55 research outputs found
There are No Nice Interfaces in 2+1 Dimensional SOS-Models in Random Media
We prove that in dimension translation covariant Gibbs states
describing rigid interfaces in a disordered solid-on-solid (SOS) cannot exist
for any value of the temperature, in contrast to the situation in .
The prove relies on an adaptation of a theorem of Aizenman and Wehr.
Keywords: Disordered systems, interfaces, SOS-modelComment: 8 pages, gz-compressed Postscrip
Dynamics of a tagged particle in the asymmetric exclusion process with the step initial condition
The one-dimensional totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) is
considered. We study the time evolution property of a tagged particle in TASEP
with the step-type initial condition. Calculated is the multi-time joint
distribution function of its position. Using the relation of the dynamics of
TASEP to the Schur process, we show that the function is represented as the
Fredholm determinant. We also study the scaling limit. The universality of the
largest eigenvalue in the random matrix theory is realized in the limit. When
the hopping rates of all particles are the same, it is found that the joint
distribution function converges to that of the Airy process after the time at
which the particle begins to move. On the other hand, when there are several
particles with small hopping rate in front of a tagged particle, the limiting
process changes at a certain time from the Airy process to the process of the
largest eigenvalue in the Hermitian multi-matrix model with external sources.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figure
A multi-layer extension of the stochastic heat equation
Motivated by recent developments on solvable directed polymer models, we
define a 'multi-layer' extension of the stochastic heat equation involving
non-intersecting Brownian motions.Comment: v4: substantially extended and revised versio
Anisotropic KPZ growth in 2+1 dimensions: fluctuations and covariance structure
In [arXiv:0804.3035] we studied an interacting particle system which can be
also interpreted as a stochastic growth model. This model belongs to the
anisotropic KPZ class in 2+1 dimensions. In this paper we present the results
that are relevant from the perspective of stochastic growth models, in
particular: (a) the surface fluctuations are asymptotically Gaussian on a
sqrt(ln(t)) scale and (b) the correlation structure of the surface is
asymptotically given by the massless field.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure
Generalized Green Functions and current correlations in the TASEP
We study correlation functions of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion
process (TASEP) in discrete time with backward sequential update. We prove a
determinantal formula for the generalized Green function which describes
transitions between positions of particles at different individual time
moments. In particular, the generalized Green function defines a probability
measure at staircase lines on the space-time plane. The marginals of this
measure are the TASEP correlation functions in the space-time region not
covered by the standard Green function approach. As an example, we calculate
the current correlation function that is the joint probability distribution of
times taken by selected particles to travel given distance. An asymptotic
analysis shows that current fluctuations converge to the process.Comment: 46 pages, 3 figure
Vicious Walkers and Hook Young Tableaux
We consider a generalization of the vicious walker model. Using a bijection
map between the path configuration of the non-intersecting random walkers and
the hook Young diagram, we compute the probability concerning the number of
walker's movements. Applying the saddle point method, we reveal that the
scaling limit gives the Tracy--Widom distribution, which is same with the limit
distribution of the largest eigenvalues of the Gaussian unitary ensemble.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure
Random walk generated by random permutations of {1,2,3, ..., n+1}
We study properties of a non-Markovian random walk , , evolving in discrete time on a one-dimensional lattice of
integers, whose moves to the right or to the left are prescribed by the
\text{rise-and-descent} sequences characterizing random permutations of
. We determine exactly the probability of finding
the end-point of the trajectory of such a
permutation-generated random walk (PGRW) at site , and show that in the
limit it converges to a normal distribution with a smaller,
compared to the conventional P\'olya random walk, diffusion coefficient. We
formulate, as well, an auxiliary stochastic process whose distribution is
identic to the distribution of the intermediate points , ,
which enables us to obtain the probability measure of different excursions and
to define the asymptotic distribution of the number of "turns" of the PGRW
trajectories.Comment: text shortened, new results added, appearing in J. Phys.
A pedestrian's view on interacting particle systems, KPZ universality, and random matrices
These notes are based on lectures delivered by the authors at a Langeoog
seminar of SFB/TR12 "Symmetries and universality in mesoscopic systems" to a
mixed audience of mathematicians and theoretical physicists. After a brief
outline of the basic physical concepts of equilibrium and nonequilibrium
states, the one-dimensional simple exclusion process is introduced as a
paradigmatic nonequilibrium interacting particle system. The stationary measure
on the ring is derived and the idea of the hydrodynamic limit is sketched. We
then introduce the phenomenological Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation and
explain the associated universality conjecture for surface fluctuations in
growth models. This is followed by a detailed exposition of a seminal paper of
Johansson that relates the current fluctuations of the totally asymmetric
simple exclusion process (TASEP) to the Tracy-Widom distribution of random
matrix theory. The implications of this result are discussed within the
framework of the KPZ conjecture.Comment: 52 pages, 4 figures; to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo
Variational formulas and cocycle solutions for directed polymer and percolation models
We discuss variational formulas for the law of large numbers limits of certain models of motion in a random medium: namely, the limiting time constant for last-passage percolation and the limiting free energy for directed polymers. The results are valid for models in arbitrary dimension, steps of the admissible paths can be general, the environment process is ergodic under spatial translations, and the potential accumulated along a path can depend on the environment and the next step of the path. The variational formulas come in two types: one minimizes over gradient-like cocycles, and another one maximizes over invariant measures on the space of environments and paths. Minimizing cocycles can be obtained from Busemann functions when these can be proved to exist. The results are illustrated through 1+1 dimensional exactly solvable examples, periodic examples, and polymers in weak disorder
The metastate approach to thermodynamic chaos
In realistic disordered systems, such as the Edwards-Anderson (EA) spin
glass, no order parameter, such as the Parisi overlap distribution, can be both
translation-invariant and non-self-averaging. The standard mean-field picture
of the EA spin glass phase can therefore not be valid in any dimension and at
any temperature. Further analysis shows that, in general, when systems have
many competing (pure) thermodynamic states, a single state which is a mixture
of many of them (as in the standard mean-field picture) contains insufficient
information to reveal the full thermodynamic structure. We propose a different
approach, in which an appropriate thermodynamic description of such a system is
instead based on a metastate, which is an ensemble of (possibly mixed)
thermodynamic states. This approach, modelled on chaotic dynamical systems, is
needed when chaotic size dependence (of finite volume correlations) is present.
Here replicas arise in a natural way, when a metastate is specified by its
(meta)correlations. The metastate approach explains, connects, and unifies such
concepts as replica symmetry breaking, chaotic size dependence and replica
non-independence. Furthermore, it replaces the older idea of non-self-averaging
as dependence on the bulk couplings with the concept of dependence on the state
within the metastate at fixed coupling realization. We use these ideas to
classify possible metastates for the EA model, and discuss two scenarios
introduced by us earlier --- a nonstandard mean-field picture and a picture
intermediate between that and the usual scaling/droplet picture.Comment: LaTeX file, 49 page
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