68,019 research outputs found

    Transformations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals Includes the SDG Index and Dashboards. Sustainable Development Report 2019

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    The Sustainable Development Report 2019 presents an updated SDG Index and Dashboards with a refined assessment of countries’ distance to SDG targets. The report has been successfully audited for the first time by the European Commission Joint Research Centre. New indicators have been included, primarily to refine the indicator selection on agriculture, diets, gender equality and freedom of speech. We have also added more metrics for international spillovers, including on fatal work accidents. A new website and data visualization tools are available (http://sustainabledevelopment.report). Once again, Nordic countries – Denmark, Sweden and Finland – top the SDG Index. Yet, even these countries face major challenges in implementing one or several SDGs. No country is on track for achieving all 17 goals with major performance gaps even in the top countries on SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14 (Life Below Water) and SDG 15 (Life on Land). Income and wealth inequalities, as well as gaps in health and education outcomes by population groups also remain important policy challenges in developing and developed countries alike. The Sustainable Development Report 2019 generates seven major findings: 1. High-level political commitment to the SDGs is falling short of historic promises In September 2019, heads-of-states and governments will convene for the first time in person at the UN in New York to review progress on their promises made four years after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda. Yet, our in-depth analyses show that many have not taken the critical steps to implement the SDGs. Out of 43 countries surveyed on SDG implementation efforts, including all G20 countries and countries with a population greater than 100 million, 33 countries have endorsed the SDGs in official statements since January 1st, 2018. Yet in only 18 of them do central budget documents mention the SDGs. This gap between rhetoric and action must be closed. 2. The SDGs can be operationalized through six SDG Transformations SDG implementation can be organized along the following Transformations: 1. Education, Gender, and Inequality; 2. Health, Wellbeing, and Demography; 3. Energy Decarbonization and Sustainable Industry; 4. Sustainable Food, Land, Water, Oceans; 5. Sustainable Cities and Communities; and 6. Digital Revolution for Sustainable Development. The transformations respect strong interdependencies across the SDGs and can be operationalized by well-defined parts of governments in collaboration with civil society, business, and other stakeholders. They must be underpinned and guided by the principles of Leave No One Behind and Circularity and Decoupling of resource use from human wellbeing. 3. Trends on climate (SDG 13) and biodiversity (SDG 14 and SDG 15) are alarming On average, countries obtain their worst scores on SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14 (Life Below Water) and SDG 15 (Life on Land). No country obtains a “green rating” (synonym of SDG achieved) on SDG 14 (Life Below Water). Trends on greenhouse gas emissions and, even more so, on threatened species are moving in the wrong direction. These findings are in line with the recent reports from the IPCC and IPBES on climate change mitigation and biodiversity protection, respectively. 4. Sustainable land-use and healthy diets require integrated agriculture, climate and health policy interventions Land use and food production are not meeting people’s needs. Agriculture destroys forests and biodiversity, squanders water and releases one-quarter of global greenhouse-gas emissions. In total, 78% of world nations for which data are available obtain a “red rating” (synonym of major SDG challenge) on sustainable nitrogen management; the highest number of “red” rating across all indicators included in the report. At the same time, one-third of food is wasted, 800 million people remain undernourished, 2 billion are deficient in micronutrients, and obesity is on the rise. New indicators on nations’ trophic level and yield gap closure highlight the depth of the challenge. Transformations towards sustainable landuse and food systems are required to balance efficient and resilient agriculture and forestry with biodiversity conservation and restoration as well as healthy diets

    Bannai-Ito polynomials and dressing chains

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    Schur-Delsarte-Genin (SDG) maps and Bannai-Ito polynomials are studied. SDG maps are related to dressing chains determined by quadratic algebras. The Bannai-Ito polynomials and their kernel polynomials -- the complementary Bannai-Ito polynomials -- are shown to arise in the framework of the SDG maps.Comment: 15 pages; Section 2 is slightly modified and a few typos are correcte

    Links and trade-offs between fisheries and environmental protection in relation to the sustainable development goals in Thailand

