836 research outputs found

    Correlation in biological literacy and critical thinking skills of science students through problem-based learning model integrated by macromedia flash

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    Biological literacy and critical thinking skills are two abilities students studying biology must possess. This study aimed to determine the correlation between biological literacy skills and critical thinking skills of class XI Science at Senior High School 1 Aikmel Through the Problem-Based Learning model integrated by Macromedia Flash. The research method is correlational research. The sample in this research were students of class XI Science 1 and XI Science 3 at Senior High School I Aikmel. The data analysis used in this study is a simple linear regression analysis. The results showed a relationship between biological literacy skills and critical thinking skills of class XI Science at Senior High School 1 Aikmel Through the Problem-Based Learning model integrated by Macromedia Flash. The value of the correlation coefficient (r) of biological literacy with critical thinking skills is 0.712 (high). The direct relationship between biological literacy and critical thinking skills is positive. The coefficient of determination (r2) is 50.8%. The regression line equation for the relationship between biological literacy and students' critical thinking skills in learning using the Problem-Based Learning model with Macromedia Flash is Y =43.847+0.568X


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    Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (CVRPTW) merupakan masalah penentuan rute tercepat kendaraan untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen yang terdiri dari pelayanan antar dengan kendala kapasitas kendaraan, time windows, dan kecepatan pada tiap jalur berdasarkan waktu per jam. Permasalahan CVRPTW dapat diselesaikan dengan menggunakan algoritma yang bersifat eksak dan heuristik. Dalam menyelesaikan masalah CVRPTW akan digunakan dua algoritma, yakni algoritma floyd warshall dan nearest neighbour. Pada penelitian ini, akan dijelaskan mengenai penggunaan algoritma floyd warshall dan nearest neighbourdalam penyelesaian masalah CVRPTW yang kemudian akan diimplementasikan pada data simulasi secara manual dan menggunakan perangkat lunak MatLab. Selanjutnya akan dibandingkan efektifitas kedua algoritma tersebut yang diukur berdasarkan proses dan hasil pembentukan rute. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa algoritma floyd warshall dapat membentuk rute dengan total waktu tempuh yang lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan algoritma nearest neighbour. Namun dalam proses penerapannya, algoritma nearest neighbour jauh lebih cepat dan praktis dibandingkan dengan algoritma floyd warshall. Kata Kunci:capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows (CVRPTW), floydwarshall, nearest neighbou

    The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning Model In Improving Critical Thinking Skills in Science Learning: a Meta-Analysis

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the problem-based learning (PBL) model in improving students' critical thinking skills in science learning. A meta-analysis study was carried out in this study by analyzing 30 scientific articles resulting from previous studies. The selected scientific articles have criteria namely; (1) articles that discuss the effect of applying the PBL model on critical thinking skills in learning science (physics and biology) (2) articles from national and international journals with research locations in Indonesia (3) journals published within the last five years. The data in this study were analyzed by calculating the average effect size from several previous studies and then categorized using the criteria set by Cohen's. The results of data analysis showed that the average effect size for physics subjects was 1.08 while for biology subjects it was 1.06. It can be concluded that the PBL model is effectively used to improve students' critical thinking skills in learning science (physics and biology) with a level of effectiveness in the high category

    Augmented Reality: Visualisasi Batik 3D Ragam Hias Geometris Motif Ceplok, Kawung, Nitik, dan Parang

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    Batik sebagai warisan budaya dunia milik bangsa Indonesia perlu dipublikasikan dan ditumbuhkembangkan. Pengembangan prototipe aplikasi Augmented Reality (AR) untuk memvisualisasikan batik 3 dimensi (3D) dengan ragam geometris, menggunakan metode marker based tracking dengan perangkat pengembangan Unity. Marker berupa potongan satuan unit gambar motif batik Ceplok, Kawung, Nitik, dan Parang yang dibuat dalam bentuk buku saku. Obyek 3D berupa motif batik berbentuk kerangka dan pejal yang dapat diputar ke atas-bawah maupun ke kanan-kiri. Aplikasi dapat berjalan dengan baik ditinjau dari aspek usability (3,55) sangat baik, correctness (3,18) dan reliability (3,25) baik, serta efficiency (2,82) dan portablity (2,93) cukup baik. Tinggat kemiripan pola 3D untuk motif Kawung (3,80), Nitik (3,80), dan Parang (3,33) sangat baik, serta Ceplok (3,13) baik. Sudut pandang yang menarik serta mudah dikenali adalah dengan merotasi objek terhadap sumbu z 45o. Kata kunci: Augmented Reality, Batik 3D, Ragam Geometri

    Relationship between metacognitive skills and critical thinking in elementary science lectures through guided inquiry model

