460 research outputs found

    The relationship of aging, complete tooth loss, and having a dental visit in the last 12 months

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the extent to which dental health care visits in the past year differed among older adults with and without edentulism. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study using the 2017 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey among participants aged \u3e /=50 years (n = 10,480, weighted = 112,116,641). Two self-reported outcome variables were used: loss of all teeth from upper and lower jaws (yes/no) and dental visit in the last 12 months (yes/no). Logistic models were used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). RESULTS: Overall, 11.4% of the non-institutionalized U.S. population aged \u3e /=50 years were edentulous; the prevalence was higher in those with advanced age. Adherence to annual oral health visits was 16% among those with edentulism, 52% among those without. The prevalence of dental care visits in the past year was higher among those with advanced age without edentulism, but for those with edentulism, the odds of visiting a dental care provider was lower in all age groups compared to those 50-59 years ((60-69 years): aOR: 0.58, CI:0.36-0.95; (70-79 years): aOR: 0.51, CI: 0.30-0.88; ( \u3e /= 80 years): aOR: 0.45, CI: 0.26-0.80)). CONCLUSION: Although the prevalence of edentulism was higher in those with advanced age, oral health visits during the last 12 months were less frequent in older adults with edentulism. Interventions to improve adherence to dental care recommendations in the growing aging population are warranted

    El garantismo como constitucionalismo de reglas. (Apuntes sobre las normas en Principia iuris) || Garantism as Constitutionalism Based on Rules. (Notes on Legal Norms in Principia Iuris)

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    Resumen: Luigi Ferrajoli ha sido catalogado a menudo de neoconstitucionalista no obstante defender algunas tesis que dificultan encuadrarle en dicha corriente. Ello puede verse de forma clara en su concepto de norma. En este trabajo intentaré mostrar en qué sentido Ferrajoli se aleja del neoconstitucionalismo basado en principios para, posteriormente, incidir en la importancia de reglas en el marco general de Principia Iuris. Abstract: Luigi Ferrajoli is commonly known as a neoconstitucionalista. However, he has always defended some theses that make it difficult to confirm that assertion. This fact can be observed in his concept of norm. In this paper I intend to show in what sense Ferrajoli tends to separate his garantismo from principle based neoconstitutionalismo in order to, finally, stress the importance of rules in the general frame of Principia iuris

    Massimo La Torre, Il diritto contro se stesso. Saggio sul positivismo giuridico e la sua crisi

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    Este artículo reseña: Massimo La Torre, Il diritto contro se stesso. Saggio sul positivismo giuridico e la sua crisi, Leo S. Olschki, Firenze, 2020, 263 pp.   

    English language proficiency, complete tooth loss, and recent dental visits among older adults in the United States

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    Objectives: This study sought to provide population-based estimates of complete tooth loss and recent dental visits among older adults in the United States by English language proficiency. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of the 2017 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey among participants 50 years of age (n = 10,452, weighted to represent 111,895,290 persons). Five categories of language proficiency were created based on self-reported English language ability and language spoken at home (Spanish, Other). Results: The prevalence of complete tooth loss was higher among those with limited English proficiency (Spanish speaking: 13.7%; Other languages: 16.9%) than those proficient in English (Spanish speaking: 5.0%; Other languages: 6.0%, English only: 12.0%). Complete tooth loss was less common among participants for whom Spanish was their primary language, with limited English proficiency relative to English only (adjusted odds ratio: 0.56; 95% confidence interval: 0.42-0.76). Among those without complete tooth loss, dental visits in the past year were less common among participants with primary language other than English as compared to those who only speak English. Conclusions: Complete tooth loss varied by English language proficiency among adults aged 50 years in the United States. Suboptimal adherence to annual dental visits was common, more so in those with complete tooth loss, and varied by English language proficiency

    Hart y el problema del positivismo jurídico. Una reconstrucción en tres actos = Hart and the problem of legal positivism. A reconstruction in three acts