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    The fisheries sector significantly contributes to global food security, nutrition, and livelihood of people. Its importance for economic benefits, healthy diets, and nutrition, and achieving sustainable food systems is highlighted by several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), i.e., SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), and SDG 14 (Life Below Water). However, due to unprecedented population levels, the contribution of the fisheries sector to fulfills these roles is challenging, particularly given additional concerns regarding environmental well-being and sustainability. From this perspective, this study aims to identify the links and trade-offs between the development of this sector and the environmental sustainability in Thailand via a critical analysis of their trends, current ecological impacts, and more importantly, their contributions to several individual SDGs. A time-series of Thailand's fisheries production from 1995 to 2015 indicates a recent reduction from around 3.0 million tons in 1995 to 1.5 million tons in 2015 of wild fish and shellfish from marine and freshwater habitats. The maximum sustainable yield of these species has been exceeded. Conversely, Thailand's aquaculture production has continued to grow over the last decade, resulting in a reduction of mangrove forest area, wild fish stocks, and water quality. While capture fisheries and aquaculture production significantly contribute to several SDG targets, there are potential trade-offs between their development and the achievement of SDGs within the planet dimension, i.e., SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14, and SDG 15 (Life on Land). On the one hand, the mitigation of overfishing will be beneficial for the targets of SDG 14, leading to more sustainable resource management. On the other hand, it might cause a decrease in the volume of marine catches and economic and social profits. We conclude that the SDGs can serve as a framework for both policymakers and industrial workers to monitor and compromise on regulations that will optimize productivity in the context of sustainable development

    Oceans and the Sustainable Development Goals: Co-Benefits, Climate Change & Social Equity

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    Achieving ocean sustainability is paramount for coastal communities and marine industries, yet is also inextricably linked to much broader global sustainable development—including increased resilience to climate change and improved social equity—as envisioned by the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This report highlights the co-benefits from achieving each SDG 14 target: progress towards each of the other 161 SDG targets when ocean targets are met, given ten-year lag times between ocean targets and other SDG targets. The identification of co-benefits is based on input from more than 30 scientific experts in the Nereus Program. Below we highlight notable co-benefits of achieving each target within SDG 14

    The phenolic complex in flaxseed

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    Flaxseed is the richest plant source of the lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG). In flaxseed, SDG exists in an oligomeric structure with 3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaric acid (HMGA) forming a phenolic complex together with p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid glucosides and herbacetin diglucoside (HDG). Epidemiological and animal studies indicate protective effects of flaxseed and SDG towards hormone-dependent cancers and cardiovascular diseases, and reducing effect toward cholesterol levels in blood. Knowledge about the structural features and properties of the phenolic complex are required to further understand bioavailability, bioconversion and bioactivity of flaxseed lignans in humans and animals, the biosynthesis in flaxseed, as well as if it may affect technology and quality of food products containing flaxseed or the phenolic complex. A new fast and simple high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed for analysing secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), p-coumaric acid glucoside and ferulic acid glucoside, based on direct hydrolysis of defatted flaxseed flour using alkali. Variations in SDG, p-coumaric acid glucoside and ferulic acid glucoside content were reported in flaxseed samples and bread products containing flaxseed. The composition and properties of flaxseed phenolic complex were studied by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and gel filtration fractionation. Results indicate that the phenolic glucosides exist in oligomers with variable molecular sizes. A complicated linkage pattern and/or possibly interactions with other components may contribute to the observed complexity. SDG and the phenolic complex showed similar hydrogen-donating abilities to ferulic acid but higher than α-tocopherol in the DPPH inhibition metod, suggesting that SDG was the only active antioxidant in the phenolic complex. Contradicting results were obtained on the effect of SDG on levels of Vitamin E and cholesterol in two rat studies

    Philanthropy and the Sustainable Development Goals: Engaging Brazilian Private Social Investment in the Global Development Agenda

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    The engagement of philanthropy in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is recent. The urgency of greater social impact is one of the points of intersection of the two agendas of work. The report "Philanthropy and the Sustainable Development Goals: Engaging Private Social Investment in the Global Development Agenda" presents a mapping of SDG implementation in Brazil with the support from philanthropy, business and civil society actors

    Getting Ready for SDG Implementation in Latin America: The Example of Colombia

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    The SDG agenda has been a key focus of Colombian foreign policy over the last two years. The government has sought alignment between its international commitments and its national development priorities, and created an inter-ministerial Commission to follow up SDG implementation in February 2015, even before the SDGs were agreed
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