331 research outputs found

    Comfort in Labor and Midwifery Art

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    To examine the phenomenon of comfort in the context of childbirth. Enhancement of comfort for laboring women is a valued outcome of nursing and midwifery care. Interventions that increase comfort during labor support a woman's effort to participate more fully in the birth thereby keeping her more aware of her body, emotions, and experience. Organizing construct : The concept of comfort is analyzed and defined in the context of laboring women. Comfort studied from a feminist perspective is suggested. Sources : A literature review of nursing, midwifery, and medical texts from the 1920s to 1998 provides information about labor, pain in labor, and goals of providers caring for laboring women. Research articles focusing on comfort are identified as they relate to the concept of comfort in labor. Writings of contemporary feminist authors provided the ideas for designing the study of comfort from a feminist perspective. Methods : To develop a theory of comfort during labor, early nursing and midwifery texts were searched to identify goals of care. The meaning of comfort was analyzed from the early 1920s to the present by concept analysis. Validation of findings was sought from publications on comfort research. Findings : Comfort can exist in spite of great pain and nurses and midwives may be able to assist laboring women to achieve a level of comfort during labor. Intervening to promote the comfort of laboring women can empower these women during birthing. Conclusions : For clinicians caring for birthing women, particularly midwives, promotion of comfort is a high priority. Increasing comfort can redefine the meaning of pain in childbirth. Increasing comfort may create a decreased need for medical interventions and lower costs.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73658/1/j.1547-5069.1999.tb00425.x.pd

    Long-term comparative effectiveness of antihypertensive monotherapies in primary prevention of cardiovascular events:A population-based retrospective inception cohort study in the Netherlands

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the long-term effectiveness of antihypertensive monotherapies in primary prevention of cardiovascular events.DESIGN: Retrospective inception cohort study covering a 25-year study period.SETTING: University Groningen IADB.nl pharmacy prescription database with data from 1996 to 2020.PARTICIPANTS: Patients aged 18 years or older, free of any cardiovascular disease (CVD) drug therapies prior to initiation of a preventive antihypertensive monotherapy (ACE inhibitors (ACEIs), angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), beta-blockers (BBs), calcium channel blockers (CCBs) and thiazides).OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary outcome was the time to first prescription of acute cardiac drug therapy (CDT) measured by valid drug proxies to identify a first major CVD event in patients without a history of CVD.RESULTS: Among 33 427 initiators, 5205 (15.6%) patients experienced an acute CDT. The average follow-up time was 7.9±5.5 years. The 25-year incidence rate per 1000 person-years were 25.3, 22.4, 18.2, 24.4 and 22.0 for ACEI, ARB, BB, CCB and thiazide starters, respectively. Inverse probability of treatment-weighted Cox regression showed that thiazide starters had lower hazards than the reference BB starters (HR: 0.88, 95% CI: 0.81 to 0.95). Among patients on diabetes drugs, risks were lower (HR: 0.49, 95% CI: 0.28 to 0.85). CCB starters had higher hazards than reference BB (HR: 1.21, 95% CI: 1.07 to 1.36). The overall estimated number needed to treat for thiazides compared with BBs to prevent one acute CDT in 25 years was 26, and four among patients on diabetes drugs.CONCLUSIONS: After adjustments for confounders, patients starting on monotherapy with thiazides had a lower incidence of CDT compared with those starting on BBs, notably among patients on diabetes drugs. Conversely, patients who began CCB monotherapy had a higher incidence of CDT compared with those starting on BBs. Other monotherapies had comparable incidence of cardiovascular disease compared with BBs.</p

    Beschermde gebiedenregister : technische documentatie

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    Dit document bevat een beschrijving van de technische omgeving, hulpmiddelen en modellen die van belang zijn om het beschermde gebiedenregister te beheren. Het is bedoeld om de processen en procedures vast te leggen. Het verkrijgen van kwaliteitsstatus A is hierbij geen doel op zich maar is wel de stip op de horizon waar dit document aan bijdraagt. Het beschermde gebiedenregister dient ervoor om de begrenzingen van natuurgebieden vast te leggen en om het proces te ondersteunen om te komen tot juridisch aangewezen gebieden die beschermd worden door een van de volgende verdragen/wetten: De Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijn (Natura 2000), de Ramsar-conventie en de Natuurbeschermingswet. De procedures voor het vastleggen van deze grenzen en voor het beheer van historische grenzen zijn beschreven in dit documen

    Antidepressant use during pregnancy and the risk of developing gestational hypertension:A retrospective cohort study

