84 research outputs found

    Chapter 6 Making or unmaking a movement?

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    This article discusses dilemmas of global civic activism from a neo-Gramscian perspective as both subordinated and a potential challenge to hegemonic neoliberal order. With the investigational focus on the People’s Global Action on Migration, Development and Human Rights (PGA) event, the space for civic activism relating to the intergovernmental Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and its associated Civil Society Days and Common Space is analysed. The article asks how the future of PGA activism may be influenced by its formalized representation within the GFMD. It posits that the PGA has landed at a crossroad between becoming a global activist counterhegemonic movement to a dominant neoliberal migration policy and being captured in a tokenist subordinated inclusion within a truncated ‘invited space’ for interchange. This ambiguous position jeopardizes its impact on global migration governance, discussed with reference to theories of transversal politics and issues of counterhegemonic alliance-building

    Return Migration and the New International Division of Labour

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    Pitanje povratka i reintegracije radnika-migranata u zapadnoevropskim zemljama smješteno je u strateške okvire zapadnoevropskog kapitala. U tim okvirima stvorene su različite periferne zone što ih čine mediteranske zemlje koje snabdijevaju radnom snagom središnje kapitalističke zemlje. Tokom vremena u (polu)perifernim zonama stvaraju se unutrašnja tržišta radne snage, no nedovoljno jaka za primanje sve većeg proletariziranog stanovništva od sedamdesetih godina do danas. Alternativa industrijskog rasta i samostalne tehnološke ekspanzije za takve zemlje međutim, ima danas malo izgleda zbog jakog pritiska centara da se kriza iz sedamdesetih prenese u osamdesete na poluperiferiju. U takvom okviru, pitanje povratka i reintegracije radnika-migranata iz mediteranskih zemalja, koji su otišli u pretkriznom periodu, ostaje veoma neizvjesno.The issue of return and reintegration of migrant-workers in West European countries has been analysed within the strategic framework of West European capital. Various peripheral zones had been created within such a framework, consisting of Mediterranean countries supplying the central countries with workforce. Gradually, internal labour markets were created within the (semi) peripheral zones, however, they are not powerful enough for the reception of increasing numbers of the proletarianized population from 1970’s onwards. The alternative of industrial growth and autonomous technological expansion has meager prospects now-a-days for such countries, because of the strong pressure of the Center aiming at the removal of the crisis of the 1970\u27s into the semi-periphery in the 1980’s. In such a context, the issue of return and reintegration of migrant-workers from the Mediterranean countries, which had emigrated during the pre-crisis period, remains indeterminate

    Mogućnosti nezaposlenih imigranata 80-ih godina – komparativna studija nezaposlenosti među turskim i jugoslavenskim imigrantima u Švedskoj i Danskoj

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    Since the mid-1970\u27s the unemployment of immigrants in Scandinavia has constantly been double that of indigenous Scandinavians. The purpose of the research project “Options of Unemployed Immigrants” is to elucidate structural causes and institutionalized practices in relation to the high rates of immigrant unemployment in Denmark and Sweden, and to investigate the alternative options of the unemployed immigrants on the labour markets of the two Scandinavian countries. The project investigates the situation of unemployed immigrants from Yugoslavia and Turkey, two of the largest immigrant groups in both Sweden and Denmark. A comparative study of conditions in Sweden and Denmark is especially valuable on account of the two neighbouring Scandinavian countries\u27 markedly different labour market and unemployment policies. Research is conducted from an interdisciplinary perspective, combining the theories and methods of social anthropology with those of sociological labour market studies. Empirical research combines a limited number of local level case studies with statistical investigations on regional and national levels.Od sredine 70-ih godina nezaposlenost među imigrantima u Skandinaviji bila je dvostruko viša nego među indigenim Skandinavcima. Istraživački zadatak »Mogućnosti nezaposlenih imigranata« ima cilj rasvijetliti strukturalne razloge i institucionalnu praksu s obzirom na visok stupanj nezaposlenosti imigranata u Danskoj i Švedskoj i istražiti alternativne mogućnosti za nezaposlene imigrante na tržištima radne snage u ove dvije zemlje. Projekt istražuje položaj nezaposlenih imigranata iz Jugoslavije i Turske, dvije najveće imigrantske skupine u Švedskoj i Danskoj. Komparativna studija o uvjetima u Švedskoj i Danskoj posebno je vrijedna pažnje, jer se ove susjedne skandinavske zemlje osjetno razlikuju po tržištu radne snage i politici prema nezaposlenima. Istraživanje polazi od interdisciplinarne perspektive, povezujući teorije i metode socijalne antropologije s onima kojima se služe sociološka istraživanja tržišta radne snage. U empirijskom istraživanju povezuje se stanoviti broj studija lokalnih primjera sa statističkom analizom na regionalnoj i nacionalnoj razini

    Akumulacija kapitala i uvoz rada: pregled nekih marksističkih pozicija u 1970-im god.