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    Learning science helps one develop understanding and thinking habits and allows students to master many life skills. Science learning emphasizes empowering high-level thinking skills such as metacognitive and critical thinking. This study aimed to determine the relationship between metacognitive skills and critical thinking using a guided inquiry strategy in elementary science education lectures. The study results show a relationship between metacognitive skills and students' critical thinking in Elementary Science Education lectures in learning using the guided inquiry strategy. The value of the correlation coefficient (r) of students' metacognitive skills with critical thinking in Elementary Science Education lectures is 0.859 (very high). The direction of the relationship between metacognitive skills and critical thinking is a positive relationship. The coefficient of determination (r2) is 0.737, so it can be explained that the variability of students' critical thinking values is determined by 73.3% of metacognitive skills. The regression significance value proves that the regression line equation can be used for prediction. The equation of the regression line for the relationship between metacognitive skills and students' critical thinking in Elementary Science Education lectures using the guided inquiry strategy is Y ̂=0.960+0.863X

    Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Guided Inquiry Terhadap Keterampilan Metakognitif dan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Pada Perkuliahan Pendidikan IPA SD

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    Students' metacognitive skills and critical thinking ability in Elementary Science Education lectures are still low, one of which is caused by conventional learning strategies that still dominate on lectures. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the guided-inquiry learning strategy on the metacognitive skills and critical thinking ability of students in elementary science education courses. The research method uses quasi-experimental quantitative research, a nonequivalent control group design. The research population was PGSD Undergraduate Study Program students who were taking Elementary Science Education lectures. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is an influence of guided-inquiry learning strategies on students' metacognitive skills and critical thinking ability. The corrected average for the metacognitive skills of the experimental class was 79.998, which was higher than the corrected average for the control class, which was 77.003. This shows that the metacognitive skills of students who are taught using the guided-inquiry strategy are higher than the metacognitive skills of students who are taught using conventional learning strategies. The average corrected critical thinking for the experimental class, which is 80.950, is higher than the corrected average for the control class, which is 78.105. This shows that the critical thinking ability of students who are taught using the guided-inquiry strategy are higher than the critical thinking ability of students who are taught using conventional learning strategie

    Zero-configuration identity-based signcryption scheme for Smart Grid

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    The success of future intelligent power deliver and transmission systems across the globe relies critically on the availability of a fast, scalable, and most importantly secure communication infrastructure between the energy producers and consumers. One major obstacle to ensure secure communication among various parties in a smart grid network hinges on the technical and implementation difficulties associated with key distribution in such large-scale network with often-time disinterested consumers. This paper proposes the use of an identity-based signcryption (IBS) system to provide a zero-configuration encryption and authentication solution for end-to-end secure communications. The suitability of employing such identity-based cryptosystems in the context of smart grids is studied from the perspective of security requirements, implementation overhead and ease of management. Using the design and implementation experience of our proposed system as an example, we illustrate that IBS is a viable solution to providing a secure and easy-to-deploy solution with close to zero user setup required.published_or_final_versionThe 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2010), Gaithersburg, MD., 4-6 October 2010. In Proceedings of the 1st SmartGridComm, 2010, p. 321-32

    Relationship between body habitus and image quality and radiation dose in chest x-ray examinations : a phantom study

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    Purpose: To evaluate the influence of being overweight on image quality (IQ), radiation dose and acquisition parameters when undertaking adult chest x-ray (CXR) examinations using routine acquisition protocols. Methods: The Lungman chest phantom, with and without chest plates, was used to simulate the chest region for larger size and average adult patients, respectively. Radiographic acquisitions were conducted using 17 x-ray machines located in eight hospitals using their routine clinical protocols. IQ was assessed using relative visual grading analysis (VGA) and 2 alternative forced choice (2AFC) by six observers. Incident air kerma (IAK) was measured using a solid-state dosimeter. Results: IQ mean (range) scores between the hospitals were 16.2 (12.0 to 21.3) with a 56.0% difference and 20.9 (14.1 to 23.6) with a 50.2% difference for the standard and larger size phantoms, respectively. IAK mean (range) scores 63.38 μGy (19.28 to 136.29 μGy) with a 150.40% difference and 159.20 μGy (27.43 to 384.73 μGy) with a 173.4% difference for the standard and larger size phantoms, respectively. The chest plates had a significant negative impact on IQ (P=0.001) and lead to an increased in IAK by approximately 50.0%. Conclusion: Visual measures of IQ and IAK showed large differences between hospitals for standard and larger phantom sizes; differences within the hospitals was lower. Overall, Lungman with chest plates was found to degrade IQ and increase radiation dose by a factor of two. Further optimisation is required especially for the larger sized patient's imaging protocols for all eight hospitals