8 research outputs found

    The Process Of Recovery In The Perspective Of Persons With Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders And Of Psychiatrists Working At Psychosocial Health Care Services [o Processo De Restabelecimento Na Perspectiva De Pessoas Com Diagnóstico De Transtornos Do Espectro Esquizofrênico E De Psiquiatras Na Rede Pública De Atenção Psicossocial]

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    The theme of recovery in the perspective of person with severe mental illness, within the context of community mental health services and psychiatry care transformations, still lacks studies although it has been increasingly investigated. Objective: To analyze how the recovery process is perceived by users with diagnosis of schizophrenia spectrum disorders and by psychiatrists of the public mental health system. Method: Qualitative multicentric study informed by the theoretical framework of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Participant observation, semistructured interviews and focal groups were used for data collection. Results: Through data analysis the following thematic categories were identified: effects of the illness experience; treatment context at the Psychosocial Care Center; diagnosis; possibilities and expectations related to the future/prognosis; and openness for the experience of others (dialogic position). Conclusion: There are convergence and divergence points between users' and psychiatrists' perspectives about the recovery process. Even so, it is possible to create contexts in which users' experiences illuminate the technical expertise/experience of psychiatrists and vice versa.213558571Alves, P.C., A Fenomenologia E As Abordagens Sistêmicas Nos Estudos Sócio-antropológicos Da Doença: Breve Revisão Crítica Cadernos De Saúde Pública, 22 (8), pp. 1554-1574. , Rio de Janeiro, ago. 2006Ayres, J.R.C.M., Sujeito, intersubjetividade e práticas de saúde (2001) Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 6 (1), pp. 63-72. , Rio de JaneiroAyres, J.R.C.M., O cuidado, os modos de ser (do) humano e as práticas de saúde Saúde E Sociedade, 13 (3), pp. 16-29. , São Paulo, set./dez. 2004Bezerra, J.R., B. Desafios da Reforma Psiquiátrica no Brasil (2007) PHYSIS - Revista De Saúde Coletiva, 17 (2), pp. 243-250. , Rio de JaneiroCoordenação Geral De Saúde Mental. Saúde Mental No SUS (2005), 4 (8). , BRASIL. Ministério da Saúde, Boletim Informativo de Saúde Mental, BrasíliaCampos, G.W.S., Clínica e saúde coletiva compartilhadas: Teoria Paidéia e reformulação ampliada do trabalho em saúde (2006) Tratado De Saúde Coletiva, pp. 53-92. , In: CAMPOS, G. W. S. et al. (Org.), São Paulo: HucitecCsordas, T.J., Ways of asking, ways of telling a methodological comparison of ethnographic and research diagnostic interviews Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 34 (1), pp. 29-55. , San Diego, mar. 2010Davidson, L., (2003) Living Outside Mental Illness. Qualitative Studies of Recovery In Schizophrenia, , New York: New York University PressDavidson, L., Lawless, M.S., Leary, F., Concepts of recovery: Competing or complementary? 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Ontário: National Technical Assistance Center for State Mental Health PlanningOnocko Campos, R.T., Clínica: A palavra negada - sobre as práticas clínicas nos serviços substitutivos de saúde mental Saúde Em Debate, 25 (58), pp. 98-111. , Rio de Janeiro, maio/ago. 2001Onocko Campos, R.T., Furtado, J.P., Narrativas: Utilização na pesquisa qualitativa em saúde (2008) Revista De Saúde Pública, 42 (6), pp. 1090-1096. , São PauloPierret, J., The illness experience: State of knowledge and perspectives for research (2003) Sociology of Health and Illness Journal, 25, pp. 4-22. , Londres, Silver anniversary issuePotter, J., Discursive psychology: Between method and paradigm (2003) Discourse & Society, 14, pp. 783-794. , LondresRabelo, M.C., Alves, P.C., Souza, I.M., Introdução Experiência De Doença E Narrativa, p. 1999. , Rio de Janeiro: Editora FiocruzRalph, R.O., (2000) Review of Recovery Literature: Synthesis of a Sample of Recovery Literature, , Alexandria: National Technical Assistance Center for State Mental Health Planning and NationalRidgway, P., Restorying psychiatricdisability: Learning from first person recovery narratives (2001) Psychiatr Rehabil Journal, 24 (4), pp. 335-343. , Lawrence, KansasSerpa, O.D., Leal, E.M., Pitta, A.M., Goldenstein, N., Onocko, R.T., Experiência, Narrativa E Conhecimento: A Perspectiva Do Psiquiatra E a Do Usuário (2008), Projeto de pesquisa aprovado pelo CNPq através do edital MCT/CNPq/MS/SCTIE/DECIT n. 033/2008Serpa, O.D., Subjetividade, valor e corporeidade: Os desafios da psicopatologia (2007) Psicopatologia Hoje, pp. 25-101. , In: Silva Filho, J. 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