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    In this paper the author discusses various Marxist views on the role of the reserve army of immigrant labour in relation to capitalist accumulation in Western Europe. Critical analysis is given of the theories of Claude Meillassoux, Andre Gorz, Marios Nikolinakos, Adriana Marshall, Stephen Castles and Godula Cosack. The author maintains that although most Marxist writers uphold the view that the contradictory position of immigrant workers as a reserve army of labour provides a basis for their ambiguous role in the economic and political class struggle that there is still disagreement in regard to defining this position in structural terms. It is argued that this disagreement is the result of generalizations made by observing different parts of the Western European reality. The author pursues this argument in two European contexts – first, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands; second, the case of France.U ovom radu autor razmatra marksistička gledišta o ulozi rezervne armije imigrantske radne snage u odnosu na akumulaciju kapitala u Zapadnoj Evropi. Teorije Clauda Meiilassouxa, Andréa Gorza, Mariosa Nikolinakosa, Adriane Marshall, Stephena Castlesa i Godule Cosack podvrgnute su kritičkoj analizi. Autor tvrdi da većina marksističkih promatrača podržava gledište da je kontradiktorni položaj radnika imigranata u smislu rezervne armije rada osnova za njihovu ambivalentnu ulogu u ekonomskoj i političkoj klasnoj borbi, ali da ipak postoji neslaganje gledišta u strukturalnom tumačenju ovog položaja. Nastoji se dokazati da je neslaganje posljedica uopćavanja osnovana na promatranju različitih dijelova zapadnoevropske društvene stvarnosti. Autor razrađuje ovu argumentaciju u odnosu na dva evropska konteksta – prvo, kontekst Savezne Republike Njemačke i Nizozemske; drugo, slučaj Francuske

    Struktura i kultura u istraživanju migracija

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    This paper is a contribution to the ongoing debate about integration of immigrants in Western European society. In view of prevailing integrationist/assimilationist assumptions, a revision of the notion of integration in studies of immigrant situations is called for. Proposing a dynamic interpretation of integration, the author introduces the notion of the social field of migrants\u27 life experiences; its fabric is called “migrancy” (Mayer, 1962). The thesis that the community of origin and the community of immigration ought to be treated by the researcher as a “single social field” of investigation is endorsed. It is reiterated that a profound sense of attachment to the “hinterland” is conserved by most immigrants as some kind of protection in relation to their environment. However, they also develop strategies of integration with the intermediary zone of “the local public” in capitalist industrial society. The author\u27s concluding remark is that through confrontation with the urban-industrial system and its various part-cultures we see a “double cultural competence” coming into being among growing segments of the immigrant population.Ovo je prilog raspravi o integraciji doseljenika, koja se aktualizirala u zapadnoevropskom društvu. S obzirom na to da u studijama o migrantskim situacijama prevladavaju integracionističke/asimilacionističke pretpostavke, ističe se potreba da se pojam integracije revidira. Autor predlaže dinamičnu interpretaciju integracije i uvodi pojam socijalnog polja životnih iskustava migranata, koje polje u svome tkivu sadrži »migrantstvo« (Mayer, 1962). On također zagovara tezu o tome da bi se istraživači trebali baviti društvom porijekla i društvom imigracije kao »jedinstvenim socijalnim poljem« istraživanja. Iznosi dobro poznatu misao o tome da većina doseljenika uspijeva očuvati duboku povezanost sa »zaleđem«, koja im ponekad služi kao svojevrsni zaštitni mehanizam. No oni uz to razvijaju strategiju integracije na jednom prijelaznom ili posredničkom terenu, unutar »lokalne publike« u industrijski razvijenom kapitalističkom društvu. Autorova zaključna primjedba odnosi se na pojavu »dvostruke kulturne kompetencije« sve brojnije doseljeničke populacije. Takva je kompetencija rezultat konfrontacije urbanog industrijskog sistema i njegovih različitih parcijalnih kultura

    Chapter 6 Making or unmaking a movement?

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    This article discusses dilemmas of global civic activism from a neo-Gramscian perspective as both subordinated and a potential challenge to hegemonic neoliberal order. With the investigational focus on the People’s Global Action on Migration, Development and Human Rights (PGA) event, the space for civic activism relating to the intergovernmental Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and its associated Civil Society Days and Common Space is analysed. The article asks how the future of PGA activism may be influenced by its formalized representation within the GFMD. It posits that the PGA has landed at a crossroad between becoming a global activist counterhegemonic movement to a dominant neoliberal migration policy and being captured in a tokenist subordinated inclusion within a truncated ‘invited space’ for interchange. This ambiguous position jeopardizes its impact on global migration governance, discussed with reference to theories of transversal politics and issues of counterhegemonic alliance-building