8,171 research outputs found

    Detection of methane on Kuiper Belt Object (50000) Quaoar

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    The near-infrared spectrum of (50000) Quaoar obtained at the Keck Observatory shows distinct absorption features of crystalline water ice, solid methane and ethane, and possibly other higher order hydrocarbons. Quaoar is only the fifth Kuiper belt object on which volatile ices have been detected. The small amount of methane on an otherwise water ice dominated surface suggests that Quaoar is a transition object between the dominant volatile-poor small Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) and the few volatile-rich large KBOs such as Pluto and Eris.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Late cutaneous schistosomiasis representing an isolated skin manifestation of Schistosoma mansoni infection

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    Ectopic late cutaneous schistosomiasis is usually preceded or accompanied by visceral schistosomiasis infection. Our patient presented the very rare case of late cutaneous schistosomiasis as an isolated skin manifestation. Perigenital lesions occurred 1 year after contact with infested water. Identification of the few eggs remaining in the late lesion among the dense cellular infiltrate was difficult. Electron-microscopic studies clearly demonstrated the characteristic eggshell ultrastructure. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Near-infrared (NIR) spectra of Centaurs and Kuiper belt objects

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    We present here an extensive survey of near-infrared (NIR) spectra of Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) and Centaurs taken with the Keck I Telescope. We find that most spectra in our sample are well characterized by a combination of water ice and a featureless continuum. A comparative analysis reveals that the NIR spectral properties have little correlation to the visible colors or albedo, with the exception of the fragment KBOs produced from the giant impact on 2003 EL61. The results suggest that the surface composition of KBOs is heterogeneous, though the exposure of water ice may be controlled by geophysical processes. The Centaurs also display diverse spectral properties, but the source of the variability remains unclear. The results for both the KBOs and the Centaurs point to inherent heterogeneity in either the processes acting on these objects or materials from which they formed

    Empirical logic of finite automata: microstatements versus macrostatements

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    We compare the two approaches to the empirical logic of automata. The first, called partition logic (logic of microstatements), refers to experiments on individual automata. The second one, the logic of simulation (logic of macrostatements), deals with ensembles of automata.Comment: late

    Decoherence in a dynamical quantum phase transition

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    Motivated by the similarity between adiabatic quantum algorithms and quantum phase transitions, we study the impact of decoherence on the sweep through a second-order quantum phase transition for the prototypical example of the Ising chain in a transverse field and compare it to the adiabatic version of Grovers search algorithm, which displays a first order quantum phase transition. For site-independent and site-dependent coupling strengths as well as different operator couplings, the results show that (in contrast to first-order transitions) the impact of decoherence caused by a weak coupling to a rather general environment increases with system size (i.e., number of spins/qubits). This might limit the scalability of the corresponding adiabatic quantum algorithm.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Douleur chronique et mécanismes moléculaires

