99 research outputs found

    Pigmented Purpuric Dermatosis

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    Dermatology case

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    ABSTRACT Glomuvenous malformations, also known as glomangiomas, are tumor-like malformations or hamartomas of the glomus body. They can be sporadic or inherited as an autosomal dominant disease. Glomuvenous malformations tend to resemble hemangiomas. Clinical distinction between these entities is important due to their different therapeutic approaches. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice for isolated, painful glomuvenous malformations. We describe a case of a 7-year-old girl with multiple glomuvenous malformations

    Psoriasis treatment with biologics: beyond tumor necrosis factor α inihibitors – The present and the future

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    A psoríase é uma doença inflamatória crónica multissistémica, mediada por células T, com elevado grau de morbilidade. A investigação na área da psoríase tem sido intensa, resultando num conhecimento mais porme- norizado da sua patogenia, e consequente desenvolvimento de novas terapêuticas biológicas. Esta revisão focará o presente e o futuro dos agentes biológicos moduladores de citoquinas que não pertencem à classe dos inibidores do factor de necrose tumoral-α (TNF-α)


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    Infiltrated plaques on the face and back

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    Foscarnet-induced penile ulceration

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    Foscarnet is used to treat infections with herpes viruses, including drug-resistant cytomegalovirus (CMV) and infections with herpes viruses 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2). There are some reports of intravenous foscarnet-induced penile and vulvar ulceration. The authors report a case of severe penile ulcers after the initiation of intravenous foscarnet therap

    Rituximab in the treatment of refractory pemphigus vulgaris

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    O pênfigo vulgar é uma doença bolhosa auto-imune rara, que atinge a pele e as mucosas. Geralmente tem um curso clínico severo, sendo necessário o recurso a terapêutica prolongada com corticóides sistémicos e outros fármacos imunossupressores, que podem conduzir a efeitos adversos graves. O rituximab é um anticorpo monoclo- nal quimérico dirigido ao antigénio CD20, expresso pelos linfócitos B. Recentemente, têm surgido alguns estudos que documentam o seu sucesso terapêutico no tratamento de pênfigo refractário. Os autores descrevem dois casos clínicos de pênfigo vulgar refractários às terapêuticas convencionais, que foram tratados com rituximab, tendo atin- gido a remissão completa da doença. A experiência bem sucedida em relação a estes dois casos clínicos reforça que o rituximab constitui uma opção valiosa e segura na abordagem terapêutica do pênfigo vulgar severo e refractário

    Persistent varicella as the initial manifestation of systemic lymphoma

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    Varicella is a common benign childhood disease that often presents in adolescents and adults in a more severe form. We report a previously healthy 50-year-old man who developed multiple necrotic cutaneous ulcers associated with fever, asthenia and anorexia. Physical examination revealed few tense hemorrhagic vesicles on the trunk and necrotic cutaneous ulcers scattered over the entire cutaneous surface. After the diagnosis of varicella with varicella pneumonia was established, treatment with acyclovir was instituted. His poor response to treatment was indicative of immune compromise; an underlying peripheral T-cell lymphoma was discovered