552 research outputs found

    On the Noisy Feedback Capacity of Gaussian Broadcast Channels

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    It is well known that, in general, feedback may enlarge the capacity region of Gaussian broadcast channels. This has been demonstrated even when the feedback is noisy (or partial-but-perfect) and only from one of the receivers. The only case known where feedback has been shown not to enlarge the capacity region is when the channel is physically degraded (El Gamal 1978, 1981). In this paper, we show that for a class of two-user Gaussian broadcast channels (not necessarily physically degraded), passively feeding back the stronger user's signal over a link corrupted by Gaussian noise does not enlarge the capacity region if the variance of feedback noise is above a certain threshold.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2015, Jerusale

    An interesting case of external type of coxa saltans treated by z plasty of iliotibial band-a case report

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    Coxa saltans commonly known as snapping hip is a nagging illness which can physically and mentally hinder patients life. A snapping hip (coxa saltans) secondary to a tight iliotibial band rarely needs surgical release since most cases respond well to conservative management. The purpose of this study is to present the surgical results of refractory external-type snapping hip by Z-plasty of the iliotibial band. We present a case report of 47-year-old lady who was diagnosed to have snapping hip of external type who was treated with Brignall and stainsby technique of Z plasty. The surgical results of Z-plasty are excellent and predictable. Careful examination is necessary to rule out other causes. Z-plasty is recommended as an effective surgical treatment of the refractory snapping hip

    Physicochemical and antibacterial activities of Apis honey types derived from Coorg, Karnataka, India

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    Natural honey has various ingredients in it that contribute to its incredible properties. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the physicochemical and antibacterial activity of various Apis honey from Coorg, Karnataka. Four samples of Apis honey viz., A. florea, A.  mellifera, A. cerana and A.  dorsata were collected from various regions of Coorg, Karnataka. The honey samples' physicochemical properties and antibacterial activities against Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Enterococcus sp were determined in vitro. The moisture and ash content varied from 13.6 - 17.2% and 0.32 – 0.49%, respectively. Hydroxy methyl furfurals) content of A. dorsata honey samples was highest with 9.2±0.5 mg/Kg and least was recorded with 6.8±0.4 mg/Kg for A. florae honey. The reducing sugar content of A. florea honey sample was highest with 87.5±3.2 (%) and the peroxide levels were in the range of 10.2 – 14.9 µg/g/h at 20°C. The antibacterial assay revealed that S. aureus, Enterococcus sp and Streptococcus sp were most susceptible against the honey varieties tested and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values between 25-6.5 (%v/v) were determined. In conclusion, honey varieties from Coorg could be used in specific antibacterial prophylaxis as the activity depends on the honey bee species, their metabolism and floral sources in specific geographical regions

    Assessment of optimal growth conditions for specific carotenoids production by Chlorella vulgaris

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    Exploration of regional microalgae for carotenoids production under optimized cultural conditions is a sustainable economic and technical perspective. This study details comprehensive research on the influence of growth conditions on microalgal carotenoids. Carotenoid triggering factors were optimized to identify suitable growth conditions to produce specific carotenoids by Chlorella vulgaris.  Media optimization and cultivation conditions were the factors considered and the results revealed the optimum growth conditions for carotenoid production by C. vulgaris was pH 8, 35°C temperature, 0.04 M salinity and 160 µE\m²\sec light intensity. Among the nutrient sources, potassium nitrate and potassium phosphate were suitable for nitrogen and phosphorous supplements. The results indicated optimizing the culture conditions and nutrient sources help to attain desirable carotenoid production by C. vulgaris. Specific carotenoids were extracted from the algal extract and were identified by high-performance liquid chromatography in which lutein (8.8%) was present as major carotenoid followed by astaxanthin (4.6%) and ?-carotene (3.9%). This study revealed that that carotenoid production by C. vulgaris could be enhanced by manipulating culture conditions thereby attain desirable carotenoid production.

    Evaluasi Kelayakan Proyek Berdasarkan Analisis Kriteria Investasi

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    Perkembangan hunian dari waktu ke waktu semakin meningkat Hal ini seiring dengan perkembangan proyek apartement dengan tujuan guna untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan hunian yang nyaman. Namun dalam pelaksanaaanya investor atau pihak pengembang perlu mengetahui kepastian akan investasi yang ditanamkan menyangkut sejumlah besar dana, dengan demikian dapat memperoleh gambaran sebagai acuan bagi para investor dalam pengembanganya pada tahap berikutnya. Sehubungan dengan itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi, guna untuk menganalisis terhadap proyek yang akan direncanakan, atau pun yang sedang berjalan sebagai bahan penilaian pelaksanaan proyek tersebut. Evaluasi kelayakan proyek berdasarkan analisis kriteria investasi, dalam penulisan ini ditinjau dari aspek financial, evaluasi proyek hanya menganalisis biaya (cost) dan keuntungan (benefit). Adapun kriteria investasi yang dipakai untuk menilai benefit dan cost yaitu Groos Benefit / Cost Ratio (Groos B/C), Proifatibility Ratio, Nert Present Value, Imternal Rate Of Return and payback periode. Setelah diadakan analisis dengan mengunakan metode tersebut maka diperoleh, GroosBenevit / Cost Ratio >1, Profitability Ratio >1, Net Present Value > 0, Internal Rate Of Return 22,3% Lebih Tinggi dari discount rate yang diambilyaitu 9% - 18%, dan Payback Period untuk investasi yang bernilai Rp. 200.848.061.120,- diproyeksikan dapat kembali pada 3,3 Tahun kedepan, dengan memenuhinya setiap criteria investasi tersebut diatas maka proyek apartement dapat dikatakan menguntungkan dan layak untuk dilaksanakan