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    Background: Prior studies reported that exposure to antidepressants during pregnancy may be associated with gestational hypertension. The aim of this study is to assess the association between the use of antidepressants during pregnancy and the risk of developing gestational hypertension. Methods: A retrospective cohort study using the prescription database IADB.nl was conducted among nulliparous women with singleton pregnancies between 1994 and 2015 in the Netherlands. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate odds ratios (OR), adjusted OR (aOR) and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Gestational hypertension as main outcome measure was defined as at least one dispensed record of an antihypertensive drug (methyldopa, nifedipine, labetalol, ketanserin, nicardipine) after 20 weeks of gestation until 14 days after delivery. Sub- analyses were conducted for class of antidepressant, duration and amount of use of antidepressant (= 30 Defined Daily Doses or DDDs), and maternal age. Sensitivity analyses to assess uncertainties were conducted. Results: Twenty-eight thousand twenty women were included, of which 539 (1.92%) used antidepressants. The risk of gestational hypertension was doubled for women using antidepressant (aOR 2.00 95% CI 1.28-3.13). Significant associations were also found for the subgroup selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (aOR 2.07 95% CI 1.25-3.44), >= 30 DDDs (aOR 2.50 95% CI 1.55-3.99) and maternal age of 30-34 years (aOR 2.59 95% CI 1.35-4.98). Varying the theoretical gestational age showed comparable results. Conclusion: Prolonged use of antidepressants during the first 20 weeks of gestation appeared to be associated with an increased risk of developing gestational hypertension. When balancing the benefits and risks of using these drugs during pregnancy, this should be taken into account

    Switching pattern and dose adjustment of antidepressants before and during pregnancy

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    The purpose of the study is to examine the switching pattern and dose adjustment of antidepressants (ADs) prescribed to women from six months before to six months during pregnancy in the Netherlands. The recorded dispenses or refills were collected from the University of Groningen IADB.nl pregnancy subset for all singleton pregnancies in which the mother received ≥ 1 prescription of an AD dispensed before pregnancy and was present in the database at least six months after conception. The rates of continuation, discontinuation, and switching between 2001 and 2020 were assessed for the ADs studied. The mean number of Defined Daily Doses (DDDs) of the most frequently continued ADs used was calculated both before and during pregnancy, and a paired t-test was used to test for significant changes. The continuation rates for AD users, especially for SSRI and SNRI continued users, increased over time from 27% and 19% (2001-2005) to 65% and 65% (2016-2020). The switching rate between ADs remained consistently low from the start of the study (2001-2005) at 2.0% to the end of the study (2016-2020) at 2.3%. Most women who switched between antidepressants during pregnancy received a different SSRI monotherapy (85%), followed by an SNRI (6%), a TCA (4%), and an "other AD" (4%). In most cases observed, the dose adjustment for the mean DDDs during pregnancy compared to the mean DDDs before pregnancy only changed little (less than 10%). Continued use of SSRIs among singleton pregnancies doubled over the study period. The low rate of AD switching and little changes in the DDD adjustment for most AD continuers indicate that pregnant women prefer to continue their prepregnancy medication rather than switch it. Most observed findings cohere with the Dutch national guidelines for antidepressant use during pregnancy.</p

    Neuropsychiatric safety of varenicline in the general and COPD population with and without psychiatric disorders:a retrospective cohort study in a real-world setting

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the real-world association between varenicline and neuropsychiatric adverse events (NPAEs) in general and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) population with and without psychiatric disorders compared with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to strengthen the knowledge of varenicline safety. DESIGN: A retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Prescription database IADB.nl, the Netherlands. PARTICIPANTS: New users of varenicline or NRT among general (≥18 years) and COPD (≥40 years) population. Psychiatric subcohort was defined as people prescribed psychotropic medications (≥2) within 6 months before the index date. OUTCOME MEASURES: The incidence of NPAEs including depression, anxiety and insomnia, defined by new or naive prescriptions of related medications in IADB.nl within 24 weeks after the first treatment initiation of varenicline or NRT. RESULTS: For the general population in non-psychiatric cohort, the incidence of total NPAEs in varenicline (4480) and NRT (1970) groups was 10.5% and 12.6%, respectively (adjusted OR (aOR) 0.85, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.00). For the general population in psychiatric cohort, the incidence of total NPAEs was much higher, 75.3% and 78.5% for varenicline (1427) and NRT (1200) groups, respectively (aOR 0.82, 95% CI 0.68 to 0.99). For the COPD population (1598), there were no differences in the incidence of NPAEs between comparison groups in both the psychiatric cohort (aOR 0.97, 95% CI 0.66 to 1.44) and non-psychiatric cohort (aOR 0.81, 95% CI 0.54 to 1.20). Results from subgroup or sensitivity analyses also did not reveal increased risks of NPAEs but showed decreased risk of some subgroup NPAEs associated with varenicline. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to the concerns of a possible increased risk of NPAEs among varenicline users, we found a relative decreased risk of total NPAEs in varenicline users of the general population in psychiatric or non-psychiatric cohorts compared with NRT and no difference for NPAEs between varenicline and NRT users in smaller population with COPD

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Screening for and Managing Identified Hypertension for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Vietnam

