1,273 research outputs found

    Analysis of the c-MYC and AP4 axis in breast cancer

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    The deregulated expression of the c-MYC oncogene activates p53 which is presumably mediated by ARF/INK4, as well as replication-stress-induced DNA damage. Here, we aimed to determine whether the c-MYC-inducible AP4 transcription factor plays a role in this context using a genetic approach. We used a CRISPR/Cas9 approach to generate AP4- and/or p53-deficient derivatives of MCF-7 breast cancer cells harboring an ectopic, inducible c-MYC allele. Cell proliferation, senescence, DNA damage, and comprehensive RNA expression profiles were determined after activation of c-MYC. In addition, we analyzed the expression data from primary breast cancer samples. Loss of AP4 resulted in elevated levels of both spontaneous and c-MYC-induced DNA damage, senescence, and diminished cell proliferation. Deletion of p53 in AP4-deficient cells reverted senescence and proliferation defects without affecting DNA damage levels. RNA-Seq analyses showed that loss of AP4 enhanced repression of DREAM and E2F target genes after p53 activation by c-MYC. Depletion of p21 or the DREAM complex component LIN37 abrogated this effect. These p53-dependent effects were conserved on the level of clinical and gene expression associations found in primary breast cancer tumors. Our results established AP4 as a pivotal factor at the crossroads of c-MYC, E2F, and p53 target gene regulation.Die deregulierte Expression des c-MYC-Onkogens aktiviert p53, was vermutlich durch ARF/INK4 sowie durch Replikationsstress-induzierte DNA-Schäden vermittelt wird. Ob der c-MYC-induzierbare Transkriptionsfaktor AP4 in diesem Zusammenhang eine Rolle spielt, wollten wir hier mit einem genetischen Ansatz klären. Wir verwendeten einen CRISPR/Cas9-Ansatz, um AP4- und/oder p53- defiziente Derivate von MCF-7-Brustkrebszellen zu erzeugen, die ein ektopisches, induzierbares c-MYC-Allel beinhalten. Zellproliferation, Seneszenz, DNA-Schäden und umfassende RNA-Expressionsprofile wurden nach Aktivierung von c-MYC bestimmt. Darüber hinaus analysierten wir die Expressionsdaten von primären Brustkrebsproben. Der Verlust von AP4 führte zu Erhöhung von spontaner als auch c-MYC-induzierter DNA-Schädigung, Seneszenz und verminderter Zellproliferation. Die Deletion von p53 in AP4-defizienten Zellen hob die Seneszenz und Proliferationsdefekte auf, ohne das Ausmaß der DNA-Schädigung zu beeinflussen. RNA-Seq-Analysen zeigten, dass der Verlust von AP4 die Repression von DREAM- und E2F-Zielgenen nach p53-Aktivierung durch c-MYC verstärkt. Die Depletion von p21 oder der DREAM-Komplex-Komponente LIN37 hob diesen Effekt auf. Diese p53- abhängigen Effekte blieben auf der Ebene von klinischen und Genexpressions Assoziationen erhalten, die in primären Brustkrebstumoren gefunden wurden. Unsere Ergebnisse etablierten AP4 als zentralen Faktor an der Schnittstelle der c-MYC, E2F und p53-vermittelten Genregulation

    Human Attention Detection Using AM-FM Representations

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    Human activity detection from digital videos presents many challenges to the computer vision and image processing communities. Recently, many methods have been developed to detect human activities with varying degree of success. Yet, the general human activity detection problem remains very challenging, especially when the methods need to work “in the wild” (e.g., without having precise control over the imaging geometry). The thesis explores phase-based solutions for (i) detecting faces, (ii) back of the heads, (iii) joint detection of faces and back of the heads, and (iv) whether the head is looking to the left or the right, using standard video cameras without any control on the imaging geometry. The proposed phase-based approach is based on the development of simple and robust methods that relie on the use of Amplitude Modulation - Frequency Modulation (AM-FM) models. The approach is validated using video frames extracted from the Advancing Outof- school Learning in Mathematics and Engineering (AOLME) project. The dataset consisted of 13,265 images from ten students looking at the camera, and 6,122 images from five students looking away from the camera. For the students facing the camera, the method was able to correctly classify 97.1% of them looking to the left and 95.9% of them looking to the right. For the students facing the back of the camera, the method was able to correctly classify 87.6% of them looking to the left and 93.3% of them looking to the right. The results indicate that AM-FM based methods hold great promise for analyzing human activity videos

