1,063 research outputs found

    Kepentingan Brazil Menjadi Tuan Rumah Piala Dunia Fifa 2014

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    This research describes about the interests of Brazil in 2014 FIFA World Cup event. World Cup is one of the sporting events that is highly anticipated by many people because football itself is a very popular sport. 2014 FIFA World Cup hosted by Brazil raised many pros and cons about the ability of Brazil to host the mega sport event. Many Brazilians even protest against the world cup because they think that is just waste of money.The research was conducted using library research methods where the data and information obtained from sources which are relevant to the problem of this research. The study would be analyzed with mercantilism perspective, rational choice theory by Stephen M. Walt and the concept of national interest by Donald E. Nuechterlein.The result of the research shows that Brazil have national interest to achieve by hosting 2014 FIFA world cup. Economically, the government of Brazil hopes Brasil will get great income from tourist visits during the world cup and make Brasil become a tourist destination country. Politically, the government want to increase the prestige of the country by organizing the event successfully. This chance is also used by President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff to win the presidential election in Brazil.Keywords : National Interest, World Cup, FIF

    Pembuatan Magnetik Barium M-heksaferit Yang Didoping Ion Cu

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    Permanent magnet of Barium M-Heksaferit doped by Cu ions were synthetized with formula BaFe12-x Cux O19, where (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6 % mol). Preparation process of raw materials ranging from mixing and milling Barium Carbonate (BaCO3), Hematite (Fe2O3) and copper oxide (CuO) by wet milling in distilled water medium have done during 20 hours. Material was then dried at a temperature of 1000C for 24 h, calcined at a temperature of 10000C by using electric furnace for 2 hours. The crystallinite size was determined to be 400 mesh (38 µm). Sintering process was carried out by using electric furnace Thermolyn at temperature 11000C. Characterization include SEM / EDX, physical properties (density and porosity by Archimedes method), using permagraph magnetic properties and crystal structure by XRD. Elemental analysis on testing SEM / EDX showed that Fe element has the greatest wt% (52.61%). The sample detected element Al as an impurity. The hysteresis curve can be seen the value of magnetic BaFe12-x Cux O19 who have made ​​bulk density produces approximately 3.8 to 5.2 g/cm3, porosity of 1.6 to 10.7%, a strong magnet from 43.36 to 100.42 G , remanent magnetic induction (Br) 20-320 G, koercivitas (HcJ) 1, 07 to 9.22 kOe and enenrgy production (BH) max from 0.05 to 0.92 kGOe. Effect of Cu doping tends to increase the value of density, lower porosity, and improve the magnetic properties

    Business Strategy of CV Jaya Sampurna in Facing Soft Drink Distributor Competition in Bekasi

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    CV Jaya Sampurna is a soft drink distributor in Bekasi. Distributor company has a low profit margin, moreover the product sold is Fast Moving Consumers Goods with a very low profit margin (3.5%–5%). Therefore the company depends on a high volume of sales. Besides, there are many competitors in this industry, thus the business strategy is needed to improve the competitive advantage of the company. Given the conditions,this research was to identify the internal and the external factors, to identify the formulation of business strategy alternative, and to identify the recommendation of functional strategy for CV Jaya Sampurna. Research used descriptive method; and the type of research used was case study. Data were gathered from questionnaires and interview to three member of managers: Director, Operational Manager, and Finance Manager. Data wereanalyzed by using EFE, IFE, SWOT, IE, Grand Strategy Matrix and QSPM. The result of this research implies that the alternative strategy based on QSPM's result was market penetratio

    Effects of Graphene Coatings on hindering Space Charge injection in Epoxy Resin

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    The reliability of epoxy resins (and dielectrics in general) employed for HVDC applications is significantly affected by space charge accumulation in the insulating material. Several methods have been tested to limit the injection and accumulation of space charge. In this work, planar specimens featuring graphene coatings were tested. Measurements of space charge accumulation, conductivity and permittivity at different temperatures (from 30°C to 60°C) and fields (from 30 kV/mm to 50 kV/mm) were carried out on epoxy specimens with and without coatings. Results show accumulation of space charge for low fields and temperatures in the reference specimens, while a reduction can be noticed with a layer of graphene coating. On the other hand, at higher fields or temperatures, the effect is reversed

    Profil Kemampuan Matematika Dasar Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Tahun Akademik 2013/2014

