546 research outputs found

    Detecting massive black hole binaries and unveiling their cosmic history with gravitational wave observations

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    Space based gravitational wave astronomy will open a completely new window on the Universe and massive black holes binaries are expected to be among the primary actors on this upcoming stage. The New Gravitational-wave Observatory (NGO) is a space interferometer proposal derived from the former Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) concept. We describe here its capabilities of observing massive black hole binaries throughout the Universe, measuring their relevant parameters (masses, spins, distance to the observer) to high precision. The statistical properties of the population of detected systems can be used to constrain the massive black hole cosmic history, providing deep insights into the faint, high redshift Universe.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, proceeding of the 9th LISA Symposiu

    Insights on the astrophysics of supermassive black hole binaries from pulsar timing observations

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    Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) are designed to detect the predicted gravitational wave (GW) background produced by a cosmological population of supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries. In this contribution I review the physics of such GW background, highlighting its dependence on the overall binary population, the relation between SMBHs and their hosts, and their coupling with the stellar and gaseous environment. The latter is particularly relevant when it drives the binaries to extreme eccentricities (e>0.9), which might be the case for stellar-driven systems. This causes a substantial suppression of the low frequency signal, potentially posing a serious threat to the effectiveness of PTA observations. A future PTA detection will allow to directly observe for the first time subparsec SMBH binaries on their way to the GW driven coalescence, providing important answers of the outstanding questions related to the physics underlying the formation and evolution of these spectacular sources.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Invited contribution to the Focus Issue "Pulsar Timing Array", to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Systematic investigation of the expected gravitational wave signal from supermassive black hole binaries in the pulsar timing band

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    In this letter we carry out the first systematic investigation of the expected gravitational wave (GW) background generated by supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries in the nHz frequency band accessible to pulsar timing arrays (PTAs). We take from the literature several estimates of the redshift dependent galaxy mass function and of the fraction of close galaxy pairs to derive a wide range of galaxy merger rates. We then exploit empirical black hole-host relations to populate merging galaxies with SMBHs. The result of our procedure is a collection of a large number of phenomenological SMBH binary merger rates consistent with current observational constraints on the galaxy assembly at z<1.5. For each merger rate we compute the associated GW signal, eventually producing a large set of estimates of the nHz GW background that we use to infer confidence intervals of its expected amplitude. When considering the most recent SMBH-host relations, accounting for ultra-massive black holes in brightest cluster galaxies, we find that the nominal 1σ1\sigma interval of the expected GW signal is only a factor of 3-to-10 below current PTA limits, implying a non negligible chance of detection in the next few years.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MNRAS lette

    A practical guide to the massive black hole cosmic history

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    I review our current understanding of massive black hole (MBH) formation and evolution along the cosmic history. After a brief introductory overview of the relevance of MBHs in the hierarchical structure formation paradigm, I discuss the main viable channels for seed BH formation at high redshift and for their subsequent mass growth and spin evolution. The emerging hierarchical picture, where MBHs grow through merger triggered accretion episodes, acquiring their mass while shining as quasars, is overall robust, but too simplistic to explain the diversity observed in MBH phenomenology. I briefly discuss which future observations will help to shed light on the MBH cosmic history in the near future, paying particular attention to the upcoming gravitational wave window.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Advances in Astronom

    Gravitational wave emission from binary supermassive black holes

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    Massive black hole binaries (MBHBs) are unavoidable outcomes of the hierarchical structure formation process, and according to the theory of general relativity are expected to be the loudest gravitational wave (GW) sources in the Universe. In this article I provide a broad overview of MBHBs as GW sources. After reviewing the basics of GW emission from binary systems and of MBHB formation, evolution and dynamics, I describe in some details the connection between binary properties and the emitted gravitational waveform. Direct GW observations will provide an unprecedented wealth of information about the physical nature and the astrophysical properties of these extreme objects, allowing to reconstruct their cosmic history, dynamics and coupling with their dense stellar and gas environment. In this context I describe ongoing and future efforts to make a direct detection with space based interferometry and pulsar timing arrays, highlighting the invaluable scientific payouts of such enterprises.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, invited article for the focus issue on astrophysical black holes in Classical and Quantum Gravity, guest editors: D. Merritt and L. Rezzolla. Submitte

