243 research outputs found

    Avaliação preliminar do nanismo amarelo em genótipos de triticale.

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    Editores técnicos: Joseani Mesquita Antunes, Ana Lídia Variani Bonato, Márcia Barrocas Moreira Pimentel

    Determination of Methotrexate in pH-Sensitive Chitosan Nanoparticles by Validated RP-LC and UV Spectrophotometric Methods

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    Nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems are in constant development and, therefore, it is of great importance to have rapid, efficient and accurate analytical methodology to quantify the encapsulated drugs. Here, simple and fast methods, by reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RP-LC) and UV spectrophotometry, were developed and validated for the determination of methotrexate (MTX) in pH-sensitive chitosan nanoparticles (CS-NPs). NPs were prepared using a modified ionotropic complexation process, in which was included a surfactant derived from Nα,Nε-dioctanoyl lysine with an inorganic sodium counterion. The RP-LC method was carried out on a Waters XBridgeTM C18 column (250 mm x 4.6 mm I.D., 5μm), with mobile phase consisted of potassium phosphate buffer (0.05 M, pH 3.2): acetonitrile (86:14, v/v), and UV detection set at 303 nm. The analyses of MTX content by the UV method were also accomplished at 303 nm, using 0.1 M sodium hydroxide as diluent. The measurements were linearly correlated with concentration for both methods in the 1 - 30 μg/mL range (r > 0.9999). The specificity tests showed that there was no interference of the NP components on the quantitative analyses. Precision (repeatability and intermediate precision) was demonstrated by a relative standard deviation lower than 1.5%, whereas the accuracy was assessed by the recovery of MTX from sample matrices, given mean value of ~99%. The proposed methods were applied for the analyses of MTX in different batches of NPs, and the results showed non-significant differences (p > 0.05) between the values obtained with both methodologies. Moreover, the RP-LC method was successfully used to determine the drug entrapment efficiency, and to quantify MTX during in vitro release assays and photolytic degradation studies. In conclusion, the validated methods are suitable to assay MTX in pH-sensitive CS-NPs without any interference from the polymer or surfactant

    PEGylated and poloxamer-modified chitosan nanoparticles incorporating a lysine-based surfactant for pH-triggered doxorubicin release

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    The growing demand for efficient chemotherapy in many cancers requires novel approaches in target-delivery technologies. Nanomaterials with pH-responsive behavior appear to have potential ability to selectively release the encapsulated molecules by sensing the acidic tumor microenvironment or the low pH found in endosomes. Likewise, polyethylene glycol (PEG)- and poloxamer-modified nanocarriers have been gaining attention regarding their potential to improve the effectiveness of cancer therapy. In this context, DOX-loaded pH-responsive nanoparticles (NPs) modified with PEG or poloxamer were prepared and the effects of these modifiers were evaluated on the overall characteristics of these nanostructures. Chitosan and tripolyphosphate were selected to form NPs by the interaction of oppositely charged compounds. A pH-sensitive lysine-based amphiphile (77KS) was used as a bioactive adjuvant. The strong dependence of 77KS ionization with pH makes this compound an interesting candidate to be used for the design of pH-sensitive devices. The physicochemical characterization of all NPs has been performed, and it was shown that the presence of 77KS clearly promotes a pH-triggered DOX release. Accelerated and continuous release patterns of DOX from CS-NPs under acidic conditions were observed regardless of the presence of PEG or poloxamer. Moreover, photodegradation studies have indicated that the lyophilization of NPs improved DOX stability under UVA radiation. Finally, cytotoxicity experiments have shown the ability of DOX-loaded CS-NPs to kill HeLa tumor cells. Hence, the overall results suggest that these pH-responsive CS-NPs are highly potent delivery systems to target tumor and intracellular environments, rendering them promising DOX carrier systems for cancer therapy

    Nanoparticles incorporating pH-responsive surfactants as a viable approach to improve the intracellular drug delivery

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    The pH-responsive delivery systems have brought newadvances in the field of functional nanodevices and might allow more accurate and controllable delivery of specific cargoes, which is expected to result in promising applications in different clinical therapies. Here we describe a family of chitosan TPP (tripolyphosphate) nanoparticles (NPs) for intracellular drug delivery, which were designed using two pH-sensitive amino acid-based surfactants fromthe family Nα,Nε-dioctanoyl lysine as bioactive compounds. Lowand mediummolecularweight chitosan (LMW-CS and MMW-CS, respectively) were used for NP preparation, and it was observed that the size distribution for NPs with LMW-CS were smaller (~168 nm) than that for NPs prepared with MMW-CS (~310 nm). Hemolysis assay demonstrated the pH-dependent biomembrane disruptional capability of the constructed NPs. The nanostructures incorporating the surfactants cause negligible membrane permeabilization at pH 7.4. However, at acidic pH, prevailing in endosomes, membrane-destabilizing activity in an erythrocyte lysis assay became evident. When pH decreased to 6.6 and 5.4, hemolytic capability of chitosan NPs increased along with the raise of concentration. Furthermore, studies with cell culture showed that these pH-responsive NPs displayed low cytotoxic effects against 3T3 fibroblasts. The influence of chitosan molecular weight, chitosan to TPP weight ratio, nanoparticle size and nature of the surfactant counterion on the membrane-disruptive properties of nanoparticleswas discussed in detail. Altogether, the results achieved here showed that by inserting the lysine-based amphiphiles into chitosan NPs, pH-sensitive membranolytic and potentially endosomolytic nanocarriers were developed, which, therefore, demonstrated ideal feasibility for intracellular drug delivery

    Multifunctional PLGA nanoparticles combining transferrin-targetability and pH-stimuli sensitivity enhanced doxorubicin intracellular delivery and in vitro antineoplastic activity in MDR tumor cells

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    Targeted delivery aims to enhance cellular uptake and improve therapeutic outcome with higher disease specificity. The expression of transferrin receptor (TfR) is upregulated on tumor cells, which make the protein Tf and its receptor vastly relevant when applied to targeting strategies. Here, we proposed Tf-decorated pH-sensitive PLGA nanoparticles containing the chemosensitizer poloxamer as a carrier for doxorubicin delivery to tumor cells (Tf-DOX-PLGA-NPs), aiming at alleviating multidrug resistance (MDR). We performed a range of in vitro studies to assess whether targeted NPs have the ability to improve DOX antitumor potential on resistant NCI/ADR-RES cells. All evaluations of the Tf-decorated NPs were performed comparatively to the nontargeted counterparts, aiming to evidence the real role of NP surface functionalization, along with the benefits of pH-sensitivity and poloxamer, in the improvement of antiproliferative activity and reversal of MDR. Tf-DOX-PLGA-NPs induced higher number of apoptotic events and ROS generation, along with cell cycle arrest. Moreover, they were efficiently internalized by NCI/ADR-RES cells, increasing DOX intracellular accumulation, which supports the greater cell killing ability of these targeted NPs with respect to MDR cells. Altogether, these findings supported the effectiveness of the Tf-surface modification of DOX-PLGA-NPs for an improved antiproliferative activity. Therefore, our pH-responsive Tf-inspired NPs are a promising smart drug delivery system to overcome MDR effect at some extent, enhancing the efficacy of DOX antitumor therapy