2 research outputs found

    Spectral and Textural Characteristics of the Lowland Tropical Rain Forest of Jambi, Sumatera

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    Analyses of Landsat TM and SPOT multispectral data were performed with a very detailed description of the vegetation cover in the field to get a relevancy and consistency of digital image classification in a semi-automatic approach. Three main vegetation types, i.e. primary forest, logged-over forest and secondary forest after clear cut were analyzed and the microclimatic parameters were also measured to describe the ecological condition of the vegetation. Spectral and textural analysis of data obtained from field measurements and spectral reflectance values of the remote sensing data are the main topic of this report as one aspect of study on the Digital Method of Detection and Monitoring on Forest Ecosystem Change Using High Resolution Satellite Data funded by the Indonesian National Research Council. This study shows that spectral reflectance values alone cannot differentiate the logged-over forest from the primary forest, but it is very sharply distinguished from the secondary forest. As for the texture analysis, it is possible to distinguish the logged-over forest from the primary forest, as shown by different values of degree of Entropy, although spatially, it is still doubtful

    Pemberian Wasiat Wajibah Atas Harta Warisan Kepada Ahli Waris Non-Muslim Menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam

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    Adapun tujuan penulisan adalah mengetahui dan menganalisis mengenai pengaturan wasiat wajibah dalam ketentuan fikih dan ketentuan hukum positif di Indonesia, dan dasar pertimbangan Hakim memberikan hak waris dalam bentuk wasiat wajibah kepada ahli waris non muslim. Metode penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, pemberian wasiat wajibah hanya diperuntukkan kepada orang tua angkat atau anak angkat dan tidak untuk diberikan kepada seseorang non-muslim sebagiamana hal ini diatur pada Pasal 209 KHI. Kedua, dasar hakim pemberian wasiat wajibah bagi ahli waris beda agama adalah yurispudensi Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 368/K/Ag/1995, atas dasar asas kebebasan yang dimiliki oleh Hakim, dan Hakim memiliki kewajiban untuk melakukan penemuan hukum menggunakan metode penafsiran historis, penafsiran sosiologis, dan argumentum peranalogium dengan berlandasakan moral, keadilan dan kemashlatan masyarakat.   &nbsp