25 research outputs found

    Beckmann's family contribution to the development of European motor transport at the beginning of XX century

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    The formation of the automotive industry in Europe in the early twentieth century was considered. The data about car development in Great Britain, France and Germany is given. It was shown how the automobile racing influenced on the development of cars, in particular the transition from cars creation with a steam engine to cars creation with an internal combustion engine. More and more people became interested in this type of transportation. It was shown that at that time in Europe there were many workshops where cars were developed by scientists-innovators. Among such pioneers of the car industry is to Beckman's family. The activity of this family starting from Paul Beckman to his son Otto Jr. and even his daughter Ilse is presented. To date, it is extremely limited information about Beckmann's family contribution to the automotive industry in Europe. It was Paul Beckmann who started constructing cars in Wroclaw. At the factory which was founded by his father the production of both as small cars and as trucks and even sports was organized. It is noted that before the beginning of the World War I the most efficient cars developed a speed of up to 95 km/h. Beckmann's family cars became prize-winners of the international competitions of that time. It is stated that Paul Beckman can be considered the initiator of a safety belt. His cars were equipped with special leather straps. It should be noted that the company successfully developed and had a dealer network in Germany, Poland and Russia. During the interwar period, the company collapsed and was bought by a larger brand. However, Otto Jr., son of Paul Beckman, continued to take care of a family business. Today there is only one car with the mark of the Wroclaw car factory.Розглянуто становлення автомобільної галузі в Європі на початку ХХ ст. Наведено данні з розробки авто у Великій Британії, Франції, Німеччини. Показано як автомобільні перегони впливали на розвиток автомобілів, зокрема відбувся перехід від автомобілів з паровим двигуном до автомобілів з двигуном внутрішнього згорання. Все більше ставало людей, зацікавлених у такому виді транспорту. Показано, що в цей час в Європі існувало чимало майстерень, де автомобілі розробляли учені-новатори. Серед таких піонерів автомобілебудування є родина Бекманнів. Описана діяльність родини, починаючи від Поля Бекманна до його сина Отто молодшого і навіть його доньки Ільзе. На сьогодні вкрай обмежена інформація про внесок родини Бекманнів у розвиток автомобільної галузі в Європі. Саме Поль Бекманн розпочав конструювання автомобілів у Вроцлаві. На заснованій його батьком фабриці був налагоджений випуск як малих автомобілів так і вантажних та, навіть, спортивних. Зазначається, що найбільш ефективні автомобілі до початку першої світової війни розвивали швидкість до 95 км/год. Автомобілі виробництва родини Бекманнів ставали призерами тодішніх міжнародних змагань. Самого Поля Бекманна можна вважати ініціатором ременя безпеки. Його автомобілі були обладнані спеціальними шкіряними ремінцями. Треба зазначити, що компанія успішно розвивалася та мала дилерську мережу у Німеччині, Польщі та Росії. У міжвоєнний період компанія занепала і була викуплена більш великим брендом. Проте родинною справою продовжив опікуватися Отто молодший, син Поля Бекманна. На сьогодні залишився лише один автомобіль з позначкою Вроцлавського автозаводу

    EFAS upgrade for the extended model domain

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    This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen

    EFAS upgrade for the extended model domain

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    This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen

    Modellierung und Prognose der Erosion feiner Sedimente

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    Modellierung und Prognose der Erosion feiner Sedimente

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    Predicting erosion of fine, cohesive sediments is an important task within sustainable management of water-bodies. This is above all due to the fact, that these sediments tend to bind pollutants which are re-suspended in the case of erosion. The given work deals with this subject in two parts, being the identification of a suited mathematical model on the one hand and the demonstration of its abilities predicting erosion during a reservoir depletion within a case study on the other hand. Existing mathematical models describing erosion of fine sediments were developed differing four cases of erosion, namely floc- or mass erosion and depth-limited or depth-unlimited erosion respectively. Based on a theoretical analysis of such models, a new erosion model is proposed which aims at unifying prediction of these cases. Within laboratory experiments eroding deposited kaolinite in an annular flume, not only the validity of the new model but also the increasing quality in modelling measured erosion processes compared with other models is proven. The new model describes the rate of erosion of sediments as a function of bottom shear stress as well as density and shear resistance of the sediment deposition. As the new model is a product of two non-dimensional numbers, its empirical parameter – the characteristic erosion velocity – gets a physically plausible meaning, which is not the case in most other models. Further experiments, increasing the bottom shear stress linearly with time as a simulation of typical erosion events, show a dependency between the characteristic erosion velocity and the time-rate-of-change of the driving stress. Just as this, an influence of the vertical gradient of shear resistance to the erosion process is shown. To take account of these parameters, an extension of the new erosion model is proposed. In the case study, erosion of fine sediments during a reservoir depletion is simulated using four different erosion models. Vertical density profiles of sediment deposition as well as critical shear stresses of the sediment surface are quantified based upon in situ measurements, whereas multiple sediment- and model parameters are varied within their band-width found in a literature review. Results of this sensitivity study show, that mean sediment concentrations simulated with the new model are in close agreement with measurements carried out during depletion. Furthermore, sensitivity of the simulation results to empirical parameters using the new erosion model is small compared to the other models investigated. Based on the given results, it is stated that the new erosion model is an important step towards a reliable prediction of erosion of fine sediments. However, future research programs are necessary to improve understanding of erosion processes and experimental conditions for related investigations in the laboratory as well as in situ

    Modellierung und Prognose der Erosion feiner Sedimente

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    Predicting erosion of fine, cohesive sediments is an important task within sustainable management of water-bodies. This is above all due to the fact, that these sediments tend to bind pollutants which are re-suspended in the case of erosion. The given work deals with this subject in two parts, being the identification of a suited mathematical model on the one hand and the demonstration of its abilities predicting erosion during a reservoir depletion within a case study on the other hand. Existing mathematical models describing erosion of fine sediments were developed differing four cases of erosion, namely floc- or mass erosion and depth-limited or depth-unlimited erosion respectively. Based on a theoretical analysis of such models, a new erosion model is proposed which aims at unifying prediction of these cases. Within laboratory experiments eroding deposited kaolinite in an annular flume, not only the validity of the new model but also the increasing quality in modelling measured erosion processes compared with other models is proven. The new model describes the rate of erosion of sediments as a function of bottom shear stress as well as density and shear resistance of the sediment deposition. As the new model is a product of two non-dimensional numbers, its empirical parameter – the characteristic erosion velocity – gets a physically plausible meaning, which is not the case in most other models. Further experiments, increasing the bottom shear stress linearly with time as a simulation of typical erosion events, show a dependency between the characteristic erosion velocity and the time-rate-of-change of the driving stress. Just as this, an influence of the vertical gradient of shear resistance to the erosion process is shown. To take account of these parameters, an extension of the new erosion model is proposed. In the case study, erosion of fine sediments during a reservoir depletion is simulated using four different erosion models. Vertical density profiles of sediment deposition as well as critical shear stresses of the sediment surface are quantified based upon in situ measurements, whereas multiple sediment- and model parameters are varied within their band-width found in a literature review. Results of this sensitivity study show, that mean sediment concentrations simulated with the new model are in close agreement with measurements carried out during depletion. Furthermore, sensitivity of the simulation results to empirical parameters using the new erosion model is small compared to the other models investigated. Based on the given results, it is stated that the new erosion model is an important step towards a reliable prediction of erosion of fine sediments. However, future research programs are necessary to improve understanding of erosion processes and experimental conditions for related investigations in the laboratory as well as in situ

    Stabilizing effect of biota on cohesive sediments

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    Stabilizing effect of biota on cohesive sediments

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