Å”Ädu vielu saturu produktos un izdalÄ«Å”anos no tiem, ko varÄtu realizÄt ar ekodizaina ā vidi saudzÄjoÅ”u produktu izstrÄdes ā palÄ«dzÄ«bu. PÄrskatot zinÄtniskÄs publikÄcijas ekodizaina jomÄ, konstatÄts, ka paÅ”reiz ekodizaina metodes nepilnÄ«gi nodroÅ”ina materiÄlu sastÄvÄ esoÅ”o vielu kaitÄ«gÄs ietekmes uz veselÄ«bu un vidi novÄrÅ”anu. TÄpÄc radÄ«ta jauna, daļÄji kvantitatÄ«va ekodizaina metode, apvienojot produktu izstrÄdes prasÄ«bas ar zinÄtniskÄ Ä·Ä«miskÄ riska novÄrtÄÅ”anas principiem. Metode tiek aprobÄta, demonstrÄjot tÄs izmantoÅ”anu. Metode ļauj produkta izstrÄdÄtÄjam identificÄt pÄrmaiÅu nepiecieÅ”amÄ«bu, un izstrÄdÄt ekodizaina priekÅ”likumus un izvÄrtÄt alternatÄ«vas, turklÄt veicinot saziÅu par materiÄlu Ä«paŔībÄm un ietekmi uz vidi un cilvÄka veselÄ«bu izejvielu un produktu piegÄdes Ä·ÄdÄ.
Darba mÄrÄ·is ir izstrÄdÄt ekodizaina metodi, ar kuras palÄ«dzÄ«bu samazinÄt Ä·Ä«misku vielu nevÄlamo ietekmi uz vidi un cilvÄka veselÄ«bu produkta dzÄ«ves ciklÄ. MÄrÄ·a sasniegÅ”anai veikti Å”Ädi uzdevumi: 1) izstrÄdÄt ekodizaina priekÅ”likumu identificÄÅ”anas un vÄrtÄÅ”anas kritÄriju sistÄmu, Åemot vÄrÄ materiÄlos esoÅ”o vielu toksiskÄs Ä«paŔības, atkÄrtotas izmantoÅ”anas un reÄ£enerÄcijas iespÄjas, dizaina parametrus un produkta dzÄ«ves ciklu, 2) izstrÄdÄt pamatprincipus, kÄ pÄrbaudÄ«t informÄciju par bÄ«stamajÄm vielÄm materiÄlos un Ä·imikÄlijÄs, lai nodroÅ”inÄtu ticamus datus produktu izvÄrtÄÅ”anai, 3) aprobÄt ekodizaina metodi, eksperimentÄli izpÄtot konkrÄtus produktus un tÄ demonstrÄjot metodes izmantoÅ”anas iespÄjas un informÄcijas pieejamÄ«bu.
Darba struktÅ«ra un apjoms: darbs sastÄv no ievada, ÄetrÄm nodaļÄm un secinÄjumiem, un pielikuma; tajÄ ir 132 lappuses, 39 attÄli, 41 tabula, literatÅ«ras saraksts ar 249 informÄcijas avotiem.
Darba zinÄtniskÄ novitÄte: izstrÄdÄta jauna ekodizaina metode produktu sastÄvÄ paredzÄto Ä·Ä«misko vielu ietekmes samazinÄÅ”anai un materiÄlu atkÄrtotas izmantoÅ”anas un pÄrstrÄdes veicinÄÅ”anai, vadoties pÄc Ä·Ä«misko vielu bÄ«stamajÄm Ä«paŔībÄm, materiÄla Ä«paŔībÄm, produkta dzÄ«ves cikla aspektiem un dizaina parametriem. Metodes zinÄtniskÄs novitÄtes:
1) zinÄtniskÄ Ä·Ä«miskÄ riska novÄrtÄjuma principu piemÄroÅ”ana ekodizaina, tas ir, produktu izstrÄdes vajadzÄ«bÄm, radot jaunu ekodizaina metodi, 2) izveidota Ä·Ä«miskÄs bÄ«stamÄ«bas un iedarbÄ«bas, kÄ arÄ« materiÄlu atkÄrtotas izmantoÅ”anas un pÄrstrÄdes iespÄju novÄrtÄÅ”anas sistÄma, kas ļauj izstrÄdÄt ekodizaina risinÄjumus produktiem, nodroÅ”inot labÄku patÄrÄtÄju veselÄ«bas un vides aizsardzÄ«bu no produktu sastÄvÄ esoÅ”o toksisko vielu nelabvÄlÄ«gÄs hroniskÄs iedarbÄ«bas, kÄ arÄ« mazinot materiÄlu resursu noplicinÄÅ”anu.
