32 research outputs found

    Swidden cultivation crops in Okawach Settlement of Shiiba Village, Miyazaki Prefecture

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    宮厎県怎葉村倧河内地区で基本的な生業ずしお行われおきた焌畑蟲業における, 第二次䞖界倧戊埌の䜜物の皮類ず生産䜓系ならびに調理法に぀いお調査した。その結果, 焌畑ではピ, アワ, アズキ, ダむズ, ゜バ, トりモロコシ, ダむコン, カブなど倚皮類の䜜物が堎所や畑の開蚭幎床に応じお䜜付けされおいた。焌畑䜜物のなかでもピが䞻食ずしお最重芁ずされ, 次いでアズキが倚く甚いられた。䜜物が䜜付けされた埌には, 䜜物に応じた陀草や動物害の防陀が行われおおり, 収穫, 保存法にも皮間差が存圚した。䜜物を脱穀, 粟補するために専甚の甚具を制䜜し, 効率的な䜜業を行っおいた。調理においおはピにアズキを混ぜた飯が最も利甚されたが, このほかに焌畑ず垞畑から埗られる様々な䜜物を組み合わせお, 倚様な食環境を構築しおいた。Swidden agricultural crops were basic food for residents in Okawachi Settlement of Shiiba Village. This study showed the variety of crops, the rotational system and the gastronomy after World War II until the early 1960\u27s. Japanese millet (Echinochloa esculenta), foxtail millet (Setaria italica), azuki bean (Vigna angularis var. angularis), soybean (Glycine max subsp. max) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) were the main crops in the burnt field. Japanese millet was the most important crop and azuki bean was the second one. The seeding, weeding, protection from bird and animal damage and havesting were made depending on the specific property of crops. Selfproduced farm tools were used for threshing the crops. Japanese millet was the staple food and azuki bean was mixed with the millet. Other many traditional dishes were cooked with various combination of the crops from burnt and unburned fields

    Folk handicrafts for swidden cultivation in Okawachi Settlement of Shiiba Village, Miyazaki Prefecture

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    九州山地の焌畑蟲業卓越地域であった宮厎県怎葉村倧河内地区においお、焌畑の開蚭から、火入れ、䜜物の播皮、動物害の防陀、䜜物の収穫、粟補、保存ずいった焌畑蟲業を䞭心ずした生掻で䜿われおきた民具の甚途ず補法に぀いお蚘録した。1945幎から1975幎頃たでに䜿甚されおいた33皮の民具のうち、焌畑の開蚭ず火入れに関䞎した民具は6皮、䜜付けから収穫に甚いられた民具は8皮、粟補ず貯蔵、調理に甚いられた民具は19皮あった。焌畑の開蚭から収穫たでに甚いられた民具は自家補品が9皮、既補品ず自家補品を組み合わせたものが5皮だったのに察し、脱穀ず貯蔵、調理に甚いられた民具は自家補品が9皮、既補品ず自家補品の䜵甚が2皮、既補品が8皮であった。Agricultural handicraft and livingware used for a swidden agriculture in Kyushu Mountains region, Okawachi settlement, Shiiba village, Miyazaki prefecture between 1945 to 1975 were recorded. In the studied 33 goods, 6 handicrafts were used for the swidden cultivation and controlled burn. Eight handicrafts were used for the seeding, protection against animal feeding and harvesting. There is no ready-made products for the field work of the siwidden agriculture. The other 19 goods were used for the threshing and storage of grains. Nine goods were folk handicrafts, two goods were used in combination of folk handicrafts and ready-made products, and 8 goods were ready-made products

    Swidden agriculture in Okawachi, Shiiba Village.

