1,586 research outputs found

    Successive spin-flop transitions of a Neel-type antiferromagnet Li2MnO3 single crystal with a honeycomb lattice

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    We have carried out high magnetic field studies of single-crystalline Li2MnO3, a honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet. Its magnetic phase diagram was mapped out using magnetization measurements at applied fields up to 35 T. Our results show that it undergoes two successive meta-magnetic transitions around 9 T fields applied perpendicular to the ab plane (along the c* axis). These phase transitions are completely absent in the magnetization measured with the field applied along the ab plane. In order to understand this magnetic phase diagram, we developed a mean-field model starting from the correct Neel-type magnetic structure, consistent with our single crystal neutron diffraction data at zero field. Our model calculations succeeded in explaining the two meta-magnetic transitions that arise when Li2MnO3 enters two different spin-flop phases from the zero field Neel phase.open1187Nsciescopu

    Non-speech voice for sonic interaction: a catalogue

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    This paper surveys the uses of non-speech voice as an interaction modality within sonic applications. Three main contexts of use have been identified: sound retrieval, sound synthesis and control, and sound design. An overview of different choices and techniques regarding the style of interaction, the selection of vocal features and their mapping to sound features or controls is here displayed. A comprehensive collection of examples instantiates the use of non-speech voice in actual tools for sonic interaction. It is pointed out that while voice-based techniques are already being used proficiently in sound retrieval and sound synthesis, their use in sound design is still at an exploratory phase. An example of creation of a voice-driven sound design tool is here illustrated

    Optimisation of CdTe electrodeposition voltage for development of CdS/CdTe solar cells

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    Cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin films have been deposited on glass/conducting glass (FTO) substrates using low-cost two electrode system and aqueous electrodeposition method. The glass/FTO substrates were used to grow the CdTe layers at different deposition voltages. The structural, electrical, optical and morphological properties of the resulting films have been characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell measurements, optical absorption spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The XRD results indicate that at voltages less than or higher than 1.576 V, crystallinity is poor due to presence of two phases. When CdTe is grown at 1.576 V, the composition is stoichiometric, and the (111) peak has the highest intensity in the XRD diffractogram indicating a high degree of crystallinity. SEM studies showed that all layers had pin-holes and gaps between the grains. These openings seem to be more common in the samples grown at voltages away from the stoichiometric voltage (1.576 V). The linear I–V curves of glass/FTO/CdS/CdTe/Au structures fabricated using stoichiometric CdTe showed efficiency of 10.1 % under AM 1.5 illuminatio

    Considerable Enhancement of Field Emission of SnO2Nanowires by Post-Annealing Process in Oxygen at High Temperature

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    The field emission properties of SnO2nanowires fabricated by chemical vapor deposition with metallic catalyst-assistance were investigated. For the as-fabricated SnO2nanowires, the turn-on and threshold field were 4.03 and 5.4 V/μm, respectively. Considerable enhancement of field emission of SnO2nanowires was obtained by a post-annealing process in oxygen at high temperature. When the SnO2nanowires were post-annealed at 1,000 °C in oxygen, the turn-on and threshold field were decreased to 3.77 and 4.4 V/μm, respectively, and the current density was increased to 6.58 from 0.3 mA/cm2at the same applied electric field of 5.0 V/μm

    Detection of large deletions in the LDL receptor gene with quantitative PCR methods

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    BACKGROUND: Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a common genetic disease and at the molecular level most often due to mutations in the LDL receptor gene. In genetically heterogeneous populations, major structural rearrangements account for about 5% of patients with LDL receptor gene mutations. METHODS: In this study we tested the ability of two different quantitative PCR methods, i.e. Real-Time PCR and Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA), to detect deletions in the LDL receptor gene. We also reassessed the contribution of major structural rearrangements to the mutational spectrum of the LDL receptor gene in Denmark. RESULTS: With both methods it was possible to discriminate between one and two copies of the LDL receptor gene exon 5, but the MLPA method was cheaper, and it was far more accurate and precise than Real-Time PCR. In five of 318 patients with an FH phenotype, MLPA analysis revealed five different deletions in the LDL receptor gene. CONCLUSION: The MLPA method was accurate, precise and at the same time effective in screening a large number of FH patients for large deletions in the LDL receptor gene

    Nosocomial infection in a newborn intensive care unit (NICU), South Korea

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to determine the occurrence of nosocomial infections (NIs), including infection rates, main infection sites, and common microorganisms. Patients included in the study were taken from a newborn intensive care unit (NICU), in a hospital in South Korea. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was performed by reviewing chart. The subjects were 489 neonates who were admitted to the NICU, survived longer than 72 hours, and not transferred to another unit, between Jan. 1. 1995 to Sep. 30, 1999. NIs were identified according to the NNIS definition. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. RESULTS: Cumulative incidence rate for NIs was 30.3 neonates out of 100 admissions, with a total of 44.6 infections. The incidence density was average 10.2 neonates and 15.1 infections per 1000 patient days. The most common infections were pneumonia (28%), bloodstream infection (26%), and conjunctivitis (22%). Major pathogens were Gram-positives such as Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci. The factors associated with NI was less than 1500 g of birth weight, less than 32 weeks of gestational age, and less than 8 of apgar score. There's no statistical difference in discharge status between two groups, but hospital stay was longer in subjects with nosocomial infection than those without infection. CONCLUSION: Although the distribution of pathogens was similar to previous reports, a high rate of nosocomial infection and in particular conjunctivitis was observed in this study that merits further evaluation