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    Kemampuan Matematika Dasar adalah kemampuan yang sangat penting dan harus dimiliki setiap mahasiswa sebagai bekal untuk menempuh perkuliahan di program studi Pendidikan Matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana profil kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru jurusan Pendidikan Matematika tahun akademik 2013/2014. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 133 mahasiswa, 92 berasal dari jurusan IPA dan 41 dari non-IPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru berada pada kategori rendah; kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru yang berasal dari jurusan IPA berada pada kategori rendah dan kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru yang berasal dari jurusan non-IPA berada pada kategori sangat rendah

    Efektifitas Counterpressure Terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Nyeri Kala I Fase Aktif Persalinan Normal Di Rumah Sakit Advent Manado

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    Latar Belakang :Kondisi nyeri persalinan membuat sebagian ibu memilih cara yang paling gampang dan cepat untuk menghilangkan nyeri persalinan. Survei awal yang yang dilakukan pada 23 ibu inpartu di Rumah Sakit Advent Manado didapatkan 3 ibu yang memilih untuk dilakukan operasi untuk menghilangkan nyeri persalinan dan 2 ibu yang memilih untuk dilakukan epidural anesteri untuk menurunkan intensitas nyeri persalinan. Nyeri persalinan dapat ditangani dengan cara sederhana seperti counterpressureTujuan untuk mengidentifikasi intensitas nyeri ibu inpartu kala I fase aktif persalinan normal sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan countepressure.Metode : penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik yang berupaya mencari pengaruh antara variabel. Menggunakan desain penelitian One-Group Pretest-Postest dengan jumlah populasi 110 orang dan sampel 15responden. Analisa data menggunakan uji Paired Samples T Test.Hasil penelitian : Menunjukkan nyeri persalinan sebelum dilakukan masase counterpressure berada pada skala 9-10 (100%) . dan setelah dilakukan masase counterpressure nyeri menurun paling besar pada skala 3-6 sebanyak 13 responden (86,7%). Analisa data menunjukkan signifikansi lebih kecil dari 5% (p=0,000<0,05).Kesimpulan : counterpressure efektif untuk menurunkan intensitas nyeri kala I fase aktif persalinan normal di rumah sakit advent manad

    Numeralia Bahasa Melayu Dialek Kapuas Hulu

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    : This study aims to examine and analyze numeralia Malay language used in the village Nibung Selimbau District of Kapuas Hulu. Aspects studied and analyzed from the numerali is the form, function and meaning numeralia Malay. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques used are fishing techniques and techniques semuka face. From the data obtained it can be concluded form BMDKH numeralia consists of numeralia monomorfemis and polimorfemis. BMDKH numeralia function in units of syntax can fill some syntactic function, among others, the subjective function, serves predicate, object function, and function information. Numeralia meaning BMDKH consists of a prefix meaning numeralia to-stated meaning or collective collection and express the meaning of the order, meaning numeralia with all prefixes declared collective or group, with a prefix meaning BE- numeralia states collectively or collection

    Pengaruh Disiplin, Kompetensi Kepribadian dan Supervisi Kepala Sekolah terhadap Kinerja Guru SMP Negeri di Palembang

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of discipline, personality competence and supervision of the principal on the performance of the teachers of the Public Middle School in the Seberang Ulu 1 District of Palembang.The research design uses an associative type. The population in this study were teachers of Public Middle Schools in the Seberang ULU 1 Palembang District, amounting to 305 people. The sampling technique in this study is cluster sampling. The sampling technique uses the Yamane formula to obtain 173 people, the analysis model used uses multiple linear regression methods.The results showed that: 1) There was a significant effect of discipline, personality competence and supervision of principals together on the performance of teachers in the Public Middle School in the Seberang ULU 1 Palembang District. 2) There is a significant effect of discipline, personality competence and supervision of principals partially on the performance of teachers in the Public Middle School in Seberang District ULU 1 Palembang.The implications of this study provide results that principals as leaders must be able to provide examples of discipline to teachers accompanied by communication that can lead to compliance. The principal includes his teacher for personality training to improve knowledge, skills, skills, and attitudes to be able to carry out tasks and positions based on the personality needed by a teacher. Furthermore, the principal needs to master the supervision technique so that he can find out the problems that occur in his school
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