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    焌畑は宮厎県怎葉村においおか぀お生掻の基盀であり, 九州倧孊宮厎挔習林が所圚する倧河内地区では19701975幎頃たで行われおいた。焌畑には火入れの時期に応じお「春ダボ」ず「倏ダボ」の二通りがあり, 倧河内集萜では春ダボを行うこずが倚かった。春ダボでは䞀般に圓幎にピを生産し, 翌幎からはアワやアズキなどを23幎䜜った。倏ダボでは圓幎に゜バを䜜り, 2幎目にピ, アワ, 3幎目にはアズキやダむズを䜜った。春ダボは集萜から離れた比范的叀い林地の斜面に䜜られるこずが倚かった。これに察しお倏ダボは倚くの堎合, 若い林地に開蚭された。明治から昭和初期にかけおは春ダボの堎合は玄1520幎, 倏ダボの堎合は7, 8幎の䌑閑期間の埌に再び焌畑が行われおいたが, 1940幎頃から積極的に焌畑にスギを怍林するようになり, 次第にスギの造林地に転換されおいった。Swidden agriculture was the major cultivation style in Shiiba Village, and it had been carried out until 1970s in Okawachi settlement. In Okawachi, the forest was burned on spring or summer for cultivation. In the spring burn field, which was settled in old forest and dominant type in Okawachi, Japanese millet (Echinochloa esculenta) was produced in the first year, and foxtail millet (Setaria italica) and azuki bean (Vigna angularis var. angularis) were produced in the second and third years. In the summer burn field, which was settled in young forest, buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) was the first year product, and Japanese millet and foxtail millet ware the second year products, and azuki bean and soybean(Glycine max subsp. max) were the third year products. The slush and burn cycle was 15 to 20 years in the spring burn field whereas the summer burn field had seven to eight years cycle during Meiji (1868-1912), Taisho (1912-1926) and early Showa (1926-1989) period. The burnt field have been replaced to tree plantation of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) since 1940s

    Geographical names of Shiiba Research Forest, Kyushu University

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    九州倧孊蟲孊郚附属挔習林宮厎挔習林にはその蚭立以前から様々な人々が生掻の堎ずしお掻甚されおきた歎史があり, 長い時間の䞭で倚くの地名が付されおきた. これらの地名は珟圚でも教育・研究掻動や森林管理業務などに掻甚されおいる. 地名があるこずで林班や小班ずいった䞀定の広がりを持぀指暙では説明が困難な「点や線」ずしおの䜍眮説明が可胜になり, 螏査や珟堎の状況説明が容易ずなる. しかし1939幎の宮厎挔習林蚭立以来, 地名に関するたずたった蚘茉はこれたで存圚しおいない. 地名に詳しい幎長者達が少なくなり, 教職員や関係者の異動などが以前ず比べお倚くなったため, これたで口承されおきた地名が幎々消倱しおしたう可胜性が危惧されおいる. そこで本報告では珟圚䜿われおいる地名に加えお, 以前䜿われおいた地名に぀いおも関係者に聞き取り調査を行い, 宮厎挔習林内に圚する92の地名に぀いおその由来ずずもに蚘茉した。Shiiba Research Forest, Kyushu University Forest, Kyushu University was settled on Okawachi area of Shiiba village in 1939. Okawachi area was one of the center of Shiiba village and has a long history from Muromachi Period. Number of geographical names in Shiiba Research Forest represent the history and these names are still used for research, education and forest management. This report describes not only the currently using geographical names but also the disappearing past names and their origin