    Improvement of composition of CdTe thin films during heat treatment in the presence of CdCl2

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    CdCl2 treatment is a crucial step in development of CdS/CdTe solar cells. Although this rocessing step has been used over a period of three decades, full understanding is not yet achieved. This paper reports the experimental evidence for improvement of composition of CdTe layers during CdCl2 treatment. This investigation makes use of four selected analytical techniques; Photo-electro-chemical (PEC) cell, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). CdTe layers used were electroplated using three Cd precursors; CdSO4, Cd(NO3)2 and CdCl2. Results show the improvement of stoichiometry of CdTe layers during CdCl2 treatment through chemical reaction between Cd from CdCl2 and elemental Te that usually precipitate during CdTe growth, due to its natural behaviour. XRD and SEM results show that the low-temperature (~85ºC) electroplated CdTe layers consist of ~(20-60) nm size crystallites, but after CdCl2 treatment, the layers show drastic recrystallisation with grains becoming a few microns in size. These CdCl2 treated layers are then comparable to high temperature grown CdTe layers by the size of grains

    Comparison of germinal center markers CD10, BCL6 and human germinal center-associated lymphoma (HGAL) in follicular lymphomas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recently, human germinal center-associated lymphoma (HGAL) gene protein has been proposed as an adjunctive follicular marker to CD10 and BCL6.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Our aim was to evaluate immunoreactivity for HGAL in 82 cases of follicular lymphomas (FLs) - 67 nodal, 5 cutaneous and 10 transformed - which were all analysed histologically, by immunohistochemistry and PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Immunostaining for HGAL was more frequently positive (97.6%) than that for BCL6 (92.7%) and CD10 (90.2%) in FLs; the cases negative for bcl6 and/or for CD10 were all positive for HGAL, whereas the two cases negative for HGAL were positive with BCL6; no difference in HGAL immunostaining was found among different malignant subtypes or grades.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Therefore, HGAL can be used in the immunostaining of FLs as the most sensitive germinal center (GC)-marker; when applied alone, it would half the immunostaining costs, reserving the use of the other two markers only to HGAL-negative cases.</p

    Chronic hyperglycemia induces trans-differentiation of human pancreatic stellate cells and enhances the malignant molecular communication with human pancreatic cancer cells

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus is linked to pancreatic cancer. We hypothesized a role for pancreatic stellate cells (PSC) in the hyperglycemia induced deterioration of pancreatic cancer and therefore studied two human cell lines (RLT-PSC, T3M4) in hyperglycemic environment. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The effect of chronic hyperglycemia (CHG) on PSCs was studied using mRNA expression array with real-time PCR validation and bioinformatic pathway analysis, and confirmatory protein studies. The stress fiber formation (IC: αSMA) indicated that PSCs tend to transdifferentiate to a myofibroblast-like state after exposure to CHG. The phosphorylation of p38 and ERK1/2 was increased with a consecutive upregulation of CDC25, SP1, cFOS and p21, and with downregulation of PPARγ after PSCs were exposed to chronic hyperglycemia. CXCL12 levels increased significantly in PSC supernatant after CHG exposure independently from TGF-β1 treatment (3.09-fold with a 2.73-fold without TGF-β1, p<0.05). The upregualtion of the SP1 transcription factor in PSCs after CHG exposure may be implicated in the increased CXCL12 and IGFBP2 production. In cancer cells, hyperglycemia induced an increased expression of CXCR4, a CXCL12 receptor that was also induced by PSC's conditioned medium. The receptor-ligand interaction increased the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38 resulting in activation of MAP kinase pathway, one of the most powerful stimuli for cell proliferation. Certainly, conditioned medium of PSC increased pancreatic cancer cell proliferation and this effect could be partially inhibited by a CXCR4 inhibitor. As the PSC conditioned medium (normal glucose concentration) increased the ERK1/2 and p38 phosphorylation, we concluded that PSCs produce other factor(s) that influence(s) pancreatic cancer behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: Hyperglycemia induces increased CXCL12 production by the PSCs, and its receptor, CXCR4 on cancer cells. The ligand-receptor interaction activates MAP kinase signaling that causes increased cancer cell proliferation and migration

    Development of a Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor for Real-Time Detection of Osteogenic Differentiation in Live Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors have been recognized as a useful tool and widely used for real-time dynamic analysis of molecular binding affinity because of its high sensitivity to the change of the refractive index of tested objects. The conventional methods in molecular biology to evaluate cell differentiation require cell lysis or fixation, which make investigation in live cells difficult. In addition, a certain amount of cells are needed in order to obtain adequate protein or messenger ribonucleic acid for various assays. To overcome this limitation, we developed a unique SPR-based biosensing apparatus for real-time detection of cell differentiation in live cells according to the differences of optical properties of the cell surface caused by specific antigen-antibody binding. In this study, we reported the application of this SPR-based system to evaluate the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). OB-cadherin expression, which is up-regulated during osteogenic differentiation, was targeted under our SPR system by conjugating antibodies against OB-cadherin on the surface of the object. A linear relationship between the duration of osteogenic induction and the difference in refractive angle shift with very high correlation coefficient was observed. To sum up, the SPR system and the protocol reported in this study can rapidly and accurately define osteogenic maturation of MSCs in a live cell and label-free manner with no need of cell breakage. This SPR biosensor will facilitate future advances in a vast array of fields in biomedical research and medical diagnosis