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    RESUMEN: Este trabajo tiene como finalidad destacar la contribución específica de H.L.A. Hart sobre el problema del positivismo jurídico. A juicio del autor, el tratamiento que Hart dio a la polémica entre positivismo jurídico y Derecho Natural estuvo marcada por dos extremos aparentemente contradictorios. Por una parte, se abocó a clarificar las diversas tesis que anidan tras la etiqueta “positivismo jurídico”, así como las posiciones que suelen referirse como tales. Al hacerlo abrió el camino para mostrar en qué sentido no resulta ilógico defender algunas tesis asociadas al mismo o negar otras. Por otra parte, y si bien no asumió una posición que afirmase la conexión necesaria entre Derecho y moral, se ocupó también de mostrar en qué sentido tal conexión existe y es importante. Con dicho objetivo, en el primer apartado se ofrece una reconstrucción detallada sobre el tratamiento que Hart hizo sobre el problema del positivismo jurídico. En el segundo se expone el tratamiento del autor sobre el iusnaturalismo, con la intención de comprender el lugar preciso e implicaciones de su conocida tesis del “contenido mínimo Derecho Natural”. En la tercera parte se aborda la teoría elaborada por Hart sobre el positivismo jurídico, esto es, el “positivismo jurídico hartiano” y las tesis por él defendidas. Importante aquí será su posición respecto a la posibilidad de que la regla de reconocimiento pueda incorporar criterios materiales para la identificación jurídica que nos introduce en una nueva etapa de la nunca acabada polémica. ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to address H.L.A. Hart’s contribution to the problem of legal positivism. According to the author, Hart’s approach to the controversy of Natural Law/Legal Positivism was characterized by two apparently opposing ends. On the one hand, he clarified the label “Legal Positivism” as well as other approaches that are usually referred as such. In doing so, he paved the way to show in which sense it is not illogical to defend some theses associated with it and in which sense it is not. On the other hand, despite he did not take a stand for the necessary connection between Law and Morals, he did show in what sense such connection may exist and why it is important. To this end, section one offers a detailed reconstruction of Hart’s approach to the problem of legal positivism. In section two the author’s approach to Natural Law is explained so that his well-known thesis of “The Minimum Content of Natural Law”, and what it implies, is properly understood. Section three is devoted to Hart’s theory of Legal Positivism that is “Hartian Legal Positivism”, where his main claims are presented. Hart’s claim on the possibility for the rule of recognition to incorporate material criteria for legal identification or legal validity is particular relevant because it introduces us to a new stage of the never-ending controversy. PALABRAS CLAVE: H.L.A. Hart, positivismo jurídico, teorías de derecho natural, positivismo jurídico incluyenteKEYWORDS: H.L.A. Hart, legal positivism, natural law theories, inclusive legal positivism.

    Histologic features of bone regenerated by means of negative pressure in the context of odontogenic keratocyst

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    Propósito: El objetivo de la presente investigación es describir las características histológicas del hueso regenerado mediante presión negativa (sugosteogénesis) en un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de queratoquiste odontogénico (QO) sometidos a descompresión activa y sugosteogénesis por distracción (ADDS) en nuestra institución. Materiales y métodos: Los autores diseñaron un estudio retrospectivo de serie de casos. La población incluyó pacientes con diagnóstico histológico de queratoquiste odontogénico en los que se realizó descompresión activa y sugosteogénesis por distracción seguida de enucleación. Todos los pacientes fueron atendidos y seguidos desde julio de 2019 hasta enero de 2021. La investigación fue aprobada por la Junta de Revisión Institucional, y observó la Declaración de Helsinki sobre protocolo médico. Las variables de este estudio incluyeron la edad, el sexo, la localización anatómica (mandíbula o maxilar) y las características histológicas del hueso regenerado mediante presión negativa. Las características histológicas se definieron como consistentes o inconsistentes con hueso maduro viable. Resultados: Se consideraron las biopsias óseas de 6 pacientes. En total, el 83,33% de los pacientes eran varones y el 16,66% mujeres. El cien por cien de las muestras óseas sometidas a presión negativa mostraban características de hueso maduro viable. Conclusiones: En este estudio, las características histológicas del hueso sometido a presión negativa demostraron las características normales del hueso maduro normal. 2022, El/los autor/es, bajo licencia exclusiva de Springer-Verlag GmbH Alemania, parte de Springer Nature.Purpose: The objective of the present research is to describe the histologic features of the bone regenerated by means of negative pressure (sugosteogenesis) in a group of patients diagnosed with odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) who underwent active decompression and distraction sugosteogenesis (ADDS) at our institution. Materials and methods: The authors designed a retrospective case series study. The population included patients with a histologic diagnosis of odontogenic keratocyst in whom active decompression and distraction sugosteogenesis followed by enucleation was performed. All patients were seen and followed from July 2019 to January 2021. The investigation was approved by the Institutional Review Board, and it observed the Declaration of Helsinki on medical protocol. Variables of this study included age, gender, anatomic location (mandible or maxilla), and histologic characteristics of the bone regenerated by means of negative pressure. Histologic features were defined as being consistent or inconsistent with viable mature bone. Results: Bone biopsies of 6 patients were considered. In total, 83.33% of patients were males and 16.66% females. One hundred percent of the bone samples subjected to negative pressure showed features of viable mature bone. Conclusions: In this study, the histological features of the bone subjected to negative pressure demonstrated the normal characteristics of the mature, normal bone. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature