142 research outputs found

    A lab experiment on metals separation and recovery from waste ink-jet cartridges as a non-formal appealing learning activity for students of secondary schools

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    Since 2004, the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), the Conference of Science and Technology Headmasters, and Confindustria, have been promoting the National Plan for Scientific Degrees (PLS) aimed at supporting students in acquiring scientific skills better responding to contemporary society challenges and increasing vocations in basic sciences. This paper describes a successful experience of the University of Cagliari together with selected local secondary schools, in which the hot topic of technological waste valorization was selected to create an orientation laboratory for students towards chemistry disciplines. Specifically, students and teachers were guided into the challenging world of e-waste production and treatment through the practical activity of noble metals recovery from real waste ink-jet cartridges. A specific emphasis was placed on fundamental chemical aspects – separation and recovery of metals driven by redox processes favored by a complexing agent – as well as on the chance to play on coordination chemistry to promote a green chemistry approach. The close collaboration between school and university teachers in planning and implementing laboratory activities is the element that characterizes PLS actions and promotes the development and strengthening of relations between secondary school and university courses in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)

    La metodologia per il recupero dei metalli nobili dai RAEE

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    Il progetto Recupero dell'oro da rifiuti elettrici ed elettronici aveva come finalità la dissoluzione e il recupero selettivo dei metalli preziosi dai RAEE mediante attacchi chimici poco aggressivi ed eco-compatibili. Le classi di RAEE selezionate sono state: simcards, cartucce ink-jet, schede elettroniche. Le classi di reagenti selezionate sono state: ditiossammidi cicliche epta-atomiche; ditiossammidi lineari 1e e 2e; dialchil (o morfolin) tiuram disolfuro. I reagenti selezionati accoppiano in un'unica molecola la capacità complessante del legante con quella ossidente dell'alogeno e: risultano altamente efficienti nell'ossidazione dell'oro; lavorano in condizioni sperimentali blande; sono di facile impiego; non sono citotossici.2007-03-05Sardegna Ricerche, Edificio 2, Località Piscinamanna 09010 Pula (CA) - ItaliaWorkshop - Recupero dell'oro da rifiuti elettrici ed elettronic

    Near-IR Absorbers Based on Pt(II)-Dithiolene Donor–Acceptor Charge-Transfer (CT) Systems: A Structural Analysis to Highlight DA Interactions

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    The packing interactions of a series of electron donor (D) and electron acceptor (A) charge transfer (CT) near-IR absorbers based on platinum-dithiolene complexes are reinvestigated here as a case study also by using the Hirshfeld surface analysis. This analysis on systems, which exhibit the 1:1, 2:1 and 2:2 columnar stacking patterns between D and A, allows to point out that several inter-actions of atoms and fragments are involved in the stacking interactions but also that only a lim-ited fraction of these interactions, limited to the 1:1 D/A columnar stacking case, can be relatable to the absorption features of this class of compounds

    Glassy Powder Derived from Waste Printed Circuit Boards for Methylene Blue Adsorption

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    Electronic waste (e-waste) is one of the fastest-growing waste streams in the world and Europe is classified as the first producer in terms of per capita amount. To reduce the environmental impact of e-waste, it is important to recycle it. This work shows the possibility of reusing glassy substrates, derived from the MW-assisted acidic leaching of Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCBs), as an adsorbent material. The results revealed an excellent adsorption capability against methylene blue (MB; aqueous solutions in the concentration range 10−5 M–2 × 10−5 M, at pH = 7.5). Comparisons were performed with reference samples such as activated carbons (ACs), the adsorbent mostly used at the industrial level; untreated PCB samples; and ground glass slides. The obtained results show that MW-treated WPCB powder outperformed both ground glass and ground untreated PCBs in MB adsorption, almost matching AC adsorption. The use of this new adsorbent obtained through the valorization of e-waste offers advantages not only in terms of cost but also in terms of environmental sustainability

    chameleon behaviour of iodine in recovering noble metals from weee towards sustainability and zero waste

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    The peculiar properties of iodine and safe lixiviants for sustainable and effective noble-metal recovery from shredded WEEE

    Semirigid Ligands Enhance Different Coordination Behavior of Nd and Dy Relevant to Their Separation and Recovery in a Non-aqueous Environment

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    Rare-earth elements are widely used in high-end technologies, the production of permanent magnets (PMs) being one of the sectors with the greatest current demand and likely greater future demand. The combination of Nd and Dy in NdFeB PMs enhances their magnetic properties but makes their recycling more challenging. Due to the similar chemical properties of Nd and Dy, their separation is expensive and currently limited to the small scale. It is therefore crucially important to devise efficient and selective methods that can recover and then reuse those critical metals. To address these issues, a series of heptadentate Trensal-based ligands were used for the complexation of Dy3+ and Nd3+ ions, with the goal of indicating the role of coordination and solubility equilibria in the selective precipitation of Ln3+-metal complexes from multimetal non-water solutions. Specifically, for a 1:1 Nd/Dy mixture, a selective and fast precipitation of the Dy complex occurred in acetone with the Trensalp-OMe ligand at room temperature, with a concomitant enrichment of Nd in the solution phase. In acetone, complexes of Nd and Dy with Trensalp-OMe were characterized by very similar formation constants of 7.0(2) and 7.3(2), respectively. From the structural analysis of an array of Dy and Nd complexes with TrensalR ligands, we showed that Dy invariably provided complexes with coordination number (cn) of 7, whereas the larger Nd experienced an expansion of the coordination sphere by recruiting additional solvent molecules and giving a cn of >7. The significant structural differences have been identified as the main premises upon which a suitable separation strategy can be devised with these kind of ligands, as well as other preorganized polydentate ligands that can exploit the small differences in Ln3+ coordination requirements

    Trends and perspectives in the use of organic acids for critical metal recycling from hard-metal scraps

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    Hard-metal sector, strategic for the industrial economies, is suffering from the reduced availability and price volatility of its main feedstock: critical W and Co. In 2021, a 73.5 kt W and 9.2 kt Co demand for hard-metal production (65% and 5.3% of global demand, respectively), was recorded. Hard-metal scrap recycling is hence desirable for both environmental and economic reasons. A significant recovery of W and Co from manufacturing by-products and scraps is already good practice in the hard-metal industry (42% for W and 22% for Co). However, there is still a lot to do to meet the technical-economic-environmental sustainability in materials and energy enhancement for pursuing a green economy model. Indeed, Chemical Modification and Direct Recycling, which are the most widely employed industrial approaches, typically involve energy and/or harsh chemicals-intensive treatments which require expensive equipment and skilled workers. In the last decade, research efforts have been spent on implementing alternative materials reclamation processes from hard-metal scraps based on the use of bio-based organic acids with the view to increase the rate and quality of the recycled materials exploiting their peculiar metal complexing action as well as to preserve natural resources and prevent the disposal of potentially toxic/polluting substances. Despite the preliminary stage of the research, organic acids were demonstrated to be powerful but gentle agents for the selective leaching of cobalt from WC-Co-based materials as well as promising agents for WO3 dissolution. Indeed, thanks to their acid and complexing properties, they can stabilize metals in their oxidized form giving soluble products and preventing passivation phenomena. Furthermore, organic acids can be obtained by renewable biomass transformation, limiting the request for high-impact industrial chemicals. Hence they points out key features making them promising for the design of eco-friendly recovery processes. In this context, the different industrial approaches to the recovery and recycling of Hard-metal wastes, with specific reference to the role of bio-derived organic acids in hydro- and solvo-metallurgical processes, will be critically reviewed with the view of opening a discussion on the perspectives of their use in designing circular economy models in HM manufacturing as economically, technically and environmentally sustainable as possible

    Structural changes in MII dithione/dithiolato complexes (M = Ni, Pd, Pt) on varying the dithione functionalization

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    The Ni triad [M(R2pipdt)(dmit)] based on donor/acceptor S,S′ ligands, where R2pipdt = 1,4-diisopropyl-piperazine-2,3-dithione (acceptor) and dmit = 2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolato (donor), was completed by preparing and characterizing the Pd(2) and Pt(3) compounds in addition to the already known Ni(1) complex. The rationale behind the work was to compare the properties and structures inside the triad with those of the corresponding Ni(4), Pd(5) and Pt(6) complexes where R = Bz. Minor changes in the properties as redox active nonlinear second-order (NLO) chromophores were observed in solution for the two triads. Instead, different structural features, reflected by changes in the diffuse reflectance spectra, were observed in their crystals on changing R from Bz to Pri in the piperazine ring and also, more surprisingly, inside the triads. 2 (isostructural with 1) and 3 crystallized in monoclinic P21/n and orthorhombic Pbca space groups, respectively. The crystal packings of 2 and 3 are also markedly different. In particular 1 and 2 form head-to-tail dimers whereas 3 forms supramolecular layers characterized by a partial stack between the molecular planes. Large differences in the crystal structures, induced by the diverse number and types of interactions exchanged by the peripheral fragments of the ligands, were found in the Bz-triad. Indeed, the molecules are stacked in a head-to-head and in a head-to-tail fashion in 4 and in 5/6, respectively. Moreover, significantly different packings were observed. The Hirshfeld surface analysis was used to provide a detailed description of the main types of interactions involved in the crystal packing of the six complexes

    Palladium Complexes Derived from Waste as Catalysts for C-H Functionalisation and C-N Bond Formation

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    Three-way catalysts (TWCs) are widely used in vehicles to convert the exhaust emissions from internal combustion engines into less toxic pollutants. After around 8–10 years of use, the declining catalytic activity of TWCs causes them to need replacing, leading to the generation of substantial amounts of spent TWC material containing precious metals, including palladium. It has previously been reported that [NnBu4]2[Pd2I6] is obtained in high yield and purity from model TWC material using a simple, inexpensive and mild reaction based on tetrabutylammonium iodide in the presence of iodine. In this contribution, it is shown that, through a simple ligand exchange reaction, this dimeric recovery complex can be converted into PdI2(dppf) (dppf = 1,1′-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene), which is a direct analogue of a commonly used catalyst, PdCl2(dppf). [NnBu4]2[Pd2I6] displayed high catalytic activity in the oxidative functionalisation of benzo[h]quinoline to 10-alkoxybenzo[h]quinoline and 8-methylquinoline to 8-(methoxymethyl)quinoline in the presence of an oxidant, PhI(OAc)2. Near-quantitative conversions to the desired product were obtained using a catalyst recovered from waste under milder conditions (50 °C, 1–2 mol% Pd loading) and shorter reaction times (2 h) than those typically used in the literature. The [NnBu4]2[Pd2I6] catalyst could also be recovered and re-used multiple times after the reaction, providing additional sustainability benefits. Both [NnBu4]2[Pd2I6] and PdI2(dppf) were also found to be active in Buchwald–Hartwig amination reactions, and their performance was optimised through a Design of Experiments (DoE) study. The optimised conditions for this waste-derived palladium catalyst (1–2 mol% Pd loading, 3–6 mol% of dppf) in a bioderived solvent, cyclopentyl methyl ether (CPME), offer a more sustainable approach to C-N bond formation than comparable amination protocols
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