Folk handicrafts for swidden cultivation in Okawachi Settlement of Shiiba Village, Miyazaki Prefecture


九州山地の焼畑農業卓越地域であった宮崎県椎葉村大河内地区において、焼畑の開設から、火入れ、作物の播種、動物害の防除、作物の収穫、精製、保存といった焼畑農業を中心とした生活で使われてきた民具の用途と製法について記録した。1945年から1975年頃までに使用されていた33種の民具のうち、焼畑の開設と火入れに関与した民具は6種、作付けから収穫に用いられた民具は8種、精製と貯蔵、調理に用いられた民具は19種あった。焼畑の開設から収穫までに用いられた民具は自家製品が9種、既製品と自家製品を組み合わせたものが5種だったのに対し、脱穀と貯蔵、調理に用いられた民具は自家製品が9種、既製品と自家製品の併用が2種、既製品が8種であった。Agricultural handicraft and livingware used for a swidden agriculture in Kyushu Mountains region, Okawachi settlement, Shiiba village, Miyazaki prefecture between 1945 to 1975 were recorded. In the studied 33 goods, 6 handicrafts were used for the swidden cultivation and controlled burn. Eight handicrafts were used for the seeding, protection against animal feeding and harvesting. There is no ready-made products for the field work of the siwidden agriculture. The other 19 goods were used for the threshing and storage of grains. Nine goods were folk handicrafts, two goods were used in combination of folk handicrafts and ready-made products, and 8 goods were ready-made products

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