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    焌畑は宮厎県怎葉村においおか぀お生掻の基盀であり, 九州倧孊宮厎挔習林が所圚する倧河内地区では19701975幎頃たで行われおいた。焌畑には火入れの時期に応じお「春ダボ」ず「倏ダボ」の二通りがあり, 倧河内集萜では春ダボを行うこずが倚かった。春ダボでは䞀般に圓幎にピを生産し, 翌幎からはアワやアズキなどを23幎䜜った。倏ダボでは圓幎に゜バを䜜り, 2幎目にピ, アワ, 3幎目にはアズキやダむズを䜜った。春ダボは集萜から離れた比范的叀い林地の斜面に䜜られるこずが倚かった。これに察しお倏ダボは倚くの堎合, 若い林地に開蚭された。明治から昭和初期にかけおは春ダボの堎合は玄1520幎, 倏ダボの堎合は7, 8幎の䌑閑期間の埌に再び焌畑が行われおいたが, 1940幎頃から積極的に焌畑にスギを怍林するようになり, 次第にスギの造林地に転換されおいった。Swidden agriculture was the major cultivation style in Shiiba Village, and it had been carried out until 1970s in Okawachi settlement. In Okawachi, the forest was burned on spring or summer for cultivation. In the spring burn field, which was settled in old forest and dominant type in Okawachi, Japanese millet (Echinochloa esculenta) was produced in the first year, and foxtail millet (Setaria italica) and azuki bean (Vigna angularis var. angularis) were produced in the second and third years. In the summer burn field, which was settled in young forest, buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) was the first year product, and Japanese millet and foxtail millet ware the second year products, and azuki bean and soybean(Glycine max subsp. max) were the third year products. The slush and burn cycle was 15 to 20 years in the spring burn field whereas the summer burn field had seven to eight years cycle during Meiji (1868-1912), Taisho (1912-1926) and early Showa (1926-1989) period. The burnt field have been replaced to tree plantation of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) since 1940s


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    宮厎県怎葉村倧河内地区で基本的な生業ずしお行われおきた焌畑蟲業における, 第二次䞖界倧戊埌の䜜物の皮類ず生産䜓系ならびに調理法に぀いお調査した。その結果, 焌畑ではピ, アワ, アズキ, ダむズ, ゜バ, トりモロコシ, ダむコン, カブなど倚皮類の䜜物が堎所や畑の開蚭幎床に応じお䜜付けされおいた。焌畑䜜物のなかでもピが䞻食ずしお最重芁ずされ, 次いでアズキが倚く甚いられた。䜜物が䜜付けされた埌には, 䜜物に応じた陀草や動物害の防陀が行われおおり, 収穫, 保存法にも皮間差が存圚した。䜜物を脱穀, 粟補するために専甚の甚具を制䜜し, 効率的な䜜業を行っおいた。調理においおはピにアズキを混ぜた飯が最も利甚されたが, このほかに焌畑ず垞畑から埗られる様々な䜜物を組み合わせお, 倚様な食環境を構築しおいた。Swidden agricultural crops were basic food for residents in Okawachi Settlement of Shiiba Village. This study showed the variety of crops, the rotational system and the gastronomy after World War II until the early 1960's. Japanese millet (Echinochloa esculenta), foxtail millet (Setaria italica), azuki bean (Vigna angularis var. angularis), soybean (Glycine max subsp. max) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) were the main crops in the burnt field. Japanese millet was the most important crop and azuki bean was the second one. The seeding, weeding, protection from bird and animal damage and havesting were made depending on the specific property of crops. Selfproduced farm tools were used for threshing the crops. Japanese millet was the staple food and azuki bean was mixed with the millet. Other many traditional dishes were cooked with various combination of the crops from burnt and unburned fields


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    九州倧孊蟲孊郚附属挔習林宮厎挔習林にはその蚭立以前から様々な人々が生掻の堎ずしお掻甚されおきた歎史があり, 長い時間の䞭で倚くの地名が付されおきた. これらの地名は珟圚でも教育・研究掻動や森林管理業務などに掻甚されおいる. 地名があるこずで林班や小班ずいった䞀定の広がりを持぀指暙では説明が困難な「点や線」ずしおの䜍眮説明が可胜になり, 螏査や珟堎の状況説明が容易ずなる. しかし1939幎の宮厎挔習林蚭立以来, 地名に関するたずたった蚘茉はこれたで存圚しおいない. 地名に詳しい幎長者達が少なくなり, 教職員や関係者の異動などが以前ず比べお倚くなったため, これたで口承されおきた地名が幎々消倱しおしたう可胜性が危惧されおいる. そこで本報告では珟圚䜿われおいる地名に加えお, 以前䜿われおいた地名に぀いおも関係者に聞き取り調査を行い, 宮厎挔習林内に圚する92の地名に぀いおその由来ずずもに蚘茉した。Shiiba Research Forest, Kyushu University Forest, Kyushu University was settled on Okawachi area of Shiiba village in 1939. Okawachi area was one of the center of Shiiba village and has a long history from Muromachi Period. Number of geographical names in Shiiba Research Forest represent the history and these names are still used for research, education and forest management. This report describes not only the currently using geographical names but also the disappearing past names and their origin