Promocijas darbs izstrÄdÄts ar Eiropas SociÄlÄ fonda atbalstu projektÄ āAtbalsts RTU doktora studiju Ä«stenoÅ”anaiā
Development Set of Criteria as an Eco-Design Tool for the Evaluation of Environmental Impact of Material Choice
Ekodizains ir daļa no produkta izstrÄdes procesa. TÄ mÄrÄ·is ir samazinÄt produkta ietekmi uz vidi visÄ tÄ dzÄ«ves ciklÄ. MÅ«sdienÄs ekodizaina nozÄ«me aizvien pieaug, un likumdevÄji Å”o pieeju to iestrÄdÄ arÄ« jaunÄkajos likumdoÅ”anas aktos. Tai paÅ”Ä laikÄ ekodizaina ievieÅ”ana rÅ«pniecÄ«bÄ kavÄjas, jo vairums izstrÄdÄto ekodizaina instrumentu un vadlÄ«niju orientÄjas uz stratÄÄ£isko lÄ«meni, bet trÅ«kst praktisku ievieÅ”anas instrumentu. Lai veicinÄtu ekodizaina ievieÅ”anu rÅ«pniecÄ«bÄ, nepiecieÅ”ams izstrÄdÄt vienkÄrÅ”us instrumentus, kas vadÄs no jaunÄkajiem zinÄtniskajiem atklÄjumiem un padara tos ievieÅ”amus ražoÅ”anÄ produkta izstrÄdes procesÄ. Å Ä« raksta mÄrÄ·is ir iepazÄ«stinÄt ar apsvÄrumiem kritÄriju kopas izstrÄdei materiÄlu izvÄlei, Åemot vÄrÄ publicÄto dzÄ«ves ciklu analīžu rezultÄtus un datus par materiÄlu ietekmi uz vidi. PiedÄvÄtÄ kritÄriju kopa balstÄs uz trim galvenajiem kritÄrijiem ā toksiskumu, reciklÄjamÄ«bu (atkÄrtotas izmantoÅ”anas spÄju), enerÄ£ijas patÄriÅu, kas atbilst citu zinÄtnieku publicÄto dzÄ«ves cikla anaļīžu pÄtÄ«jumu rezultÄtiem. Å ie kritÄriji ir saistÄ«ti viens ar otru ā palielinot reciklÄjamÄ«bu, var samazinÄt enerÄ£ijas patÄriÅu un toksisku vielu izkliedi. InovatÄ«va pieeja Å”ajÄ kritÄriju kopÄ saistÄs ar to, ka produkta dizains ā produkta struktÅ«ra un izmantoÅ”anas veids ir saistÄ«tts ar reciklÄjamÄ«bu, toksiskumu un enerÄ£ijas patÄriÅu. NÄkoÅ”ais solis kritÄriju sistÄmas pilnveidoÅ”ÄnÄir kvantificÄjamu vÄrtÄ«bu izstrÄde (5 vienÄ«bas), lai piemÄrotu Å”o kritÄriju izmantoÅ”anu produkta izstrÄdes procesÄ, tas ir, radÄ«tu instrumentu Ätra, lai gan virspusÄja, pÄrskata iegÅ«Å”anai
Chemical Risk Communication from the Ecodesign Perspective: Legislative Preconditions and Needs for More Information than Required by Law
Ecodesign or design for the environment is a systematic design approach to reduce environmental
impacts of products and to achieve higher protection standards than set by law.
The chemicals legislation of the European Union is seen as one of the most advanced in the world
regarding protection of human health and environment. REACH - Regulation concerning the
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals enhances risk communication
on the supply chain and makes a ground for generation of chemicals safety information,
e.g., feeds the information needed for communicating chemicalsā risks down the supply stream
including classification, labeling and safety data sheets as required by the regulation on CLP
(Classification - Labelling - Packaging) according to GHS (Globally Harmonized System of
Chemicals). The main responsibility about chemicalsā safety is placed on the industry; however,
the most dangerous chemicals are restricted and banned in a transparent and systematic way. Are
the risk assessment measures upstream sufficient for the ecodesign? Is it needed to judge upon
chemical risks of the non-chemical products during design phase to achieve higher standards for
the environmental and human health protection?
