10,100 research outputs found

    Two-loop QCD gauge coupling at high temperatures

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    We determine the 2-loop effective gauge coupling of QCD at high temperatures, defined as a matching coefficient appearing in the dimensionally reduced effective field theory. The result allows to improve on one of the classic non-perturbative probes for the convergence of the weak-coupling expansion at high temperatures, the comparison of full and effective theory determinations of an observable called the spatial string tension. We find surprisingly good agreement almost down to the critical temperature of the deconfinement phase transition. We also determine one new contribution of order O(g^6T^4) to the pressure of hot QCD.Comment: 17 page

    Spatial string tension revisited

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    The spatial string tension, a classic non-perturbative probe for the convergence of the weak-coupling expansion at high temperatures, can be determined in full QCD as well as in a dimensionally reduced effective theory. Comparing both approaches, we find surprisingly good agreement almost down to the critical temperature of the deconfinement phase transition.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, talk given at Lattice 2005 (nonzero temperature and density

    Constraints on the NMSSM from the oblique parameters

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    Electroweak precision measurements, encoded in the oblique parameters, give strong constraints on physics beyond the Standard Model. The oblique parameters S, T, U (V, W, X) are calculated in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric model (NMSSM). We outline the calculation of the oblique parameters in terms of one-loop gauge-boson selfenergies and find sensitive restrictions for the NMSSM parameter space.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Engineering test procedure for the patient assist device

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    The test procedure completely tests the functioning of the patient assist device. All modes of operation are included in the test. Patient activated switches may be chosen for use with this device as desired. These switches, however, must be single-pole, single-throw, momentarily-on switches

    Four-loop lattice-regularized vacuum energy density of the three-dimensional SU(3) + adjoint Higgs theory

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    The pressure of QCD admits at high temperatures a factorization into purely perturbative contributions from "hard" thermal momenta, and slowly convergent as well as non-perturbative contributions from "soft" thermal momenta. The latter can be related to various effective gluon condensates in a dimensionally reduced effective field theory, and measured there through lattice simulations. Practical measurements of one of the relevant condensates have suffered, however, from difficulties in extrapolating convincingly to the continuum limit. In order to gain insight on this problem, we employ Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory to estimate the problematic condensate up to 4-loop order in lattice perturbation theory. Our results seem to confirm the presence of "large" discretization effects, going like aln(1/a)a\ln(1/a), where aa is the lattice spacing. For definite conclusions, however, it would be helpful to repeat the corresponding part of our study with standard lattice perturbation theory techniques.Comment: 35 pages. v2: minor corrections, published versio

    Non-perturbative plaquette in 3d pure SU(3)

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    We present a determination of the elementary plaquette and, after the subsequent ultraviolet subtractions, of the finite part of the gluon condensate, in lattice regularization in three-dimensional pure SU(3) gauge theory. Through a change of regularization scheme to MSbar and a matching back to full four-dimensional QCD, this result determines the first non-perturbative contribution in the weak-coupling expansion of hot QCD pressure.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, talk presented at Lattice 2005 (Non-zero temperature and density

    Four-loop pressure of massless O(N) scalar field theory

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    Inspired by the corresponding problem in QCD, we determine the pressure of massless O(N) scalar field theory up to order g^6 in the weak-coupling expansion, where g^2 denotes the quartic coupling constant. This necessitates the computation of all 4-loop vacuum graphs at a finite temperature: by making use of methods developed by Arnold and Zhai at 3-loop level, we demonstrate that this task is manageable at least if one restricts to computing the logarithmic terms analytically, while handling the ``constant'' 4-loop contributions numerically. We also inspect the numerical convergence of the weak-coupling expansion after the inclusion of the new terms. Finally, we point out that while the present computation introduces strategies that should be helpful for the full 4-loop computation on the QCD-side, it also highlights the need to develop novel computational techniques, in order to be able to complete this formidable task in a systematic fashion.Comment: 34 page

    Renormalization of infrared contributions to the QCD pressure

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    Thanks to dimensional reduction, the infrared contributions to the QCD pressure can be obtained from two different three-dimensional effective field theories, called the Electrostatic QCD (Yang-Mills plus adjoint Higgs) and the Magnetostatic QCD (pure Yang-Mills theory). Lattice measurements have been carried out within these theories, but a proper interpretation of the results requires renormalization, and in some cases also improvement, i.e. the removal of terms of O(a) or O(a^2). We discuss how these computations can be implemented and carried out up to 4-loop level with the help of Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, talk presented at Lattice 2006 (High temperature and density

    The leading non-perturbative coefficient in the weak-coupling expansion of hot QCD pressure

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    Using Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory within three-dimensional pure SU(3) gauge theory, we estimate the last unknown renormalization constant that is needed for converting the vacuum energy density of this model from lattice regularization to the MSbar scheme. Making use of a previous non-perturbative lattice measurement of the plaquette expectation value in three dimensions, this allows us to approximate the first non-perturbative coefficient that appears in the weak-coupling expansion of hot QCD pressure.Comment: 16 pages. v2: published versio