36,918 research outputs found

    Generalising the logistic map through the qq-product

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    We investigate a generalisation of the logistic map as xn+1=1axnqmapxn x_{n+1}=1-ax_{n}\otimes_{q_{map}} x_{n} (1xn1-1 \le x_{n} \le 1, 0<a20<a\le2) where q\otimes_q stands for a generalisation of the ordinary product, known as qq-product [Borges, E.P. Physica A {\bf 340}, 95 (2004)]. The usual product, and consequently the usual logistic map, is recovered in the limit q1q\to 1, The tent map is also a particular case for qmapq_{map}\to\infty. The generalisation of this (and others) algebraic operator has been widely used within nonextensive statistical mechanics context (see C. Tsallis, {\em Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics}, Springer, NY, 2009). We focus the analysis for qmap>1q_{map}>1 at the edge of chaos, particularly at the first critical point aca_c, that depends on the value of qmapq_{map}. Bifurcation diagrams, sensitivity to initial conditions, fractal dimension and rate of entropy growth are evaluated at ac(qmap)a_c(q_{map}), and connections with nonextensive statistical mechanics are explored.Comment: 12 pages, 23 figures, Dynamics Days South America. To be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS - IOP

    Efeito do ethephon na maturação pós-colheita de peras cultivar Princesinha.

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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de ethephon em conjunto com diferentes tempos de armazenamento em temperatura controlada, na aceleração da 29 maturação de peras da cultivar princesinha

    Meiotic behavior of the Brazilian table grape cultivar Rubi (Vitis vinifera) with a high proportion of seedless berries

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    Meiotic behavior, pollen fertility and germination of the Brazilian table grape cv, Rubi (Vitis vinifera) were investigated; this cultivar produced different numbers of seedless berries when cultivated at two different sites: At site A vines produced a high proportion of seedless berries while at site B vines produced berries with a normal number of seeds. Cytological analysis of inflorescences collected from the two sites showed some meiotic abnormalities, the most common being related to chromosomal segregation and telophase micronuclei formation leading to microcyte formation in the tetrads, Cytoplasmic channels, bridges and tripolar spindles were also observed in some microsporocytes, Pollen fertility was high at both sites, approximately 96 % at site A and 98 % at site B, The rate of pollen germination was lower at site A than at site B, suggesting that the absence of seed formation is related to pollen germination rate.

    Identificação molecular de Pseudallescheria boydii em palma de óleo.

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    A cultura da palma de óleo (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) vem se expandindo rapidamente no Estado do Pará. Durante os testes de investigação da principal doença da cultura, o amarelecimento fatal, verificou-se a presença de alguns fungos provenientes de plantas doentes e sem sintoma. Assim, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar uma dessas espécies de fungos por meio do PCR seguido do sequenciamento nucleotídico. Para isso, tecidos do interior do estipe e raízes foram plaqueados em meio ágar-água, e posteriormente, os fungos foram repicados para meio BDA. As placas contendo a espécie selecionada foram mantidas a temperatura ambiente. Após 10 dias, o fungo teve seu DNA extraído para realização do PCR utilizando os primers ITS4 e ITS5. Os produtos do PCR foram sequenciados e avaliados via programas Blast e Clustalw, onde se verificou identidade de 98 a 100% com vários acessos de Pseudallescheria boydii, inclusive aqueles que têm efeito fungistático contra fungos fitopatogênicos. Os isolados foram mantidos na micoteca do Laboratório de Fitopatologia da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental e estão sendo estudados quanto ao seu potencial uso no controle biológico de fungos fitopatogênicos. Este foi o primeiro relato de P. boydii em palma