This study indicates the benefits from the REACH system for the ecodesign, as well as highlights
the needs for an enhanced risk communication on the supply chain compared to the current
legislative requirements, especially regarding the materials: intended content of chemicals and
residues /impurities. For example, in order to demonstrate compliance with environmental labelling
criteria, very detailed information about the chemicals contained in materials is required
Information System on Substances in Products and Raw Materials as an Important Step to Reach Compliance with RoHS Directive in a Company
RoHS directive restricts the use of certain substances in new electric and electronic equipment. Producers as well as importers must be able to demonstrate compliance by technical documentation or other information. A very important step within a compliance strategy is development of an internal information system to ensure the proper documentation. The documentation created internally and provided by suppliers shall fulfil the com-panyās own information needs, as well as satisfy the enforcement authorities. RoHS directive provides no stan-dards for the documentation how to demonstrate compliance. Regarding such raw materials as chemicals, legis-lation like REACH prescribes very clear requirements for information (Safety Data Sheets). With regard to other raw materials, there are no exact rules. On one hand, it gives a room for innovation and free interpretation focus-ing on companyās own needs. On the other hand, it bears certain insecurity whether the information provided is proper and sufficient. It also means that internal standards for elaboration and checking of the documentation provided by suppliers are necessary. The existing situation in Latvia with product declarations regarding RoHS from the perspective of industrial companies and enforcement authorities is analyzed in this article. Main chal-lenges are identified and suggestions for improvement options of product declarations and internal information system are given
Legislative Developments and Ecodesign Tools for Reduction of Chemical Risks
LikumdoÅ”ana un ekodizaina paÅÄmieni ar Ä·imikÄlijÄm saistÄ«to risku mazinÄÅ”anai. Vides piesÄrÅojums ar Ä·Ä«miskajÄm vielÄm vielÄm ir sasniedzis tÄdus apmÄrus, kas pieprasa nekavÄjoÅ”u rÄ«cÄ«bu. Pasaules samits 2002 gadÄ formulÄja ambiciozu mÄrÄ·i lÄ«dz 2020 gadam samazinÄt Ä·imikÄliju izsaukto negatÄ«vo ietekmi uz cilvÄka veselÄ«bu un vidi. RakstÄ apskatÄ«ti svarÄ«gÄkie normatÄ«vie akti, kas paredz produktu (izstrÄdÄjumu) radÄ«to Ä·Ä«misko risku samazinÄÅ”anu: REACH (Regula par Ä·Ä«misko vielu reÄ£istrÄÅ”anu, licenzÄm un ierobežojumiem), RoHS (BÄ«stamo vielu ierobežojumu direktÄ«va) un citi. Raksts kÄ vienu no visefektÄ«vÄkajÄm metodÄm Ä·Ä«misko vielu riska samazinÄÅ”anai piedÄvÄ ekodizainu, ko izmanto produkta izstrÄdes fÄzÄ, kad ir iespÄjams izvairÄ«ties no problemÄtisku materiÄlu lietoÅ”anas, vai ieviest slÄgtas sistÄmas ražoÅ”anÄ. PublikÄcija analizÄ esoÅ”os ekodizaina instrumentus attiecÄ«bÄ uz to potenciÄlu samazinÄt produktu (izstrÄdÄjumu) radÄ«to Ä·Ä«misko vielu risku un panÄkt atbilstÄ«bu likumdoÅ”anas prasÄ«bÄm. ApzinÄtas likumdoÅ”anas kritiskÄs vietas, kas neveicina nevÄlamu vielu izmantoÅ”anas pÄrtraukÅ”anu. UzskaitÄ«tas galvenÄs grÅ«tÄ«bas, kas kavÄ ekodizaina instrumentu izmantoÅ”anu Ä·Ä«misko risku samazinÄÅ”ana
When is Green Really Green? A Latvian Case Study on Updating of Food Supply Green Public Procurement
Green public procurement (GPP) is an important tool and is used to reduce adverse environmental impacts caused by food production. To have a more detailed look at the application of GPP in Latvia, the authors screened 97 public tenders for supply of food products, documenting the choice of the green criteria. Only 15 % of the screened tender documents corresponded to the national GPP requirements. Only 4 % of the tender documents gave higher priority exclusively for organic products compared to products within national quality schemes or integrated pest management agriculture. The authors compared these findings with the opinions of environmental experts, GPP guidelines by the European Commission, and experience from other countries. The authors conclude that 1) self-reporting is not an appropriate method to measure the implementation level of GPP, and 2) having a large number of criteria without clear goals can lead to using the easiest, but least environmentally beneficial options, and 3) for some tenders complying with national GPP, the environmental benefits may be unclear
Set of Criteria for Environmentally Sound Material Choice as an Eco-Design Tool
