21 research outputs found

    Management of Massive Arterial Hemorrhage After Pancreatobiliary Surgery: Does Embolotherapy Contribute to Successful Outcome?

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    Massive arterial hemorrhage is, although unusual, a life-threatening complication of major pancreatobiliary surgery. Records of 351 patients who underwent major surgery for malignant pancreatobiliary disease were reviewed in this series. Thirteen patients (3.7%) experienced massive hemorrhage after surgery. Complete hemostasis by transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) or re-laparotomy was achieved in five patients and one patient, respectively. However, 7 of 13 cases ended in fatality, which is a 54% mortality rate. Among six survivors, one underwent selective TAE for a pseudoaneurysm of the right hepatic artery (RHA). Three patients underwent TAE proximal to the proper hepatic artery (PHA): hepatic inflow was maintained by successful TAE of the gastroduodenal artery in two and via a well-developed subphrenic artery in one. One patient had TAE of the celiac axis for a pseudoaneurysm of the splenic artery (SPA), and hepatic inflow was maintained by the arcades around the pancreatic head. One patient who experienced a pseudoaneurysm of the RHA after left hemihepatectomy successfully underwent re-laparotomy, ligation of RHA, and creation of an ileocolic arterioportal shunt. In contrast, four of seven patients with fatal outcomes experienced hepatic infarction following TAE proximal to the PHA or injury of the common hepatic artery during angiography. One patient who underwent a major hepatectomy for hilar bile duct cancer had a recurrent hemorrhage after TAE of the gastroduodenal artery and experienced hepatic failure. In the two patients with a pseudoaneurysm of the SPA or the superior mesenteric artery, an emergency re-laparotomy was required to obtain hemostasis because of worsening clinical status. Selective TAE distal to PHA or in the SPA is usually successful. TAE proximal to PHA must be restricted to cases where collateral hepatic blood flow exists. Otherwise or for a pseudoaneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery, endovascular stenting, temporary creation of an ileocolic arterioportal shunt, or vascular reconstruction by re-laparotomy is an alternative

    Infant difficult behaviors in the context of perinatal biomedical conditions and early child environment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Problems experienced within the first year of an infant's life can be precursors of later mental health conditions. The purpose of this study was to examine the frequency and continuity of difficult behaviors in infants at 3 and 6 months of age and the associations of these difficulties with biomedical and psychosocial factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study was a part of an ongoing prospective birth-cohort study. Study participants were 189 uniparous mothers and their full-term newborns. The index of infant difficult behavior was constructed. This index was then associated with the following factors: delivery mode, newborn function after birth, maternal emotional well-being, risk behavior, subjective evaluation of the quality of the relationship of the couple, and attitudes toward infant-rearing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Common difficult behaviors, including crying, sleeping and eating problems, were characteristic for 30.2% of 3 month old and for 22.2% of 6 month old full-term infants. The expression of infant difficult behaviors at the age of 3 months increased the likelihood of the expression of these difficulties at 6 months by more than 5 times. Factors including younger maternal age, poor prenatal and postnatal emotional well-being, prenatal alcohol consumption, low satisfaction with the couple's relationship before pregnancy, and deficiency of infant-centered maternal attitudes towards infant-rearing increased the likelihood of difficult behaviors in infants at the age of 3 months. Low maternal satisfaction with the relationship of the couple before pregnancy, negative emotional reactions of both parents toward pregnancy (as reported by the mother) and the deficiency of an infant-centered maternal attitude towards infant-rearing increased the likelihood of infant difficult behaviors continuing between the ages of 3 to 6 months. Perinatal biomedical conditions were not related to the difficult behaviors in infants.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study suggests that early onset of difficult behavior highly increases the risk for the continuation of difficult behavior during infancy. In general, the impact of prenatal psychosocial environment on infant behavior decreases from the ages of 3 to 6 months; however, some prenatal and preconceptional psychosocial factors have direct associations with the continuity of difficult behaviors through the first half-year of an infant's life.</p

    The role of the complement system in traumatic brain injury: a review

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important cause of disability and mortality in the western world. While the initial injury sustained results in damage, it is the subsequent secondary cascade that is thought to be the significant determinant of subsequent outcomes. The changes associated with the secondary injury do not become irreversible until some time after the start of the cascade. This may present a window of opportunity for therapeutic interventions aiming to improve outcomes subsequent to TBI. A prominent contributor to the secondary injury is a multifaceted inflammatory reaction. The complement system plays a notable role in this inflammatory reaction; however, it has often been overlooked in the context of TBI secondary injury. The complement system has homeostatic functions in the uninjured central nervous system (CNS), playing a part in neurodevelopment as well as having protective functions in the fully developed CNS, including protection from infection and inflammation. In the context of CNS injury, it can have a number of deleterious effects, evidence for which primarily comes not only from animal models but also, to a lesser extent, from human post-mortem studies. In stark contrast to this, complement may also promote neurogenesis and plasticity subsequent to CNS injury. This review aims to explore the role of the complement system in TBI secondary injury, by examining evidence from both clinical and animal studies. We examine whether specific complement activation pathways play more prominent roles in TBI than others. We also explore the potential role of complement in post-TBI neuroprotection and CNS repair/regeneration. Finally, we highlight the therapeutic potential of targeting the complement system in the context of TBI and point out certain areas on which future research is needed

    Microbiome to Brain:Unravelling the Multidirectional Axes of Communication

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    The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in host physiology. Disruption of its community structure and function can have wide-ranging effects making it critical to understand exactly how the interactive dialogue between the host and its microbiota is regulated to maintain homeostasis. An array of multidirectional signalling molecules is clearly involved in the host-microbiome communication. This interactive signalling not only impacts the gastrointestinal tract, where the majority of microbiota resides, but also extends to affect other host systems including the brain and liver as well as the microbiome itself. Understanding the mechanistic principles of this inter-kingdom signalling is fundamental to unravelling how our supraorganism function to maintain wellbeing, subsequently opening up new avenues for microbiome manipulation to favour desirable mental health outcome

    Preventing and Treating Colic

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    Colic is a common and distressing functional gastrointestinal disorder during infancy. It is a behavioral phenomenon in infants aged 1–4 months involving prolonged inconsolable crying and agitated status with multifactorial etiology. Colic can be considered as a benign, self-limited process because the baby normally grows and feeds even with transient irritable mood. Nevertheless, infantile colic is a common difficulty causing anxiety during parenthood and a recurrent reason for them to seek medical help, especially if it is the first child. The causes of colic can be classified as non-gastrointestinal or gastrointestinal. The former includes altered feeding techniques, modified child-parent relationship, immaturity of central nervous system, behavioral etiology, and maternal smoking or nicotine replacement therapy. Instead, the latter involves inadequate production of lactase enzyme, cow’s milk protein intolerance, alteration of intestinal microbiota, gastrointestinal immaturity, or inflammation which causes intestinal hyperperistalsis due to increase in serotonin secretion and motilin receptor expression. Probiotics may play a crucial part in the manipulation of the microbiota. Probiotic administration is likely to maintain intestinal homeostasis through the modulation of permeability and peristalsis, influencing the gut-brain axis and inhibiting hypersensitivity. This is a decisive field in the development of preventive and therapeutic strategies for infantile colic. However, further studies are needed for each specific formulation in order to better characterize pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties and to evaluate their application as a possible preventive strategy if administered early during infancy against the later development of pain-related FGIDs