106 research outputs found

    Institutional Reforms and Small Farms in Republika Srpska

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    The research aims to explore and analyze the main elements of agricultural policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a particular focus on one of the two entities: Republika Srpska. A particular attention has been given to the institutional capacity to identify adequate instruments and mechanisms. The paper is based on the use of different methodological tools including the agrarian system analysis; the examination of official documents and reports; a field survey; a number of interviews with policy makers and key informants.Agricultural policies, Small farms, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Agricultural and Food Policy,


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    The paper aims to explore and analyze the main barriers and opportunities for the modernization of the agricultural sector of Republika Srpska with a specific focus on the role of small farms. A particular attention has been given to specific elements related to the human, social, and institutional capital. Methodologically the work has been based on an extensive desk research, on the use of a field survey and on a number of personal interviews with national experts and professionals. Overall the investigation has also greatly benefited from the theoretical framework elaborated by R. Yin within his “case study methodology”.Small farms, Subsistence farming, Republika Srpska, Agribusiness, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Farm Management,


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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is a paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 7 (2005): EU ENLARGEMENT AND ITS INFLUENCE ON AGRICULTURE AND MECHANISATION by Andrea Segre and Hajnalka Petric

    L’impatto economico e fiscale di un evento culturale: misure e scala territoriale

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    Working Paper Ircres-CNR 03/2020. In this working paper we study the role of culture as an activator of the local economy, by analyzing the case of the 30th Salone Internazionale del Libro, held in Turin in 5 days in May 2017. The aim is to examine the positive economic effects that this cultural event generates on the territory, highlighting the differences in the results obtained by referring to the Piedmont region and to the Turin metropolitan area. Overall, the analysis indicates an impact of approximately € 41.6 million on the Piedmont region, 29 million of which on the Turin metropolitan area, generated by direct expenses incurred by visitors and event organizers. Furthermore, the results show a "leverage effect" of the public intervention equal to 15.85, i.e. for each public euro invested in this cultural event, € 15.85 is produced in the regional economy, and a multiplier of return on investment equal to 0.56, i.e. for each euro invested by the public sector, € 0.56 comes back into their funds in terms of fiscal revenues

    Nonlinear management of the angular momentum of soliton clusters

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    We demonstrate an original approach to acquire nonlinear control over the angular momentum of a cluster of solitary waves. Our model, derived from a general description of nonlinear energy propagation in dispersive media, shows that the cluster angular momentum can be adjusted by acting on the global energy input into the system. The phenomenon is experimentally verified in liquid crystals by observing power-dependent rotation of a two-soliton cluster.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure


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    INTRODUÇÃO: O contexto de pandemia de Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) tem afetado a todos, configurando um panorama de crise com amplas repercussões. O número crescente de doentes, a saturação dos sistemas de saúde, a gravidade com que a doença se manifesta em alguns dos contaminados e a falta de conhecimento sobre ela são alguns dos fatores que denotam a gravidade do contexto. Perda de entes queridos, limitação do contato entre as pessoas e imposição de protocolos de higiene e de segurança impactaram a vida das pessoas. Para quem trabalha em hospital, acrescenta-se, ainda, uma proximidade maior com a doença e com a morte no próprio ambiente profissional. Os potenciais efeitos psicológicos dessa situação demandam atenção e mobilização de cuidados à saúde mental. OBJETIVO: Descrever um plano de atendimento psicológico a funcionários de um hospital formulado e colocado em prática durante a crise desencadeada pela pandemia de Covid-19. DESENVOLVIMENTO: Os atendimentos foram realizados por telefone a trabalhadores adoecidos pela Covid-19. O número de consultas para cada trabalhador/paciente não era definido a priori, variando de acordo com a demanda e as possibilidades. Como referenciais teóricos, foram levados em conta princípios das consultas terapêuticas descritas por Donald Winnicott e a noção de psicoterapia de apoio, postulada por Hector Fiorini. Dentre as pessoas atendidas, havia profissionais de diversas formações (médicos, enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem, fisioterapeutas, oficiais administrativos etc), com características e histórias de vida diversas. A forma como a Covid impactou cada um também foi diversa para cada caso. CONCLUSÃO: A experiência mostrou que foi possível, no modelo proposto, o estabelecimento de vínculos favoráveis ao trabalho psicoterapêutico, promovendo a necessária assistência aos trabalhadores que buscaram o atendimento. Pode-se considerar, portanto, que o modelo de abordagem e de atendimento psicológico criado durante a pandemia de Covid-19 pode ser utilizado em outras situações que imponham desafios semelhantes

    On the universality of the Discrete Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation

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    We address the universal applicability of the discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation. By employing an original but general top-down/bottom-up procedure based on symmetry analysis to the case of optical lattices, we derive the most widely applicable and the simplest possible model, revealing that the discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation is ``universally'' fit to describe light propagation even in discrete tensorial nonlinear systems and in the presence of nonparaxial and vectorial effects.Comment: 6 Pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.