624 research outputs found

    Photon correlations for colloidal nanocrystals and their clusters

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    Images of semiconductor `dot in rods' and their small clusters are studied by measuring the second-order correlation function with a spatially resolving ICCD camera. This measurement allows one to distinguish between a single dot and a cluster and, to a certain extent, to estimate the number of dots in a cluster. A more advanced measurement is proposed, based on higher-order correlations, enabling more accurate determination of the number of dots in a small cluster. Nonclassical features of the light emitted by such a cluster are analyzed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Photon correlations for colloidal nanocrystals and their clusters

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    Images of semiconductor “dot-in-rods” and their small clusters are studied by measuring the second-order correlation function with a spatially resolving intensified CCD camera. This measurement allows one to distinguish between a single dot and a cluster and, to a certain extent, to estimate the number of dots in a cluster. A more advanced measurement is proposed, based on higher-order correlations, enabling more accurate determination of the number of dots in a small cluster. Nonclassical features of the light emitted by such a cluster are analyzed

    Pluripolarity of Graphs of Denjoy Quasianalytic Functions of Several Variables

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    In this paper we prove pluripolarity of graphs of Denjoy quasianalytic functions of several variables on the spanning se

    On universality of local edge regime for the deformed Gaussian Unitary Ensemble

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    We consider the deformed Gaussian ensemble Hn=Hn(0)+MnH_n=H_n^{(0)}+M_n in which Hn(0)H_n^{(0)} is a hermitian matrix (possibly random) and MnM_n is the Gaussian unitary random matrix (GUE) independent of Hn(0)H_n^{(0)}. Assuming that the Normalized Counting Measure of Hn(0)H_n^{(0)} converges weakly (in probability if random) to a non-random measure N(0)N^{(0)} with a bounded support and assuming some conditions on the convergence rate, we prove universality of the local eigenvalue statistics near the edge of the limiting spectrum of HnH_n.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    General properties of overlap probability distributions in disordered spin systems. Toward Parisi ultrametricity

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    For a very general class of probability distributions in disordered Ising spin systems, in the thermodynamical limit, we prove the following property for overlaps among real replicas. Consider the overlaps among s replicas. Add one replica s+1. Then, the overlap q(a,s+1) between one of the first s replicas, let us say a, and the added s+1 is either independent of the former ones, or it is identical to one of the overlaps q(a,b), with b running among the first s replicas, excluding a. Each of these cases has equal probability 1/s.Comment: LaTeX2e, 11 pages. Submitted to Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. Also available at http://rerumnatura.zool.su.se/stefano/ms/ghigu.p

    Bulk Universality and Related Properties of Hermitian Matrix Models

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    We give a new proof of universality properties in the bulk of spectrum of the hermitian matrix models, assuming that the potential that determines the model is globally C2C^{2} and locally C3C^{3} function (see Theorem \ref{t:U.t1}). The proof as our previous proof in \cite{Pa-Sh:97} is based on the orthogonal polynomial techniques but does not use asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials. Rather, we obtain the sinsin-kernel as a unique solution of a certain non-linear integro-differential equation that follows from the determinant formulas for the correlation functions of the model. We also give a simplified and strengthened version of paper \cite{BPS:95} on the existence and properties of the limiting Normalized Counting Measure of eigenvalues. We use these results in the proof of universality and we believe that they are of independent interest

    Аутовоспалительные заболевания – взгляд иммунолога

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    Autoinflammatory syndromes (AISs) are a heterogeneous group of genetically determined diseases, whose basis is the dysregulated mechanisms of inflammation. Despite the fact that traditional primary immunodeficiencies and AISs have an external dissimilarity, there are many parallels, such as hypodiagnosis, multisystem pattern of lesion, chronic inflammation-induced complications, possible medical therapy using cytokine inhibitors, and cardinal cure by stem cell transplantation and gene therapy.There are more than 25 different AISs, their common manifestations are fever episodes accompanied by laboratory inflammatory activity, polymorphous eruption, lymphoproliferative syndrome, and injury to different organs.Genetic analysis plays an important role in the diagnosis in traditional AISs and primary immunodeficiencies. This is particularly relevant to AISs that are not infrequently very closely allied phenotypically. Moreover, it is important that the detection of a causative genetic defect frequently determines man-agement tactics for patients.For AIS treatment, there is a spectrum of agents modulating these or those inflammatory components. However, there is a problem of resistance to standard therapy as before. Pathogenetic therapy for AISs is lifetime, expensive, and commonly responsible for serious adverse reactions, which worsens quality of life in patients. Patients with AISs, like those with other primary immunodeficiencies, need a multidisciplinary approach with the participation of various specialists. These patients should be followed up in specialized centers that perform treatments according to the international algorithms. Since the early diagnosis of primary immunodeficiencies and AISs is a key to their successful treatment; primary care physician’s awareness of these rare diseases is of the most importance.Аутовоспалительные синдромы (АВС) представляют собой разнородную группу генетически детерминированных заболеваний, в основе которых лежит нарушение регуляции механизмов воспаления. Несмотря на внешнее отличие у «традиционных» первичных иммунодефицитных состояний (ПИДС) и АВС прослеживается много параллелей: гиподиагностика, мультисистемность поражения, осложнения, вызванные хроническим воспалением, возможность консервативной терапии с использованием ингибиторов цитокинов и кардинального излечения с помощью трансплантации стволовых клеток и генной терапии.Описано более 25 различных АВС, их общими проявлениями являются эпизоды лихорадки, сопровождающиеся лабораторной воспалительной активностью, полиморфная сыпь, лимфопролиферативный синдром и поражение различных органов. В диагностике «традиционных» ПИДС и АВС важная роль отводится генетическому анализу. Это особенно актуально для АВС, которые нередко фенотипически очень схожи между собой. Кроме того, важно, что выявление причинного генетического дефекта нередко определяет тактику ведения больного.Для лечения АВС имеется спектр препаратов, модулирующих те или иные звенья воспаления. Однако по-прежнему существует проблема резистентности к стандартной терапии. Патогенетическая терапия АВС является пожизненной, дорогостоящей и нередко сопровождается серьезными нежелательными реакциями, что ухудшает качество жизни больных. Больные с АВС, как и больные с другими ПИДС, нуждаются в мультидисциплинарном подходе с участием различных специалистов. Такие пациенты должны наблюдаться в специализированных центрах, в которых проводится лечение в соответствии с международными алгоритмами. Так как ранняя диагностика ПИДС и АВС является ключом к успешному лечению, наиболее важной представляется осведомленность врачей первичного звена об этих редких заболеваниях.