27 research outputs found

    Electrical Activity Of The Anterior Temporal And Masseter Muscles In Mouth And Nasal Breathing Children [atividade Eletromiográfica Dos Músculos Temporal Anterior E Masseter Em Crianças Respiradoras Bucais E Em Respiradoras Nasais]

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    Mouth breathing has been associated with severe impact on the development of the stomatognathic system. Aim: This paper aims to analyze the electromyographical findings and patterns of electrical activity of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles in mouth and nasal breathing children. Materials And Method: The patients were divided into two groups: mouth breathers (n=17) and nasal breathers (n=12). The children underwent bilateral electromyographic examination of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles at maximal intercuspal position and during usual mastication. A Myosystem Br-1 electromyograph with 12 acquisition channels, amplification with total gain of 5938, rate of acquisition of 4000 Hz, and band-pass filter of 20-1000Hz, was used in the examination. The signal was processed in Root Mean Square(RMS), measured in μV, analyzed and expressed as a normalized percentage. The data set was statistically treated with the T-test (Student). Results: The observed level of electrical activity in the mouth breathing (MB) group was lower in all analyzed muscles, with statistical significance found only in the left temporal muscle; during mastication, mouth breathers also presented increased electrical activity on the right side and on the temporal muscle. Conclusion: Mouth breathing impacts the electrical activity of the muscles studied at maximal intercuspal position and during usual mastication. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.744588595Aragão, W., Aragão's function regulator, the stomatognathic system and postural changes in children (1991) J Clin Pediatr Dent, 15, pp. 226-231Krakauer, L.H., Guilherme, A., Relação entre respiraç ão bucal e alterações posturais em crianças: Uma análise descritiva. (1998) Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol, 2, pp. 18-26Gomes, R.C.G., Relações entre postura corporal e sistema estomatognático. 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    Photoacoustic analysis of dental resin polymerization

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    In this work, we use the photoacoustic technique to monitor the curing process of diverse dental materials, as the resins chemically activated (RCA). The results obtained reveal that the composition of a determined RCA significantly alters its activation kinetics. Photoacoustic data also show that temperature is a significant parameter in the activation kinetics of resins. The photoacoustic technique was also applied to evaluate the polymerization kinetics of photoactivated resins. Such resins are photoactivated by incidence of continuous light from a photodiode. This leads to the polymerization of the resin, modifying its thermal properties and, consequently, the level of the photoacoustic signal. Measurements show that the polymerization of the resin changes the photoacoustic signal amplitude, indicating that photoacoustic measurements can be utilized to monitor the polymerization kinetic and the degree of polymerization of photoactivated dental resins