389 research outputs found

    Construction of a model of the Venus surface and its use in processing radar observations

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    An algorithm is described for constructing the model of the Venus surface as an expansion in spherical functions. The relief expansion coefficients were obtained up to the coefficient S sub 99. The surface picture representation is given according to this expansion. The surface model constructed was used for processing radar observations. The use of the surface model allows improved agreement between the design and measured values of radar ranges

    Asymmetry Function of Interstellar Scintillations of Pulsars

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    A new method for separating intensity variations of a source's radio emission having various physical natures is proposed. The method is based on a joint analysis of the structure function of the intensity variations and the asymmetry function, which is a generalization of the asymmetry coefficient and characterizes the asymmetry of the distribution function of the intensity fluctuations on various scales for the inhomogeneities in the diffractive scintillation pattern. Relationships for the asymmetry function in the cases of a logarithmic normal distribution of the intensity fluctuations and a normal distribution of the field fluctuations are derived. Theoretical relationships and observational data on interstellar scintillations of pulsars (refractive, diffractive, and weak scintillations) are compared. Pulsar scintillations match the behavior expected for a normal distribution of the field fluctuations (diffractive scintillation) or logarithmic normal distribution of the intensity fluctuations (refractive and weak scintillation). Analysis of the asymmetry function is a good test for distinguishing scintillations against the background of variations that have different origins

    Motion Parameters Determination of the SC and Phobos in the Project Phobos-Grunt

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    The SC "Phobos-Grunt" flight is planned to 2009 in Russia with the purpose to deliver to the Earth the soil samples of the Mars satellite Phobos. The mission will pass under the following scheme [1-4]: the SC flight from the Earth to the Mars, the SC transit on the Mars satellite orbit, the motion round the Mars on the observation orbit and on the quasi-synchronous one [5], landing on Phobos, taking of a ground and start in the direction to the Earth. The implementation of complicated dynamical operations in the Phobos vicinity is foreseen by the project. The SC will be in a disturbance sphere of gravitational fields from the Sun, the Mars and the Phobos. The SC orbit determination is carried out on a totality of trajectory measurements executed from ground tracking stations and measurements of autonomous systems onboard space vehicle relatively the Phobos. As ground measurements the radio engineering measurements of range and range rate are used. There are possible as onboard optical observations of the Phobos by a television system and ranges from the SC up to the Phobos surface by laser locator. As soon as the Phobos orbit accuracy is insufficient for a solution of a problem of landing its orbit determination will be carried out together with determination of the SC orbit. Therefore the algorithms for joint improving of initial conditions of the SC and the Phobos are necessary to determine parameters of the SC relative the Phobos motion within a single dynamical motion model. After putting on the martial satellite orbit, on the Phobos observation orbit, on the quasi-synchronous orbit in the Phobos vicinity the equipment guidance and the following process of the SC orbit determination relatively Phobos requires a priori knowledge of the Phobos orbit parameters with sufficiently high precision. These parameters should be obtained beforehand using both all modern observations and historical ones

    Modeling of Interstellar Scintillation Arcs from Pulsar B1133+16

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    The parabolic arc phenomenon visible in the Fourier analysis of the scintillation spectra of pulsars provides a new method of investigating the small scale structure in the ionized interstellar medium (ISM). We report archival observations of the pulsar B1133+16 showing both forward and reverse parabolic arcs sampled over 14 months. These features can be understood as the mutual interference between an assembly of discrete features in the scattered brightness distribution. By model-fitting to the observed arcs at one epoch we obtain a ``snap-shot'' estimate of the scattered brightness, which we show to be highly anisotropic (axial ratio >10:1), to be centered significantly off axis and to have a small number of discrete maxima, which are coarser the speckle expected from a Kolmogorov spectrum of interstellar plasma density. The results suggest the effects of highly localized discrete scattering regions which subtend 0.1-1 mas, but can scatter (or refract) the radiation by angles that are five or more times larger.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Educational Characteristics of Learner Autonomy

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    According to many scholars, learner autonomy is a direction in higher professional education, which contributes to the formation of students’ independence as the primary personality trait that helps build their educational process without outside interference. The research goal was to identify the characteristics of the concepts of “independence,” “learner autonomy,” and “autonomous educational activity,” and their relationship to each other. We obtained the following results: independence is a personality trait, which is formed in the process of carrying out activities with a gradual transition from external management to selfmanagement. Learner autonomy is the highest level of a person’s independence, manifested in the readiness to create their educational product. From our point of view, autonomous educational activity is a technology of formation of readiness for further continuous professional education based on the obtained skills of independent goal setting and ways of achieving it. The study allowed us to more accurately define these concepts, which contributes to the scholarly literature and the possibility of further research on learner autonomy

    Process based model sheds light on climate sensitivity of Mediterranean tree-ring width

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    We use the process-based VS (Vaganov-Shashkin) model to investigate whether a regional <i>Pinus halepensis</i> tree-ring chronology from Tunisia can be simulated as a function of climate alone by employing a biological model linking day length and daily temperature and precipitation (AD 1959–2004) from a climate station to ring-width variations. We check performance of the model on independent data by a validation exercise in which the model's parameters are tuned using data for 1982–2004 and the model is applied to generate tree-ring indices for 1959–1981. The validation exercise yields a highly significant positive correlation between the residual chronology and estimated growth curve (<i>r</i>=0.76 <i>p</i><0.0001, <i>n</i>=23). The model shows that the average duration of the growing season is 191 days, with considerable variation from year to year. On average, soil moisture limits tree-ring growth for 128 days and temperature for 63 days. Model results depend on chosen values of parameters, in particular a parameter specifying a balance ratio between soil moisture and precipitation. Future work in the Mediterranean region should include multi-year natural experiments to verify patterns of cambial-growth variation suggested by the VS model

    Influence of High-Tech Society on the Development of Modern Educational System

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    The authors consider such issues as (1) forming a valid educational system in a high-tech world; (2) forming the principles upon which it should be built; (3) considering the primary subjects of interaction with high-tech educational system; (4) imposing the effective methods, tools, development technologies, and self-development techniques of subjects in the context of the educational system; (5) defining what is possible to entrust to machines in a digital educational system, in comparison with humans; (6) evaluating the digital skills education efficiency; (7) defining methods that provide the efficiency of educational influence. The primary method of the research is the analysis and generalization of the national and foreign scholarly works in terms of what are the features of the evolution of the educational system in a modern high-tech society. The authors conclude that the key tendency in the development of educational technologies consists in the need to expand the existing formats of educational courses for the development of digital skills with technologies that use mobile learning and artificial intelligence programs
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