72 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional finite element in general plane motion used in the analysis of multi-body systems

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    A description of the motion equation of a single two-dimensional finite element used to model a multi-body system with elastic elements is made in the article. To establish them, the Lagrange’s equations are used. Obtaining the dynamic response of a system with deformable components has become important for technical applications in recent decades. These engineering applications are characterized by high applied loads and high acceleration and velocities. A study of such mechanical systems leads to the identification of different mechanical phenomena (due to high deformations, resonance phenomena, and stability). Coriolis effects and relative motions significantly modify the motion equations and, implicitly, the dynamic response. These effects are highlighted in this paper for plane motion

    Kinematic and dynamic response of a novel engine mechanism design driven by an oscillation arm

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    The goal of this paper is to highlight the advantage fulfilled by a novel engine mechanism, the concept of which is based on an oscillating arm relative to the classical engine mechanism. Further, the results of this paper demonstrate the benefits of a novel type of mechanism and the major advantages in terms of functioning parameters of an engine. Their performances highly depend on the joint positions of the oscillating arm. The increases in the functional performances rate of success (i.e., piston stroke, volume of the combustion chamber or compression ratio) enable a superior engine power parameter (higher power, torque) and bring some additional improvement on the eco parameters of the engine related to consumption, emission, etc

    Transition probabilities between quasifree states

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    We obtain a general formula for the transition probabilities between any state of the algebra of the canonical commutation relations (CCR-algebra) and a squeezed quasifree state. Applications of this formula are made for the case of multimode thermal squeezed states of quantum optics using a general canonical decomposition of the correlation matrix valid for any quasifree state. In the particular case of a one mode CCR-algebra we show that the transition probability between two quasifree squeezed states is a decreasing function of the geodesic distance between the points of the upper half plane representing these states. In the special case of the purification map it is shown that the transition probability between the state of the enlarged system and the product state of real and fictitious subsystems can be a measure for the entanglement.Comment: 13 pages, REVTeX, no figure

    Bures distance between two displaced thermal states

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    The Bures distance between two displaced thermal states and the corresponding geometric quantities (statistical metric, volume element, scalar curvature) are computed. Under nonunitary (dissipative) dynamics, the statistical distance shows the same general features previously reported in the literature by Braunstein and Milburn for two--state systems. The scalar curvature turns out to have new interesting properties when compared to the curvature associated with squeezed thermal states.Comment: 3 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Scientometric analysis of the world-wide research efforts concerning Leishmaniasis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leishmaniasis is a chronic disease that is found in various countries of the world. The aim of the current study was to investigate the impact of leishmaniasis on the world's research output. The present study assessed benchmarking of research output for the period between 1957 and 2006. Using large database analyses, research in the field of leishmaniasis was evaluated. Furthermore, cooperation between different countries was identified.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The number of publications increased with time. Most publications came from Western countries such as the US, UK or Germany. Interestingly, countries like Brazil and India had a high research output. We found a substantial amount of cooperation between countries.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although leishmaniasis is of limited geographic distribution it attracts a wide research interest. The central hub of research cooperation is the USA.</p

    Models of asthma: density-equalizing mapping and output benchmarking

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    Despite the large amount of experimental studies already conducted on bronchial asthma, further insights into the molecular basics of the disease are required to establish new therapeutic approaches. As a basis for this research different animal models of asthma have been developed in the past years. However, precise bibliometric data on the use of different models do not exist so far. Therefore the present study was conducted to establish a data base of the existing experimental approaches. Density-equalizing algorithms were used and data was retrieved from a Thomson Institute for Scientific Information database. During the period from 1900 to 2006 a number of 3489 filed items were connected to animal models of asthma, the first being published in the year 1968. The studies were published by 52 countries with the US, Japan and the UK being the most productive suppliers, participating in 55.8% of all published items. Analyzing the average citation per item as an indicator for research quality Switzerland ranked first (30.54/item) and New Zealand ranked second for countries with more than 10 published studies. The 10 most productive journals included 4 with a main focus allergy and immunology and 4 with a main focus on the respiratory system. Two journals focussed on pharmacology or pharmacy. In all assigned subject categories examined for a relation to animal models of asthma, immunology ranked first. Assessing numbers of published items in relation to animal species it was found that mice were the preferred species followed by guinea pigs. In summary it can be concluded from density-equalizing calculations that the use of animal models of asthma is restricted to a relatively small number of countries. There are also differences in the use of species. These differences are based on variations in the research focus as assessed by subject category analysis

    On Bures fidelity of displaced squeezed thermal states

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    Fidelity plays a key role in quantum information and communication theory. Fidelity can be interpreted as the probability that a decoded message possesses the same information content as the message prior to coding and transmission. In this paper, we give a formula of Bures fidelity for displaced squeezed thermal states directly by the displacement and squeezing parameters and birefly discuss how the results can apply to quantum information theory.Comment: 10 pages with RevTex require

    Effect of two sous-vide cooking methods on fatty acid composition and oxidative stability of longissimus thoracis muscle from pigs receiving a diet containing or not extruded linseed

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    To verify the effects of two different sous-vide cooking conditions on lipid oxidation and fatty acid (FA) composition of longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle, 24 pigs, evenly divided into two groups of 12 subjects each, were used. One group received a barley-soya bean meal diet (C) and the second was given the same feed where 5% of extruded linseed partly replaced barley, to obtain a n-3 FA enriched diet (L). At slaughter, from each left half carcase, two samples of LT muscle were collected, packed under vacuum and stored at −18 °C until analysis. The samples were cooked in water bath according to two different methods: at high temperature (80 °C) and short-time i.e. samples left until the core temperaturereached 70 °C (A); at low temperature (60 °C) and long-time (15 h) (B). After cooking, the samples were refrigerated (2 °C) for 24 h. Oxidative stability was measured by a dosage of the 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) content, expressed as milligrams of malondialdehyde (MDA)/kg of meat, and FA composition was determined by capillary gas chromatography. The content of each fatty acid is expressed as a percentage of the total FAs detected. The statistical analysis was performed by means of ANOVA, using the GLM procedure of SAS. Dietary treatment (C vs. L) and cooking condition (A vs. B) were used as independent variables. The different sous-vide cooking conditions affected neither lipid oxidation nor FAs percentage of LT muscle. Extruded linseed feeding brought about an increase of the percentage of total n–3 FA (2.67 vs. 0.98; p&lt;.01) and also of polyunsaturated fatty acids (12.02 vs. 9.68; p&lt;.01) in intramuscular fat but did not affect lipid oxidation. This enabled to obtain pork with a more favourable n–6/n–3 ratio (3.68 vs. 10.42 in L and C group, respectively; p&lt;.01), according to the global health guidelines. Thus, an enriched linseed diet ameliorates the FA composition of pork. The effect of the two different sous-vide cooking methods on lipid composition and oxidative stability of pork does not differ, irrespective of dietary treatments


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    The effects of including extruded linseed in pig diets supplemented with either polyphenol-rich red grape skin extract (3 g kg(-1)) or synthetic antioxidants (200 mg kg(-1) alpha-tocopheryl acetate plus 0.21 mg kg(-1) of selenium) on shelf-life of pork stored in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) at different oxygen concentrations (0 and 70%) were evaluated. Linseed reduced n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio in lipids of backfat and loin. Color parameters, pH, weight losse, oxidative stability (TBARS), did not differ between antioxidants neither in raw, nor in cooked, nor in stored muscle. High oxygen concentration in MAP increased TBARS and Delta E, yielding redder meat