    Identifikasi Faktor-faktor Cost Overrun Biaya Overhead Pada Proyek Pembangunan Manado Town Square III

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    Pada pekerjaan proyek konstuksi biasanya terjadi kendala, baik kendala yang sudah diperhintungkan maupun yang belum di perhitungkan.Sehingga proyek yang dikerjakan biasanya terlaksana dengan hasil yang tidak sesuai yang di rencanakan. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini sebagai upaya untuk mendapatkan dan mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mengakibatkan terjadinya cost overrun pada biaya overhead yang berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kinerja biaya akhir proyek. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner dan responden pada pembangunan Manado Town Square Tahap III pengolahan data kuesioner menggunakan program SPSS 22 for windows dengan metode analisis Responden, Validitas Dan Reabilitas, Frequencies, Descriptives, Skala (Score) Dampak/Pengaruh. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan urutan rangking – rangking tiap faktor yang menjadi penyebab pembengkakan biaya pada penyelesaian proyek.Dengan mengunakan analisa Faktor – faktor yang menjadi penyebab utama yang mempengaruhi kelebihan biaya penyelesaian proyek Pembangunan Manado Town Square tahan III adalah Politik, Ekonomi, Financial, Sosial-Budaya, Legilitas Hukum, Alam, Perencanaan, Organisasi dan Personil Proyek, Administrasi dan kontrak, pengaturan Lapangan, Keperluan Lapangan, Jadwal Proyek

    Aggregation of Key with Searchable Encryption for Group Data Sharing

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    Data sharing is an important functionality in cloud storage. In this article, we show how to securely, efficiently, and flexibly share data with others in cloud storage. We describe new public-key cryptosystems which produce constant-size ciphertexts such that efficient delegation of decryption rights for any set of ciphertexts are possible. The novelty is that one can aggregate any set of secret keys and make them as compact as a single key, but encompassing the power of all the keys being aggregated. In other words, the secret key holder can release a constant-size aggregate key for flexible choices of ciphertext set in cloud storage, but the other encrypted files outside the set remain confidential. This compact aggregate key can be conveniently sent to others or be stored in a smart card with very limited secure storage. We provide formal security analysis of our schemes in the standard model. We also describe other application of our schemes. In particular, our schemes give the first public-key patient-controlled encryption for flexible hierarchy, which was yet to be known


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    Proyek pembangunan Mall Star Square di kota Manado membutuhkan metode kerja yang terarah dan tepat sasaran karena adanya beberapa permasalahan yang kompleks dan bervariasi sehingga peran pengelola yang baik diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Pelaksanaan konstruksi pekerjaan pada suatu proyek dapat berjalan sesuai dengan target waktu, biaya, kwalitas dan mutu apabila pengelolanya baik. Konsultan manajemen konstruksi harus memahami/menguasai area pekerjaan sehingga dapat melakukan pengendalian proyek, melakukan pengawasan terhadap konstruksi, dapat mengendalikan biaya, mengembangkan dan menerapkan sistem penyiapan pekerjaan, review dan pemrosesan order perubahan, mengembangkan dan menerapkan prosedur untuk review, pemrosesan pembayaran kemajuan dan akhir pelaksanaan pekerjaan bagi kontraktor, dan pengurusan mendapatkan izin dari pihak yang berwenang. Ada beberapa cara pengelolaan konstruksi pada proyek ini yang tidak berjalan sesuai dengan rencana, hal ini menyebabkan keterlambatan waktu pelaksanaan. Adapun pekerjaan tersebut antara lain: pembersihan lokasi, galian tanah lantai basement, pelaksanaan pekerjaan pondasi bored pile, Tower Crane (TC), pelaksanaan pekerjaan balok, pelaksanaan pekerjaan pengecoran. Jika pelaksanaan proyek ini berjalan lancar maka deviasi sebesar 20,280% berdasarkan penjadwalan pekerjaan dapat diminimalisasi atau bisa sesuai dengan rencana pekerjaan realisasi 100%.Kata kunci: peran pengelola, pelaksanaan, keterlambata
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