    Gravitational waves and pulsar timing: stochastic background, individual sources and parameter estimation

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    Massive black holes are key ingredients of the assembly and evolution of cosmic structures. Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) currently provide the only means to observe gravitational radiation from massive black hole binary systems with masses >10^7 solar masses. The whole cosmic population produces a signal consisting of two components: (i) a stochastic background resulting from the incoherent superposition of radiation from the all the sources, and (ii) a handful of individually resolvable signals that raise above the background level and are produced by sources sufficiently close and/or massive. Considering a wide range of massive black hole binary assembly scenarios, we investigate both the level and shape of the background and the statistics of resolvable sources. We predict a characteristic background amplitude in the interval h_c(f = 10^-8 Hz)~5*10^-16 - 5*10^-15, within the detection range of the complete Parkes PTA. We also quantify the capability of PTAs of measuring the parameters of individual sources, focusing on monochromatic signals produced by binaries in circular orbit. We investigate how the results depend on the number and distribution of pulsars in the array, by computing the variance-covariance matrix of the parameter measurements. For plausible Square Kilometre Array (SKA) observations (100 pulsars uniformly distributed in the sky), and assuming a coherent signal-to-noise ratio of 10, the sky position of massive black hole binaries can be located within a ~40deg^2 error box, opening promising prospects for detecting a putative electromagnetic counterpart to the gravitational wave emission. The planned SKA, can plausibly observe these unique systems, although the number of detections is likely to be small. (Abridged)Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to CQGra. Proceedings to the AMALDI8 conferenc

    Extreme recoils: impact on the detection of gravitational waves from massive black hole binaries

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    Recent numerical simulations of coalescences of highly spinning massive black hole binaries (MBHBs) suggest that the remnant can suffer a recoil velocity of the order of few thousands km/s. We study here, by means of dedicated simulations of black holes build--up, how such extreme recoils could affect the cosmological coalescence rate of MBHBs, placing a robust lower limit for the predicted number of gravitational wave (GW) sources detectable by future space--borne missions (such as LISA). We consider two main routes for black hole formation: one where seeds are light remnants of Population III stars (~10^2 \msun), and one where seeds are much heavier (>~10^4 \msun), formed via the direct gas collapse in primordial nuclear disks. We find that extreme recoil velocities do not compromise the efficient MBHB detection by LISA. If seeds are already massive and/or relatively rare, the detection rate is reduced by only ~15%. The number of detections drops substantially (by ~60%) if seeds are instead light and abundant, but in this case the number of predicted coalescences is so high that at least ~10 sources in a three year observation are guaranteed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, replaced with final versio

    Massive black hole binaries: dynamical evolution and observational signatures

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    The study of the dynamical evolution of massive black hole pairs in mergers is crucial in the context of a hierarchical galaxy formation scenario. The timescales for the formation and the coalescence of black hole binaries are still poorly constrained, resulting in large uncertainties in the expected rate of massive black hole binaries detectable in the electromagnetic and gravitational wave spectra. Here we review the current theoretical understanding of the black hole pairing in galaxy mergers, with a particular attention to recent developments and open issues. We conclude with a review of the expected observational signatures of massive binaries, and of the candidates discussed in literature to date.Comment: 4 Figures. Accepted for publication in Advances in Astronom

    Hypervelocity stars and the environment of Sgr A*

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    Hypervelocity stars (HVSs) are a natural consequence of the presence of a massive nuclear black hole (Sgr A*) in the Galactic Center. Here we use the Brown et al. sample of unbound and bound HVSs together with numerical simulations of the propagation of HVSs in the Milky Way halo to constrain three plausible ejection mechanisms: 1) the scattering of stars bound to Sgr A* by an inspiraling intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH); 2) the disruption of stellar binaries in the tidal field of Sgr A*; and 3) the two-body scattering of stars off a cluster of stellar-mass black holes orbiting Sgr A*. We compare the predicted radial and velocity distributions of HVSs with the limited-statistics dataset currently available, and show that the IMBH model appears to produce a spectrum of ejection velocities that is too flat. Future astrometric and deep wide-field surveys of HVSs should shed unambiguous light on the stellar ejection mechanism and probe the Milky Way potential on scales as large as 200 kpc.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS letter
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