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    OBJECTIVE:To inform development of guidelines for hypertension management in Vietnam, we evaluated the cost-effectiveness of different strategies on screening for hypertension in preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD). METHODS:A decision tree was combined with a Markov model to measure incremental cost-effectiveness of different approaches to hypertension screening. Values used as input parameters for the model were taken from different sources. Various screening intervals (one-off, annually, biannually) and starting ages to screen (35, 45 or 55 years) and coverage of treatment were analysed. We ran both a ten-year and a lifetime horizon. Input parameters for the models were extracted from local and regional data. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis was used to evaluate parameter uncertainty. A threshold of three times GDP per capita was applied. RESULTS:Cost per quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained varied in different screening scenarios. In a ten-year horizon, the cost-effectiveness of screening for hypertension ranged from cost saving to Int758,695perQALYgained.Forscreeningofmenstartingat55years,allscreeningscenariosgaveahighprobabilityofbeingcost−effective.Forscreeningoffemalesstartingat55years,theprobabilityoffavourablecost−effectivenesswas90 758,695 per QALY gained. For screening of men starting at 55 years, all screening scenarios gave a high probability of being cost-effective. For screening of females starting at 55 years, the probability of favourable cost-effectiveness was 90% with one-off screening. In a lifetime horizon, cost per QALY gained was lower than the threshold of Int 15,883 in all screening scenarios among males. Similar results were found in females when starting screening at 55 years. Starting screening in females at 45 years had a high probability of being cost-effective if screening biannually was combined with increasing coverage of treatment by 20% or even if sole biannual screening was considered. CONCLUSION:From a health economic perspective, integrating screening for hypertension into routine medical examination and related coverage by health insurance could be recommended. Screening for hypertension has a high probability of being cost-effective in preventing CVD. An adequate screening strategy can best be selected based on age, sex and screening interval

    Risk of Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events Associated with Varenicline Treatment for Smoking Cessation among Dutch Population:A Sequence Symmetry Analysis

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    Purpose: Varenicline is an effective treatment for smoking cessation. While clinical trials did not confirm a causal role, case reports suggested a possible link of varenicline with neuropsychiatric adverse drug events (NPAEs). This study aims to investigate the risk of NPAEs associated with varenicline initiation among the general population in a real-world setting. Methods: We conducted a sequence symmetry analysis (SSA) based on the University of Groningen IADB.nl prescription database. We selected incident users of both varenicline and marker drugs for NPAEs, including depression, anxiety and sleep disorder within different time-intervals. Adjusted sequence ratios (aSR) were calculated for each time-interval. Results: Within 365-days' time-interval 1066 patients were incident users of both varenicline and NPAE marker drugs. In total, 505 patients were prescribed varenicline before NPAE marker drugs and 561 vice versa (crude sequence ratio [cSR] 0.90, 95% CI: 0.80–1.02). After adjustments for trends in prescriptions, overall a null association was found (aSR 1.00, 95% CI: 0.89–1.13). Regarding specific NPAEs, no increased risks were found for depression nor anxiety within any time-interval. A small transient increased risk was found for sleep disorders, particularly in earlier time-intervals 3 and 6 months (aSRs 1.52, 95% CI: 1.10–2.11 and 1.45, 95% CI: 1.15–1.83, respectively). Subgroup and sensitivity analyses showed similar findings. Conclusions: Varenicline initiation was unlikely to be associated with an increased risk of taking anti-depressants nor anti-anxiety drugs. Yet a small, but statistically significant, transient association with drugs for sleep disorders was noticed, possibly associated with withdrawal symptoms caused by smoking cessation

    Comparing the EQ-5D-3 L and EQ-5D-5 L:studying measurement and scores in Indonesian type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

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    BACKGROUND: The EuroQoL five-dimensional instrument (EQ-5D) is the favoured preference-based instrument to measure health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in several countries. Two versions of the EQ-5D are available: the 3-level version (EQ-5D-3 L) and the 5-level version (EQ-5D-5 L). This study aims to compare specific measurement properties and scoring of the EQ-5D-3 L (3 L) and EQ-5D-5 L (5 L) in Indonesian type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) outpatients. METHODS: A survey was conducted in a hospital and two primary healthcare centres on Sulawesi Island. Participants were asked to complete the two versions of the EQ-5D instruments. The 3 L and 5 L were compared in terms of distribution and ceiling, discriminative power and test-retest reliability. To determine the consistency of the participants' answers, we checked the redistribution pattern, i.e., the consistency of a participant's scores in both versions. RESULTS: A total of 198 T2DM outpatients (mean age 59.90 ± 11.06) completed the 3 L and 5 L surveys. A total of 46 health states for 3 L and 90 health states for 5 L were reported. The '11121' health state was reported most often: 17% in the 3 L and 13% in the 5 L. The results suggested a lower ceiling effect for 5 L (11%) than for 3 L (15%). Regarding redistribution, only 6.1% of responses were found to be inconsistent in this study. The 5 L had higher discriminative power than the 3 L version. Reliability as reflected by the index score was 0.64 for 3 L and 0.74 for 5 L. Pain/discomfort was the dimension mostly affected, whereas the self-care dimension was the least affected. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that the 5 L-version of the EQ-5D instrument performs better than the 3 L-version in T2DM outpatients in Indonesia, regarding measurement and scoring properties. As such, our study supports the use of the 5 L as the preferred health-related quality of life measurement tool. We did not do a trial but this study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia (document number KE/FK/1188/EC, 12 November 2014, amended 16 March 2015)
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