59 research outputs found

    Subiect Against Procedure: the Argument of Following a Rule in the Second Wittgenstein

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    This paper attends to treat the question about the “following a rule” in the philosophy of the second Wittgenstein and to connect it with the relation between pragmatics and semantic. In the philosophical Investigations this argument (§§ 185-142) represents the culmination of the attempt to elucidate the concepts of use, meaning and understanding, which are introduced in the previous paragraphs. I mean to show that the rule, designed like a sign which indicates how take an action, is an inscrutable fact if we don’t insert it in a precise context of human practices and behaviour. This inscrutability of the rule and of the sign raises an apparent contradiction: the rules make possible our lived but they have not sense if considered alone. Such dependence of the rules on the practices is mutual because it’s impossible thinking a practice without a rule. The connection rule-practice, that is treated similarly as the relation meaning-use, permit us to introduce the follow arguments my paper will consider: holism of the rule and of the meanings, the question about the understanding and the recognizing of rules and meanings, finally the question about the agreement in the actions

    The Dialectics of Self-Conscious Life and the Constitution of Social Practices in Hegel's Philosophy

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    In this contribution I defend the thesis that Hegel’s notion of species (Gattung) is not merely the name given to a group of self-reproducing living beings but rather it is at the basis of the Hegelian naturalistic conceptions of self-conscious life, sociality and world history. I maintain that self-reflection and self-referring negativity are the main characteristics of the self-conscious life and they determine the features of both the individual self-consciousness and the entire human species by shaping social practices and world history as acts of actualized freedom. Therefore, the definition of human species goes far beyond the description of its natural features and depends on the fact that self-consciousness is able to determine itself by negating external powers or conditioning. The main argument of this contribution is that human species and its historical evolution can be defined by means of this self-referring negativity and by self-consciousness’ capacity to place the external reality under an order of values and concept autonomously yielded

    Ontologia, conoscenza, ontologia sociale

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    Il contributo discute la nozione di documentalità di Ferraris e la interpreta come una forma di esternassimo insufficiente a spiegare il fenomeno cooperativo e sociale. Infatti la società si spiega non solo attraverso i documenti che attestano l´esistenza di fatti sociali ma anche prendendo in considerazioni le attitudini intenzionali

    Dialogo filosofico con il Prof. M. Tomasello

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    In questa conversazione filosofica il prof. Michael Tomasello af- fronta questioni di psicologia evolutiva connesse alla filosofia del linguaggio e all’ontologia sociale. I suoi studi sui primati e sui bam- bini hanno il pregio di dimostrare come l’universo pragmatico dei secondi venga rivoluzionato dall’acquisizione del linguaggio e dalla capacità di intraprendere complessi comportamenti cooperativi alla base dello sviluppo di capacità intellettive avanzate. A partire da queste evidenze Tomasello sostiene l’immagine di una evoluzione culturale del genere umano fondata sulla scrittura e sulla sua enor- me capacità di conservare l’esperienza delle passate generazioni trasmettendola alle future, rendono così la nostra l’unica specie ad avere fatto della comunicazione e del dialogo potenti strumenti di prosperità e sviluppo. Il suo pensiero è stato oggetto di numerosi studi e dibattiti nell’ambito della cosiddetta ontologia sociale avendo contributo significativamente ad estendere la nostra comprensione sulla relazione tra pensiero, linguaggio e attività cooperative. Per i suoi meriti scientifici è stato insignito di numerosi e importanti riconoscimenti accademici internazionali

    Interview with Robert Brandom

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    Interview with Prof. Robert Brandom, University of Pittsburg, about Inferentialism, pragmatism, philosophy of language and Hege

    Istituzioni e prassi della fiducia: l’edificazione di un consenso critico

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    In this contribution I deal with a novel theory of trust by accounting for its importance in the improvement of pre-existent institutions. I maintain that it can be useful as a social tool if it increases cooperative firmness and unity. However, I also point out that it can be exploited if the individual member is not in the condition of exerting a critical and autonomous trust towards the institutions. Eventually, I claim that, in order to incentivize critical trust, we necessitate to institutionalize it and to make it able to strengthen the other institutions by fostering what I call practices of trust. Practices of trust are those practices enhancing the critical and aware participation to the social context

    Maria Lai e Wittgenstein: Linguaggio, arte, appartenenza e legami sociali

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    L'articolo delinea una comparazione che il pensiero filosofico di Wittgenstein e le riflessioni attorno al ruolo dell'arte da parte dell'artista M. Lai. Ne consegue una straordinaria affinitĂ  per quanto concerne le questioni del rapporto tra linguaggi espressivi, comunitĂ , creativitĂ  e gioco

    Subject against Procedure: the Argument of Following a Rule in the Second Wittgenstein

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    The contribution attends to treat the question about the “following a rule” in the philosophy of the second Wittgenstein and to connect it with the relation between pragmatics and semantic. In the philosophical Investigations this argument (§§ 185-142) represents the culmination of the attempt to elucidate the concepts of use, meaning and understanding, which are introduced in the previous paragraphs. I mean to show that the rule, designed like a sign which indicates how take an action, is an inscrutable fact if we don’t insert it in a precise context of human practices and behaviour. This inscrutability of the rule and of the sign raises an apparent contradiction: the rules make possible our lived but they have not sense if considered alone. Such dependence of the rules on the practices is mutual because it’s impossible thinking a practice without a rule. The connection rule-practice, that is treated similarly as the relation meaning-use, permit us to introduce the follow arguments my paper will consider: holism of the rule and of the meanings, the question about the understanding and the recognizing of rules and meanings, finally the question about the agreement in the actions
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