5,244 research outputs found

    Use of Physical Education Classes as a Didactic Laboratory for Teaching Mathematics: An Example with a Quadratic Function

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    The research objective of this study was to evaluate the use of Physical Education classes as didactic laboratory for lessons in Mathematics, presenting an alternative way to conduct classes, mainly of quadratic functions, illustrating basic concepts such as graphs plotting and determination coefficients, analyze if such use achieves some of the goals of using a Didactic Laboratory in addition to research ways to interdisciplinary with Physics. Discusses an action in which students work in groups to solve problems proposed based on empirical data obtained through play activities and measures of athletics values practiced by the students allowing may have the opportunity to produce arguments and more meaningful answers, which would improve the overall learning. The athletics and recreational activities are then used as problematic objects both empirically and qualitatively. As a result, it was observed that some of the objectives of a Didactic Laboratory are achieved when using the Physical Education classes and it appears that this feature is much more available in public schools than they are equipped with a science laboratory

    Indução floral em plantas de sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia) com aplicação de paclobutrazol.

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    [Flowering induction in sabia plants (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia) with paclobutrazol]. Abstract: The presence of thorns dominant character in sabiá, makes it difficult their exploitation which makes it necessary to apply genetic improvement techniques, to select plants that do not show this trait. To expedite the improvement, the use of bioregulators may be an alternative, as the paclobutrazol (PBZ), to induce flowering, aiming to reduce the time for selection. Four doses It was tested four doses of PBZ applied for five months from the fourth month after sowing. The results of four early flowering plants at eleven months were obtained in seasons 5 and 6 with doses of 1 ml and 2 ml of PBZ. There was evidence that the PBZ contributed to the early flowering since the control treatment did not show similar results. We concluded that the absence of thorns on ?sabiá? is a recessive character because many plants exhibited the presence of thorns after germination, even collected from a population without thorns. The induction of flowering at eleven months of age was related to the use of PBZ

    O Repositório e o Anuário do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central: Contributos Para a Ciência Aberta

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    Numa unidade de saúde, a atividade científica tem reconhecidas vantagens para a assistência clínica, investigação e ensino/formação. Têm sido adoptadas diversas estratégias para obter um registo completo da produção científica do CHLC, mas também para permitir o acesso aberto da ciência aos seus colaboradores. Assim, o Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (CHLC) aderiu à rede de Repositórios Científicos de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (RCAAP) em 2011 e tem envidado esforços para registar a investigação desenvolvida na instituição na base nacional oficial, respondendo de forma rigorosa ao Inquérito ao Potencial Científico e Tecnológico Nacional (IPCTN).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cost of opportunity: economic competitiveness of community forest management by land use.

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    The structuring of a consolidated forest economy in the Amazon region would be an unprecedented contribution to the conservation and socioeconomics of the rural community. Therefore, the objective of this work was to conduct a literature review on the economic competitiveness of multiple-use community-forest management by land use in the Amazon region and thus elucidate the main causes and possible solutions for strengthening and enhancing a family-based forest economy in the region. Studies reported that despite the importance of the forest, the financial attractiveness of forest production under community-forest management was relatively limited when compared to other land-use options, such as agriculture. This was due to a set of factors, such as high initial or administrative costs, the demand for constant subsidies, low product prices, big challenges regarding infrastructure, and the long and bureaucratic process involved in obtaining the documentation necessary to establish a management plan. Thus, to effectively opt for forest management, it is necessary to focus on the planning of exploration, production control, insertion of new technologies and, forestry policy that aim to realize an orientation for multiple forest uses within the communities

    Estoques de carbono em solos sob florestas primárias no sudoeste da Amazônia.

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    As incertezas nas estimativas de carbono de solo, devidas a fatores como geologia, relevo, clima e vegetação, interferem nas estimativas do balanço de carbono nos compartimentos solo, vegetação e atmosfera na Amazônia, com efeitos regionais e globais. Procurando colaborar com a redução dessas incertezas, neste estudo foi estimado o armazenamento total de carbono em solos sob florestas primárias do estado do Acre – regionais do vale do Juruá e do Alto Acre, sudoeste da Amazônia brasileira. Os solos (Argissolos, Latossolos e Neossolo) foram amostrados na camada de 0-0,30 m (0-0,5; 0,05-0,10; 0,10-0,15; 0,15-0,20 e 0,20-0,30 m) e analisados para densidade aparente e teores de carbono. O estoque de carbono orgânico na camada de 0-0,30 m variou de 15,1 a 46,6 Mg ha-1, com amplitude de 31,5 Mg ha-1. Entre as áreas, a média (± erro padrão) dos estoques de carbono foi de 25,1 ± 1,3 Mg ha-1. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que as classes de solo que mais estocam carbono são aquelas em que a textura é mais arenosa. Entretanto, este resultado não pode ser interpretado diretamente. Solos mais arenosos podem ter mais carbono no momento da amostragem, o que é confirmado pelos resultados das análises. Entretanto, nesses solos, por estar menos protegido fisicamente, o carbono pode ser mais facilmente degradado biologicamente ou lixiviado na solução do solo