31 research outputs found

    The smear layer:a phenomenon in root canal therapy.

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    WOS: A1995RM09200005PubMed ID: 8626198When the root canals are instrumented during endodontic therapy, a layer of material composed of dentine, remnants of pulp tissue and odontoblastic processes, and sometimes bacteria, is always formed on the canal walls. This layer has been called the smear layer. It has an amorphous, irregular and granular appearance under the scanning electron microscope. The advantages and disadvantages of the prescence of smear layer, and whether it should be removed or not from the instrumented root canals, are still controversial. It has been shown that this layer is not a complete barrier to bacteria and it delays but does not abolish the action of endodontic disinfectants. Endodontic smear layer also acts as a physical barrier interfering with adhesion and penetration of sealers into dentinal tubules, in turn, it may affect the sealing efficiency of root canal obturation. When it is not removed, the durability of the apical and coronal seal should be evaluated over a long period. If smear layer is to be removed, EDTA and NaOCl solutions have been shown to be effective, among various irrigation solutions and techniques, including ultrasonics, that have been tested. Once this layer is removed, it should be borne in mind that there is a risk of reinfecting dentinal tubules if the seal fails. Further studies are needed to establish the clinical importance of the absence or presence of smear layer