    Traditional name and usage of plant in Okawachi, Shiiba Village : I. Trees

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    日本民俗孊発祥の地ずも呌ばれ䌝統的な怍物民俗文化を維持しおいる宮厎県怎葉村倧河内地区においお生育する高朚針葉暹10皮広葉暹59皮ず6類の䌝統的な利甚法ずその方蚀に぀いお集萜の耇数の幎長者から聞き取り調査を行い蚘録したその結果建築材ずしお甚いる堎合は朚材の匷床耐久性加工性などの芁件を組み合わせお郚材に応じた暹皮の遞択が行われおいた䞀方噚具材には材の重堅な暹皮はその重堅さを軜軟な暹皮はその軜軟さを生かす利甚が図られおいたたたほだ朚にはキノコずその発生する暹皮ずの察応関係を把握した䞊でほだ朚ずしおの耐久性ず利䟿性から状況に応じお倚くの暹皮を利甚しおきたこずが明らかになったShiiba village has been believed to be the birthplace of Japanese folklore. The traditional name and usage of 69 tree species growing in Okawachi Settlement, Shiiba Village were described based on the hearing investigation from the learned elders of the settlement. Construction wood was chosen mainly from coniferous species in view of the strength, endurance and workability. Furniture and instrument wood were selected from the degree of hardness and density in accordance with the purpose of usage. The tree for mushroom cultivation was determined depending on the compatibility with the fungi and durability of the mushroom bed

    The Traditional name and usage of plant in Okawachi, Shiiba Village,Kyushu,Japan.II. Shrubs

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    宮厎県怎葉村倧河内地区における怍物の䌝統的な利甚法ず方蚀を蚘茉した前報内海ら2007では高朚に぀いお述べたが本報では䜎朚79皮ず7類針葉暹1皮広葉暹78皮ず7類に぀いお耇数の幎長者からの聞き取り調査結果をたずめた朚郚の利甚ずしおは道具の柄朚に甚いられる暹皮が5皮存圚し道具ごずに求められる材質特性の違いに応じお暹皮の遞択がなされおいた暹皮の利甚ずしおは和玙原料になる暹皮が5皮鳥もちの原料ずなる暹皮が2皮あり和玙原料の採取や鳥もちの補造が珟金を埗る貎重な手段ずしお地区の生掻を支えおいた方蚀名は高朚ず比べお存圚しおいない割合が高く玄1/4の暹皮には認められなかった理由ずしおは過去には生掻に利甚されお方蚀名があったが時間の経過ずずもに名前が倱われおしたった暹皮ずそもそも利甚する文化がなかったため名前を䞎えられなかった暹皮があるず考えられたThe traditional name and usage of plants growing in Okawachi Settlement of Shiiba Village were investigated. The present study showed the result of 79 species and seven groupers of shrubs by hearing investigation from the learned elder of the settlement following the previous report of the arbors (Utsumi et al. 2007). The wood of five species was used for the handle of ax, sickle, chopper, hammer and saw. The selection of these species was made in view of the balance between the strength and weight that the each instrument needed. The bark of five species was used for raw material of Japan paper and the bark of two other species was used for making birdlime. The loss of dialect in shrubs was about 26 % and higher than the arbors. The dialect of these species would be vanished with the time or have no name always because these species have no usage