Eco-design is a part of a product design process with the aim to reduce the environmental impact of the product during its entire life cycle. Despite of recognition on the strategic level and growing market interest for green products, the practical implementation of eco-design in industry, especially small and medium size enterprises, is slow. One of the reasons is lack of simple and practical tools. An important part of the product design process having considerable consequences for the environment and human health is the material selection. Therefore, we aimed at development of a screening and ranking tool, which would address 3 issues ā toxic dispersion, material use and embodied energy - from a life cycle perspective.
The offered set of criteria provide the 5-level grading system expressed in the following words: negligible, low, moderate, high, very high. Development of criteria is based on the following information sources and considerations:
ā¢Criterion on embodied energy of the material is based on information on MJ of energy, necessary for extraction and production of 1 kg of the raw material. Further processing of the material requires some energy as well, but it is usually less than in the initial production, and therefore disregarded.
ā¢Criterion on toxic dispersion is based on information on classification and labelling system (e.g. hazard communication tool enforced by legislation [6]), environmental properties of chemical (mobility, stability), binding to the product matrix, use patterns of the product and end of life scenario.
ā¢Recyclability criterion is based on the inherent recyclability of the material, product design and end of life scenario of the product.
This criteria system is utilising information, which shall be available for the producer of the product e.g. article (design, use, potential end of the life scenario), or which can be obtained from suppliers (e.g. properties of chemical substances within materials); however, some information has to be obtained from the publicly available and commercial data basis. The method is universal and applicable for different products; the quantitative results are suitable only for internal use within company. Nevertheless, this criteria system promotes collection of information, which can be valuable for application of other tools and instruments e.g. eco-labelling.
Although new EU legislation ā REACH places all responsibility on the supplier of the chemicals (e.g. producer of importer) requesting that all the chemicals placed on the market must be safe for the intended use there is still a place also for producers of articles to screen the chosen materials regarding the content of chemicals since the common legislation usually sets the minimum standards, which might not be sufficient for a company aiming at the products with higher environmental performance or having higher social responsibility. Also, the āsafetyā of the materials depends very much on the implementation level of REACH, especially with regard to the imported materials
Aspects of the Allocation Problem and Boundary Assessment in Life Cycle Assessment of Latvian Pellet Flow Chain
Latvia has increased its own forested area from 44% to 55% in the last 10 years and therefore the crucial position of this renewable source in the energy strategy of the country appears evident. Latvianās energy supply is based on a balanced mixture of energy sources, in which renewable sources are represented with circa 30% in the final energy consumption for the year 2007. The EU directive fixes the target of 40% share of renewable energy resources in the final consumption in 2020.
In the light of a constant need to reduce the GHG emissions, with the consequent increase of use of renewable sources, the environmental sustainability is fundamental for future Latvian energy strategies. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one approach that enables the energy requirements, GHG balance and other environmental impacts of bioenergy production chains to be accounted and accurately compared. Hence, LCA seems to be an appropriate tool to provide information on environmental repercussion for analysis regarding the global wood fuel flow chain.
Under impulse of the previous statements the primary objective of the work is a study of the environmental impact of the entire Latvian wood fuel flow chain with focus on the woody biomass for final production of thermal energy. The production of thermal energy from wood pellets focusing on the complication derived from allocation and boundary assumptions will be discussed and presented in the paper. A number of different methods for co-product allocation can be found in the literature ranging from no co-product allocation, allocation by price, energy content, mass, or by substitution with the product they might replace. The choice of different wood flow boundaries could affect the precision and consistency of the analysis.
