5,659 research outputs found

    Quantum Field Theory on Curved Noncommutative Spacetimes

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    We summarize our recently proposed approach to quantum field theory on noncommutative curved spacetimes. We make use of the Drinfel'd twist deformed differential geometry of Julius Wess and his group in order to define an action functional for a real scalar field on a twist-deformed time-oriented, connected and globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifold. The corresponding deformed wave operator admits unique deformed retarded and advanced Green's operators, provided we pose a support condition on the deformation. The solution space of the deformed wave equation is constructed explicitly and can be canonically equipped with a (weak) symplectic structure. The quantization of the solution space of the deformed wave equation is performed using *-algebras over the ring C[[\lambda]]. As a new result we add a proof that there exist symplectic isomorphisms between the deformed and the undeformed symplectic R[[\lambda]]-modules. This immediately leads to *-algebra isomorphisms between the deformed and the formal power series extension of the undeformed quantum field theory. The consequences of these isomorphisms are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, no figures. Talk in the Corfu Summer Institute on Elementary Particles and Physics - Workshop on Non Commutative Field Theory and Gravity, September 8-12, 2010 Corfu Greece. v2: Typo in Corollary 1 correcte

    Twist deformations of module homomorphisms and connections

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    Let H be a Hopf algebra, A a left H-module algebra and V a left H-module A-bimodule. We study the behavior of the right A-linear endomorphisms of V under twist deformation. We in particular construct a bijective quantization map to the right A_\star-linear endomorphisms of V_\star, with A_\star,V_\star denoting the usual twist deformations of A,V. The quantization map is extended to right A-linear homomorphisms between left H-module A-bimodules and to right connections on V. We then investigate the tensor product of linear maps between left H-modules. Given a quasitriangular Hopf algebra we can define an H-covariant tensor product of linear maps, which restricts for left H-module A-bimodules to a well-defined tensor product of right A-linear homomorphisms on tensor product modules over A. This also requires a quasi-commutativity condition on the algebra and bimodules. Using this tensor product we can construct a new lifting prescription of connections to tensor product modules, generalizing the usual prescription to also include nonequivariant connections.Comment: 20 pages. Talk given at the Corfu Summer Institute 2011 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity", September 4-18, 2011, Corfu, Greec

    Perturbative analysis of anharmonic chains of oscillators out of equilibrium

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    We compute the first-order correction to the correlation functions of the stationary state of a stochastically forced harmonic chain out of equilibrium when a small on-site anharmonic potential is added. This is achieved by deriving a suitable formula for the covariance matrix of the invariant state. We find that the first-order correction of the heat current does not depend on the size of the system. Second, the temperature profile is linear when the harmonic part of the on-site potential is zero. The sign of the gradient of the profile, however, is opposite to the sign of the temperature difference of the two heat baths.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, corrected typo

    Noncommutative connections on bimodules and Drinfeld twist deformation

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    Given a Hopf algebra H, we study modules and bimodules over an algebra A that carry an H-action, as well as their morphisms and connections. Bimodules naturally arise when considering noncommutative analogues of tensor bundles. For quasitriangular Hopf algebras and bimodules with an extra quasi-commutativity property we induce connections on the tensor product over A of two bimodules from connections on the individual bimodules. This construction applies to arbitrary connections, i.e. not necessarily H-equivariant ones, and further extends to the tensor algebra generated by a bimodule and its dual. Examples of these noncommutative structures arise in deformation quantization via Drinfeld twists of the commutative differential geometry of a smooth manifold, where the Hopf algebra H is the universal enveloping algebra of vector fields (or a finitely generated Hopf subalgebra). We extend the Drinfeld twist deformation theory of modules and algebras to morphisms and connections that are not necessarily H-equivariant. The theory canonically lifts to the tensor product structure.Comment: 74 pages. V2, added remark 3.7 and references therein, accepted versio

    Symmetry Reduction in Twisted Noncommutative Gravity with Applications to Cosmology and Black Holes

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    As a preparation for a mathematically consistent study of the physics of symmetric spacetimes in a noncommutative setting, we study symmetry reductions in deformed gravity. We focus on deformations that are given by a twist of a Lie algebra acting on the spacetime manifold. We derive conditions on those twists that allow a given symmetry reduction. A complete classification of admissible deformations is possible in a class of twists generated by commuting vector fields. As examples, we explicitly construct the families of vector fields that generate twists which are compatible with Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies and Schwarzschild black holes, respectively. We find nontrivial isotropic twists of FRW cosmologies and nontrivial twists that are compatible with all classical symmetries of black hole solutions.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages, no figures, minor modifications, reference added, to appear in JHE

    Locally covariant quantum field theory with external sources

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    We provide a detailed analysis of the classical and quantized theory of a multiplet of inhomogeneous Klein-Gordon fields, which couple to the spacetime metric and also to an external source term; thus the solutions form an affine space. Following the formulation of affine field theories in terms of presymplectic vector spaces as proposed in [Annales Henri Poincare 15, 171 (2014)], we determine the relative Cauchy evolution induced by metric as well as source term perturbations and compute the automorphism group of natural isomorphisms of the presymplectic vector space functor. Two pathological features of this formulation are revealed: the automorphism group contains elements that cannot be interpreted as global gauge transformations of the theory; moreover, the presymplectic formulation does not respect a natural requirement on composition of subsystems. We therefore propose a systematic strategy to improve the original description of affine field theories at the classical and quantized level, first passing to a Poisson algebra description in the classical case. The idea is to consider state spaces on the classical and quantum algebras suggested by the physics of the theory (in the classical case, we use the affine solution space). The state spaces are not separating for the algebras, indicating a redundancy in the description. Removing this redundancy by a quotient, a functorial theory is obtained that is free of the above mentioned pathologies. These techniques are applicable to general affine field theories and Abelian gauge theories. The resulting quantized theory is shown to be dynamically local.Comment: v2: 42 pages; Appendix C on deformation quantization and references added. v3: 47 pages; compatible with version to appear in Annales Henri Poincar

    Field Theory on Curved Noncommutative Spacetimes

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    We study classical scalar field theories on noncommutative curved spacetimes. Following the approach of Wess et al. [Classical Quantum Gravity 22 (2005), 3511 and Classical Quantum Gravity 23 (2006), 1883], we describe noncommutative spacetimes by using (Abelian) Drinfel'd twists and the associated *-products and *-differential geometry. In particular, we allow for position dependent noncommutativity and do not restrict ourselves to the Moyal-Weyl deformation. We construct action functionals for real scalar fields on noncommutative curved spacetimes, and derive the corresponding deformed wave equations. We provide explicit examples of deformed Klein-Gordon operators for noncommutative Minkowski, de Sitter, Schwarzschild and Randall-Sundrum spacetimes, which solve the noncommutative Einstein equations. We study the construction of deformed Green's functions and provide a diagrammatic approach for their perturbative calculation. The leading noncommutative corrections to the Green's functions for our examples are derived.Comment: SIGMA Special Issue on Noncommutative Spaces and Field

    Non Newtonian Particle Transport Model For Haemorheology

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    Renormalization Group and the Melnikov Problem for PDE's

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    We give a new proof of persistence of quasi-periodic, low dimensional elliptic tori in infinite dimensional systems. The proof is based on a renormalization group iteration that was developed recently in [BGK] to address the standard KAM problem, namely, persistence of invariant tori of maximal dimension in finite dimensional, near integrable systems. Our result covers situations in which the so called normal frequencies are multiple. In particular, it provides a new proof of the existence of small-amplitude, quasi-periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations with periodic boundary conditions.Comment: 44 pages, plain Te