    Cold signal into nucleus - A lesson from CBF4 and Kinesin 14

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    Kältestress, einschließlich Abkühlung (0-20℃) und Frost (0℃), wirkt sich nachteilig auf den Pflanzenstoffwechsel und das Transkriptom aus. Die Pflanze erwirbt jedoch eine erhöhte Kältetoleranz durch eine frühere Exposition gegenüber leichtem Kältestress, der eine angemessene Kältereaktion in der Pflanzenzelle auslöst, aber keine irreversiblen Schäden verursacht. Die Kälteakklimatisierung ist von besonderer Bedeutung für die Toleranz gegenüber Spätfrösten im Frühjahr, da diese als Folge der verschwommenen Saisonalität im Kontext des globalen Klimawandels immer häufiger auftreten. C-Repeat-Bindungsfaktoren (CBFs) sind entscheidende Transkriptionsaktivatoren bei der Reaktion von Pflanzen auf niedrige Temperaturen. CBF4 unterscheidet sich durch eine langsamere, aber beständigere Regulation und seine Rolle bei der Kälteakklimatisierung. In der aktuellen Studie untersuchen wir die Funktionen des CBF4 der Weinrebe, VvCBF4. Die Überexpression von VvCBF4, das mit GFP fusioniert ist, in BY-2-Tabakzellen verleiht Kältetoleranz. Darüber hinaus wandert dieses Protein als Reaktion auf Kältestress vom Zytoplasma in den Zellkern, was mit der Anhäufung von Transkripten für andere CBFs und das auf Kälte reagierende (COR) Gen ERD10d einhergeht. Diese Reaktion ist bei Kälte anders als bei Frost und wird durch vorgelagerte Signale wie oxidativen Burst, Proteasom-Aktivität und Jasmonat-Synthese unterschiedlich reguliert. Dieser Unterschied zwischen Kühlen und Gefrieren zeigt sich auch in der Regulierung der CBF4- und ERD10d-Transkripte in Blättern verschiedener Rebsorten, die sich in ihrer Kältetoleranz unterscheiden. Wir schlagen ein Modell vor, bei dem die Qualität des Kältestresses durch verschiedene vorgelagerte Signale vermittelt wird, die den Kernimport und damit die transkriptionelle Aktivierung von CBF4 bei Weinreben regulieren. Darüber hinaus wurde in früheren Arbeiten unseres Labors gezeigt, dass sich ein Minus-End-gesteuertes Klasse-XIV-Kinesin aus Reis OsDLK (Dual localization kinesin) von den kortikalen Mikrotubuli in den Zellkern bewegt und zwar spezifisch bei Kältestress. Die Überexpression von OsDLK-GFP führte zu einer unterdrückten Expression der tabakspezifischen Homologen von CBF4, Avr9/Cf9, was auf eine mögliche Verbindung zwischen DLK und CBF4 bei der Kältesignalisierung hindeutet (Xu et al., 2022). Um die molekulare Funktion von DLK bei der Kältereaktion zu verstehen, überexprimierten wir ein DLK aus der Weinrebe (VvDLK), die am N-Terminus mit GFP fusioniert war, in BY-2-Tabakzellen. In unserer Studie wurden zwei Subpopulationen beobachtet. Bei der einen erscheint das GFP-Signal im Zellkern (D-N) mit hohen DLK mRNA-Spiegel. Die andere ist, dass VvDLK nicht nur im Zellkern lokalisiert ist, sondern auch Mikrotubuli dekoriert (D-M) und eine mysteriöse schwere Bande (90kD) aufweist, die fest an Mikrotubuli bindet. Angesichts der differenten Zellsterblichkeit der beiden Subpopulationen als Reaktion auf Kälte und Gefrieren wird D-N als kälteresistenter Phänotyp angesehen, während D-M kälteempfindlich ist. Um diesen Unterschied zu erklären, fanden wir Transkriptunterschiede von Avr9/Cf9, COR-Genen, die möglicherweise eine Rolle bei der Kältetoleranz spielen und den Unterschied zwischen den beiden Populationen bei der Reaktion auf Froststress erklären. Dieser Unterschied von VvDLK zwischen Kühlen und Gefrieren ist auch in Blättern verschiedener Rebsorten zu beobachten, die sich in ihrer Kältetoleranz unterscheiden, was auf einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen VvDLK und Kältetoleranz hinweist, der mit der CBF4-Aktivität zusammenhängen könnte

    Business Plan for Sustainable Ethanol Cooking Fuel in Developing World

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    Ethanol cooking fuel has great promise in developing countries, especially in South Asia and Africa, because it can yield significant economic, environmental and health benefits. This business plan aims to find a clean and ideal solution to promote ethanol cooking fuel and stoves cost-effectively for a representative developing country—Kenya. This plan compares the biological features of a couple of potential feedstock of ethanol and chooses sweet sorghum because of its great adaptability to semi-arid climate and short harvesting cycle. Next, by assessing the technical and economical feasibility of a local small-scale ethanol plant and bringing forward integrated solutions throughout the entire supply chain from the feedstock production to the retail of ethanol fuel products, this business plan indicates that ethanol cooking fuel and stoves can substitute prevalent fuel-wood and three-stone fire cost-effectively. The local production of ethanol can yield income benefits to local farmers by purchasing local feedstock, healthy benefits to local residents, especially women and children, and job-creating benefits to local communities by involving retailers, delivers and farmers into this business. Besides, if the investor further takes carbon credit generated from ethanol plant, byproducts of ethanol production and potential government subsidies or financial incentive policies into consideration, the profitability of this business could be improved additionally