The outcome of the sensitivity analysis is focused on how the use of different methodology for the allocation and boundary definition affects the final result
The Environmental Impacts of a Desktop Computer: Influence of Choice of Functional Unit, System Boundary and User Behaviour
Vides politikÄ aizvien vairÄk pieaug vÄrÄ«ba piesÄrÅojuma novÄrÅ”anai jau produkta un ražoÅ”anas procesa dizaina (projektÄÅ”anas) posmÄ, salÄ«dzinot ar citu, vÄsturiski pazÄ«stamÄku principu ā piesÄrÅojuma novÄrÅ”anu Ā«caurules galÄĀ». Å Ä«s pieejas Ä«stenoÅ”anai nepiecieÅ”ams paredzÄt produkta vai procesa iespÄjamo ietekmi uz vidi, un arÄ« izvelÄties visefektÄ«vakos pasÄkumus, kÄ Å”o ietekmi samazinÄt. Å obrÄ«d Å”im mÄrÄ·im vispiemÄrotÄ metode ir dzÄ«ves cikla analÄ«ze ā metode, ar kuras palÄ«dzÄ«bu uzskaita visas produkta vai procesa radÄ«tÄs ietekmes uz vidi katrÄ produkta dzÄ«ves cikla posmÄ, sÄkot ar izejmateriÄlu ražoÅ”anu un beidzot ar atkritumos nonÄkuÅ”Ä produkta otrreizÄjo pÄrstrÄdi vai noglabÄÅ”anu. TomÄr, ja analÄ«zes veicÄji izvÄlas neatbilstoÅ”u metodiku, vai interpretÄjot rezultÄtus, neÅem vÄrÄ trÅ«kstoÅ”Äs informÄcijas ietekmi, var nonÄkt pie kļūdainiem secinÄjumiem.
Å eit aprakstÄ«tÄ pÄtÄ«juma laikÄ mÄs pÄtÄ«jÄm galda datoru ietekmi uz vidi, izmantojot vienkÄrÅ”otu dzÄ«ves cikla analÄ«zes metodi ā Indikatorusā 99, un izstrÄdÄjÄm vairÄkus scenÄrijus (pagarinot produkta dzÄ«ves ilgumu, mainot patÄrÄtÄja uzvedÄ«bu, enerÄ£ijas piegÄdi). PÄtÄ«juma rezultÄti liecina, ka pasÄkumi ietekmes uz vidi mazinÄÅ”anai ir veicami dažÄdÄs jomÄs. FunkcionÄlÄ vienÄ«ba ir jÄdefinÄ pietiekami elastÄ«gi, lai izslÄgtu to, ka pÄtÄ«juma veicÄji nepamana svarÄ«gas jomas pasÄkumu veikÅ”anai. TÄpÄc, lÄ«dzÄ«gi citiem autoriem, mÄs piekrÄ«tam, ka datora gadÄ«jumÄ funkcionÄlÄ vienÄ«ba var bÅ«tā1 datorsā, bet neiesakam piesaistÄ«t to pie dzÄ«ves ilguma, vai izmantoÅ”anas laika, tÄ vietÄ izstrÄdajot vairÄkus scenÄrijus, mainot Å”os parametrus.
PÄtÄ«jums arÄ« parÄda sistÄmiskas pieejas nepiecieÅ”amÄ«bu, vÄrtÄjot kompleksu produktu sistÄmu ietekmi uz vidi. MÄs secinÄm, ka datoru gadÄ«jumÄ, kas ir energo- un materiÄlietilpÄ«gi produkti, pasÄkumi vides ietekmes mazinÄÅ”anai jÄveic nevien produktu ražotÄja un lietotÄja lÄ«menÄ«, bet arÄ« nacionÄlÄ lÄ«menÄ«, piemÄram, mazinot nacionÄlÄs enerÄ£ijas apagÄdes sistÄmas ietekmi uz vidi, kÄ arÄ« pilnveidojot atkritumu apsaimniekoÅ”anas sistÄmu. Uzlabojumi Å”ajÄs jomÄs ievÄrojami var samazinÄt materiÄlietilpÄ«gu un energoietilpÄ«gu produktu ietekmi uz vidi