25 research outputs found

    Virtual learning object for the simulated evaluation of acute pain in nursing students

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    This study aimed to evaluate the results of the application of a virtual learning object for the simulated evaluation of acute pain in the learning of undergraduate nursing students and to verify the opinions of the students regarding the quality of the technology. This was a quasi-experimental, non-randomized, before and after study performed with 14 students in the seventh phase of the undergraduate nursing course of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The pre (8.84) and post-test (9.31) means revealed significant differences in learning after the intervention (p=0.03). In the qualitative evaluation the flexibility of access, access independent of time/place, freedom to decide the best learning route and the similarity with reality were highlighted. It constitutes a promising educational tool, an interactive experience, similar to reality, dynamic and constructive learning. The application of the technology has brought positive results for learning about pain evaluation, contributing to fill the gap in the teaching of the thematic.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los resultados de la aplicación de un objeto virtual de aprendizaje para evaluación simulada de dolor agudo en el aprendizaje de estudiantes de graduación en enfermería y verificar su opinión sobre la calidad de la tecnología. Se trata de un estudio casi experimental, no aleatorio, del tipo antes y después, realizado con 14 estudiantes de la séptima fase de la graduación en enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina. Los promedios de la prueba, antes (8,84) y después (9,31), revelaron diferencia significativa en el aprendizaje después de la intervención (p=0.03). En la evaluación cualitativa se destacaron la flexibilidad de acceso, el acceso independiente de tiempo/lugar, libertad para decidir el mejor curso de aprendizaje y la semejanza con la realidad. Constituye una promisora herramienta educacional, una experiencia interactiva, semejante a la realidad, dinámica y constructiva de aprendizaje. La aplicación de la tecnología presentó resultados positivos para el aprendizaje de la evaluación del dolor, contribuyendo para llenar un vacío en la enseñanza de la temática.O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os resultados da aplicação de um objeto virtual de aprendizagem para avaliação simulada da dor aguda na aprendizagem de estudantes de graduação em enfermagem e verificar sua opinião sobre a qualidade da tecnologia. Trata-se de estudo quase experimental, não randomizado, do tipo antes e depois, realizado com 14 estudantes da sétima fase da graduação em enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. As médias de pré (8,84) e pós-teste (9,31) revelaram diferença significativa na aprendizagem, após intervenção (p=0,03). Na avaliação qualitativa, destacaram-se a flexibilidade de acesso, o acesso independente de tempo/lugar, liberdade para decidir o melhor percurso de aprendizagem e a semelhança com a realidade. Constitui promissora ferramenta educacional, uma experiência interativa, semelhante à realidade, dinâmica e construtiva de aprendizagem. A aplicação da tecnologia trouxe resultados positivos para a aprendizagem da avaliação da dor, contribuindo para o preenchimento da lacuna no ensino da temática

    Evaluation of an educational technology regarding clinical evaluation of preterm newborns

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    AIM: To evaluate, from the students' point of view, educational software developed as a tool to help teachers and students in neonatal nursing. METHOD: The study evaluates the contents and simulations addressed in the software. A total of 57 undergraduate nursing students affiliated with five Brazilian public colleges participated. RESULTS: The general assessment of the software was highly satisfactory: 82.4% of the sample characterized the software as quite effective as a teaching tool. Most components were assessed as good or very good. The participants' suggestions and comments are being considered in the improvement and adaptation of the new software version. CONCLUSION: The results show that the product is adequate for use in neonatal nursing courses and nursing training on the physical examination techniques and semiology of preterm newborns, falling within the pedagogical framework of active methods