    Enhancing Surveillance Camera FOV Quality via Semantic Line Detection and Classification with Deep Hough Transform

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    The quality of recorded videos and images is significantly influenced by the camera's field of view (FOV). In critical applications like surveillance systems and self-driving cars, an inadequate FOV can give rise to severe safety and security concerns, including car accidents and thefts due to the failure to detect individuals and objects. The conventional methods for establishing the correct FOV heavily rely on human judgment and lack automated mechanisms to assess video and image quality based on FOV. In this paper, we introduce an innovative approach that harnesses semantic line detection and classification alongside deep Hough transform to identify semantic lines, thus ensuring a suitable FOV by understanding 3D view through parallel lines. Our approach yields an effective F1 score of 0.729 on the public EgoCart dataset, coupled with a notably high median score in the line placement metric. We illustrate that our method offers a straightforward means of assessing the quality of the camera's field of view, achieving a classification accuracy of 83.8\%. This metric can serve as a proxy for evaluating the potential performance of video and image quality applications.Comment: Appeared in the WACV 2024 Workshop on Image/Video/Audio Quality in Computer Vision and Generative A

    Glutamate Excitotoxicity Inflicts Paranodal Myelin Splitting and Retraction.

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    Paranodal myelin damage is observed in white matter injury. However the culprit for such damage remains unknown. By coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering imaging of myelin sheath in fresh tissues with sub-micron resolution, we observed significant paranodal myelin splitting and retraction following glutamate application both ex vivo and in vivo. Multimodal multiphoton imaging further showed that glutamate application broke axo-glial junctions and exposed juxtaparanodal K+ channels, resulting in axonal conduction deficit that was demonstrated by compound action potential measurements. The use of 4-aminopyridine, a broad-spectrum K+ channel blocker, effectively recovered both the amplitude and width of compound action potentials. Using CARS imaging as a quantitative readout of nodal length to diameter ratio, the same kind of paranodal myelin retraction was observed with applications of Ca2+ ionophore A23187. Moreover, exclusion of Ca2+ from the medium or application of calpain inhibitor abolished paranodal myelin retraction during glutamate exposure. Examinations of glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists further showed that the paranodal myelin damage was mediated by NMDA and kainate receptors. These results suggest that an increased level of glutamate in diseased white matter could impair paranodal myelin through receptor-mediated Ca2+ overloading and subsequent calpain activation

    Dissecting the membrane-microtubule sensor in grapevine defence

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    Specific populations of plant microtubules cooperate with the plasma membrane to sense and process abiotic stress signals, such as cold stress. The current study derived from the question, to what extent this perception system is active in biotic stress signalling. The experimental system consisted of grapevine cell lines, where microtubules or actin filaments are visualised by GFP, such that their response became visible in vivo. We used the bacterial elicitors harpin (inducing cell-death related defence), or flg22 (inducing basal immunity) in combination with modulators of membrane fluidity, or microtubules. We show that DMSO, a membrane rigidifier, can cause microtubule bundling and trigger defence responses, including activation of phytoalexin transcripts. However, DMSO inhibited the gene expression in response to harpin, while promoting the gene expression in response to flg22. Treatment with DMSO also rendered microtubules more persistent to harpin. Paradoxically, Benzylalcohol (BA), a membrane fluidiser, acted in the same way as DMSO. Neither GdCl3, nor diphenylene iodonium were able to block the inhibitory effect of membrane rigidification on harpin-induced gene expression. Treatment with taxol stabilised microtubule against harpin but amplified the response of PAL transcripts. Therefore, the data support implications of a model that deploys specific responses to pathogen-derived signals

    Cold-Induced Nuclear Import of CBF4 Regulates Freezing Tolerance

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    C-repeat binding factors (CBFs) are crucial transcriptional activators in plant responses to low temperature. CBF4 differs in its slower, but more persistent regulation and its role in cold acclimation. Cold acclimation has accentuated relevance for tolerance to late spring frosts as they have become progressively more common, as a consequence of blurred seasonality in the context of global climate change. In the current study, we explore the functions of CBF4 from grapevine, VvCBF4. Overexpression of VvCBF4 fused to GFP in tobacco BY-2 cells confers cold tolerance. Furthermore, this protein shuttles from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in response to cold stress, associated with an accumulation of transcripts for other CBFs and the cold responsive gene, ERD10d. This response differs for chilling as compared to freezing and is regulated differently by upstream signalling involving oxidative burst, proteasome activity and jasmonate synthesis. The difference between chilling and freezing is also seen in the regulation of the CBF4 transcript in leaves from different grapevines differing in their cold tolerance. Therefore, we propose the quality of cold stress is transduced by different upstream signals regulating nuclear import and, thus, the transcriptional activation of grapevine CBF4