38,449 research outputs found
Progression and assessment in foreign languages at Key Stage 2
The teaching of primary languages has been increasing steadily, in response to the future entitlement for all Key Stage 2 (KS2) pupils aged 7-11 to learn a foreign language by 2010. However, there remain concerns about progression both within KS2 and through to secondary school and about how learners' progress is assessed. This paper presents findings on the issues of progression and assessment taken from case studies which formed part of a project funded by the then Department for Education and Skills (DfES), now the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). This project set out to evaluate 19 local authority (LA) Pathfinders in England that were piloting the introduction of foreign language learning at KS2 between 2003 and 2005. Findings revealed that there was inconsistency between schools, even within each LA Pathfinder, in the use of schemes of work and that assessment was generally underdeveloped in the majority of the Pathfinders. In order to set these findings in context, this paper examines the issues of progression and assessment in foreign language learning in England. Finally, it investigates the challenges English primary schools face in terms of progression and assessment in the light of the new entitlement and discusses implications for the future. Managing progression, both within KS2 and through to secondary school at KS3 (ages 11-14), is one of the key factors in determining the overall success of starting languages in primary school
As edificações e os detalhes construtivos voltados para o manejo de dejetos na suinocultura
bitstream/item/58213/1/doc113.pdfProjeto de controle da degradação ambiental decorrente da suinocultura em Santa Catarina
Avaliação da qualidade do efluente gerado pelas ETE do Estado de Pernambuco em relação aos contaminantes emergentes.
Existem alguns compostos orgânicos presentes na água que ainda não são investigados pelas legislações ambientais brasileiras, mas que estão presentes mesmo em baixas concentrações (?g.L-1 ou ng.L-1) e causam efeitos adversos à saúde humana e dos animais, denominados contaminantes emergentes. Estes compostos são introduzidos no meio ambiente através de esgoto doméstico e efluentes de ETE. As classes de substâncias que são consideradas persistentes são: fármacos, produtos de cuidado pessoal e limpeza, interferentes endócrinos e subprodutos da desinfecção de água potável. O derramamento de esgoto sem tratamento é um grave problema ambiental, pois ocasiona poluição em rios, águas represadas, abastecimento de cidades e irrigação de plantações, e mesmo que as ETE disponham de diversas formas de tratamento, estas são insuficientes para garantir a ausência de poluição. Neste trabalho foi realizado um monitoramento em quatro estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETE) da Região Metropolitana do Recife, a saber: Caçote, Mangueira, Jardim Paulista e Cabanga. Foram quantificados cinco contaminantes classificados como interferentes endócrinos, foram selecionados para quantificação: progesterona e 17?-etinilestradiol (hormônios), dibutilftalato e dietilfitalato (plastificantes) e nonilfenol (surfactantes). Para a identificação e quantificação foi empregado LC/MS-MS de alta resolução e os dados tratados por análise por componentes principais e constatado a ineficiência da remoção dos micropoluentes do tratamento empregado pelas estações de tratamento de esgoto estudadas
Evapotranspiração de um pomar de mangueiras irrigadas na região do Submédio São Franscisco.
O presente trabalho objetivou determinar aevapotranspiração durante o ciclo produtivo da mangueira,variedade ?Tommy Atknis`, cultivada nas condições declima e solo da região do Submédio São Francisco
Shrinking the plan. A middle-class wishful thinking in the outskirts of Lisbon
In the 1960s and 1970s, large-scale Portuguese architectural production was largely promoted by the
State. This took further aspects after the 1974 revolution when housing construction became one of the
pillars of the new state policy. It is in this context that Manuel Vicente develops the project for Quinta do
Bacalhau in different times: 1– Before 1974 by EPUL as part of UNOR 26 of which M. Vicente was the
coordinator, 2– From 1974 as a SAAL operation after the site was taken over by a residents' committee,
3– After 1976, as it was built outside the revolutionary period by a housing cooperative and financed by
the state. Unlike most SAAL projects – small, contained and with low-row houses –, and despite the
ideologically marked circumstances of this period, it presents somehow ostentatious. Volumes of broad
and generous features, incorporation of commerce on the ground floors like a boulevard, contrast with
the dominant model, thus raising some questions: – to what extent did a particular class position
correspond to a certain typology, style, etc.? – wouldn't this imply an aspiration to the same “rights” as
the middle-class, as far as architecture is concerned? M. Vicente remains throughout his life in an
ideologically multifaceted position. Close to the Communist Party, he has a cosmopolitan experience still
in the 1960s being in touch with the Western capitalism – in the United States and in Macao – and in
close contact with the speculation and profit markets. It has thus a double folded stance regarding the
state-sponsored housing and low standards one, as if responding to the residents were the same as
responding to himself. In this communication we intend to analyse through drawings of the project how
the notion of housing for “a middle-class” crossed through the project. This argument is revealed in a plan
of a dwelling with dimensions close to middle-class, which is later reduced to smaller areas, but “keeping”
architectural qualities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Energy balance in a mango orchard in Northeast of Brazil.
The main objective of this research was the determination of the energy balance in a mango orchard
Local mapping of dissipative vortex motion
We explore, with unprecedented single vortex resolution, the dissipation and
motion of vortices in a superconducting ribbon under the influence of an
external alternating magnetic field. This is achieved by combing the phase
sensitive character of ac-susceptibility, allowing to distinguish between the
inductive-and dissipative response, with the local power of scanning Hall probe
microscopy. Whereas the induced reversible screening currents contribute only
inductively, the vortices do leave a fingerprint in the out-of-phase component.
The observed large phase-lag demonstrates the dissipation of vortices at
timescales comparable to the period of the driving force (i.e. 13 ms). These
results indicate the presence of slow microscopic loss mechanisms mediated by
thermally activated hopping transport of vortices between metastable states.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
Componentes do balanco de energia em pomar irrigado no Nordeste.
Results of an energy balance based on the Bowen ratio method are presented. Two field experiments were carriedout in 1998 and 1999, with a mango orchard in Petrolina, PE. The mango trees were irrigated by a drip irrigationsystem. A micrometeorology tower was set up for installation of the instruments used for the energy balance,which are: net radiation, two psychrometers and two anemometers installed in two levels above the canopy of theculture, and more two radiometers (global solar radiation and the radiation reflected by the culture). Two plates formeasuring the soil heat flux in a depth of 5 cm were installed. The analog signals of all instruments were scannedonce every five seconds and averaged every 10 minutes using a micrologger. It was verified that didn't happengreat differences among the components of the energy balance in relation to the two experiments. In general, thelatent heat flux was of the order of 80% of Rn, while H and G represented around 15% and 5% of Rn, respectively.Such relationships were analyzed in different phenological phases, as well as the seasonal behavior of the energybalance component
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