54 research outputs found

    A phase I dose-escalating study of DaunoXome, liposomal daunorubicin, in metastatic breast cancer

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    The aims of this phase I study were to establish the maximum tolerated dose, safety profile and activity of liposomal daunorubicin, DaunoXome (NeXstar Pharmaceuticals), in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. DaunoXome was administered intravenously over 2 h in 21 day cycles and doses were increased from 80 to 100, 120 and 150 mg m2. Sixteen patients were enrolled. A total of 70 cycles of DaunoXome were administered. The maximum tolerated dose was 120 mg m2, the dose-limiting toxicity being prolonged grade 4 neutropenia or neutropenic pyrexia necessitating dose reductions at 120 and 150 mg m2. Asymptomatic cardiotoxicity was observed in three patients: grade 1 in one treated with a cumulative dose of 800 mg m2 and grade 2 in two, one who received a cumulative dose of 960 mg m2 and the other a cumulative dose of 600 mg m2 with a previous neoadjuvant doxorubicin chemotherapy of 300 mg m2. Tumour response was evaluable in 15 patients, of whom two had objective responses, six had stable disease and seven had progressive disease. In conclusion, DaunoXome is associated with mild, manageable toxicities and has anti-tumour activity in metastatic breast cancer. The findings support further phase II evaluation of DaunoXome alone and in combination with other standard non-anthracycline cytotoxic or novel targeted agents. Although the dose-limiting toxicity for DaunoXome was febrile neutropenia at 120 mg m2, we would recommend this dose for further evaluation, as the febrile neutropenia occurred after four or more cycles in three of the four episodes seen, was short lived and uncomplicated

    Single nucleotide polymorphism discovery in elite north american potato germplasm

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    BACKGROUND: Current breeding approaches in potato rely almost entirely on phenotypic evaluations; molecular markers, with the exception of a few linked to disease resistance traits, are not widely used. Large-scale sequence datasets generated primarily through Sanger Expressed Sequence Tag projects are available from a limited number of potato cultivars and access to next generation sequencing technologies permits rapid generation of sequence data for additional cultivars. When coupled with the advent of high throughput genotyping methods, an opportunity now exists for potato breeders to incorporate considerably more genotypic data into their decision-making. RESULTS: To identify a large number of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in elite potato germplasm, we sequenced normalized cDNA prepared from three commercial potato cultivars: 'Atlantic', 'Premier Russet' and 'Snowden'. For each cultivar, we generated 2 Gb of sequence which was assembled into a representative transcriptome of (~)28-29 Mb for each cultivar. Using the Maq SNP filter that filters read depth, density, and quality, 575,340 SNPs were identified within these three cultivars. In parallel, 2,358 SNPs were identified within existing Sanger sequences for three additional cultivars, 'Bintje', 'Kennebec', and 'Shepody'. Using a stringent set of filters in conjunction with the potato reference genome, we identified 69,011 high confidence SNPs from these six cultivars for use in genotyping with the Infinium platform. Ninety-six of these SNPs were used with a BeadXpress assay to assess allelic diversity in a germplasm panel of 248 lines; 82 of the SNPs proved sufficiently informative for subsequent analyses. Within diverse North American germplasm, the chip processing market class was most distinct, clearly separated from all other market classes. The round white and russet market classes both include fresh market and processing cultivars. Nevertheless, the russet and round white market classes are more distant from each other than processing are from fresh market types within these two groups. CONCLUSIONS: The genotype data generated in this study, albeit limited in number, has revealed distinct relationships among the market classes of potato. The SNPs identified in this study will enable high-throughput genotyping of germplasm and populations, which in turn will enable more efficient marker-assisted breeding efforts in potato

    Adverse effects from multi-drug therapy in leprosy: a Brazilian study.

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    INTRODUCTION: The WHO MDT for leprosy treatment was officially introduced in Brazil in 1991 and comprises three drugs: dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine. There are few good studies on the frequency of side-effects attributable to MDT in Brazil. METHODS: A retrospective and descriptive study carried out in a LCP in Vitória, State of Espirito Santo, Brazil. A specific and detailed protocol about side-effects was prepared and filled in from the patient records. RESULTS: One hundred ninety four patients' records were analysed looking for side-effects attributable to MDT. Side-effects were attributed to at least one MDT component in 88 (45%) patients and 85 had side-effects due to dapsone, 24 due to rifampicin and 18 due to clofazimine. 185 episodes were identified. The suspected drug was stopped in 47 out of 88 episodes (24% patients); 46 had dapsone stopped, 5 had rifampicin stopped and no-one had clofazimine stopped. CONCLUSION: Side-effects attributed to MDT is more frequent than previously described, resulting in interruption of treatment in many patients

    The early diffusion of the steam engine in Britain, 1700–1800: a reappraisal

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    We examine the diffusion of steam technology across British counties during the eighteenth century. First, we provide new estimates for the regional variations in the timing, pace and extent of usage of steam engines. Our main data source is an updated version of the list of steam engines erected in Britain during the eighteenth century originally compiled by Kanefsky and Robey (Technol Cult 21:161–186, 1980). Following a rather established approach for analysing the diffusion of new technologies we fit S-shaped growth functions to the data on the numbers of steam engines installed in each county. In this way, we are able to provide a comprehensive appraisal of the relative speed of the diffusion process in different counties. Second, in order to assess the relative importance of the variables shaping the diffusion of steam power technology, we study the relationship between the number of steam engines installed in each county and localization factors such as coal prices, availability of water sites, number of textile mills and number of blast furnaces.Steam engine, Diffusion, Great Britain, Industrial revolution
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