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    La douleur est définie par l'International association for the study of pain (IASP) comme une expérience sensorielle et émotionnelle désagréable, associée à une lésion tissulaire réelle ou à une lésion potentielle, ou décrite en des termes évoquant une telle lésion. Sa fonction est de signaler une menace potentielle pour l'intégrité de l'organisme. Mais ce ressenti peut persister ou être présent en l'absence d'une telle menace. Il s'agit dans ce cas d'une douleur pathologique dont les mécanismes étiologiques et physiopathologiques ne sont pas encore bien compris.¦Ce travail de maîtrise a pour objectif l'étude d'une mutation génétique responsable d'un syndrome douloureux chronique. Cette mutation génétique a été décelée chez une famille de patients lausannois atteints de PEPD (paroxysmal extreme pain disorder) et touche le canal sodique Nav1.7. Ce canal est exprimé principalement dans les neurones des ganglions sensitifs et des ganglions sympathiques. Il est considéré comme responsable de la transmission de la douleur vers le SNC car des mutations « perte de fonction » de ce canal sont à l'origine d'une insensibilité congénitale à la douleur. Les mutations « gain de fonction » de ce canal sont à l'origine de syndromes douloureux chroniques tel le syndrome PEPD ou l'érythromélalgie. La mutation présente chez les patients lausannois est située entre les segments transmembranaires S4 et S5 sur le 4ème domaine de la sous-unité α du canal sodique Nav1.7. Cette mutation ne touche qu'un seul acide aminé, en position 1612 où une leucine est remplacée par une proline.¦Les méthodes employées dans ce travail sont la mutagenèse pour générer des plasmides contenant le gène SCN9A muté (T4835C) codant pour le canal Nav1.7 muté (L1612P), l'amplification de ces plasmides dans des bactéries et la transfection de cellules HEK293 avec les plasmides contenant le gène SCN9A muté (T4835C). Nous avons ainsi pu induire l'expression du canal muté dans des cellules HEK293. Ces cellules pourront être utilisées par la suite pour enregistrer les courants ioniques transitant à travers les canaux exprimés à la membrane plasmique. Cela permettra de comparer les propriétés électrophysiologiques du canal Nav1.7 muté L1612P avec celles du canal non muté. Nous avons également recherché l'expression d'ARNm codant pour les composants des canaux sodiques (sous-unités α et β) dans les cellules HEK293 non transfectées par la technique de qRT-PCR. Ceci afin de répertorier les composants des canaux sodiques exprimés constitutivement par les cellules HEK293 qui pourraient avoir une influence sur les mesures électrophysiologiques qui seront effectuées sur ces cellules.¦Ce travail a permis de générer des plasmides contenant le gène SCN9A muté T4835C qui sont des outils nécessaires à la réalisation d'études plus détaillées sur le fonctionnement et les propriétés du canal Nav1.7 muté L1612P. Ce travail a également permis, par la méthode de la qRT-PCR, une analyse de l'expression d'ARNm codant pour la sous-unité α du canal Nav1.7 et des sous-unités β 1 à 4 par les cellules HEK293. Les résultats ainsi obtenus permettent de mieux caractériser le transcriptome des cellules HEK293 et seront utiles pour interpréter avec plus de précisions les expérimentations électrophysiologiques utilisant ces cellules. L'étude électrophysiologique des cellules HEK293 exprimant le canal Nav1.7 muté par la technique du patch clamp est en cours. Elle sera poursuivie dans le cadre d'un travail de recherche dépassant le cadre de ce travail de maîtrise. Les cellules HEK293 exprimant le canal Nav1.7 muté (L1612P) pourront être également utilisées pour tester l'effet de divers médicaments sur ce canal. Ce qui pourrait d'une part permettre d'optimiser le traitement des patients souffrant de PEPD et d'autre part être utile pour tout traitement à but antalgique

    Water ice in the Kuiper belt

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    We examine a large collection of low-resolution near-infrared spectra of Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) and centaurs in an attempt to understand the presence of water ice in the Kuiper Belt. We find that water ice on the surface of these objects occurs in three separate manners: (1) Haumea family members uniquely show surfaces of nearly pure water ice, presumably a consequence of the fragmentation of the icy mantle of a larger differentiated proto-Haumea; (2) large objects with absolute magnitudes of H < 3 (and a limited number to H = 4.5) have surface coverings of water ice—perhaps mixed with ammonia—that appears to be related to possibly ancient cryovolcanism on these large objects; and (3) smaller KBOs and centaurs which are neither Haumea family members nor cold-classical KBOs appear to divide into two families (which we refer to as "neutral" and "red"), each of which is a mixture of a common nearly neutral component and either a slightly red or very red component that also includes water ice. A model suggesting that the difference between neutral and red objects due to formation in an early compact solar system either inside or outside, respectively, of the ~20 AU methanol evaporation line is supported by the observation that methanol is only detected on the reddest objects, which are those which would be expected to have the most of the methanol containing mixture

    Quantum Equilibration under Constraints and Transport Balance

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    For open quantum systems coupled to a thermal bath at inverse temperature β\beta, it is well known that under the Born-, Markov-, and secular approximations the system density matrix will approach the thermal Gibbs state with the bath inverse temperature β\beta. We generalize this to systems where there exists a conserved quantity (e.g., the total particle number), where for a bath characterized by inverse temperature β\beta and chemical potential μ\mu we find equilibration of both temperature and chemical potential. For couplings to multiple baths held at different temperatures and different chemical potentials, we identify a class of systems that equilibrates according to a single hypothetical average but in general non-thermal bath, which may be exploited to generate desired non-thermal states. Under special circumstances the stationary state may be again be described by a unique Boltzmann factor. These results are illustrated by several examples.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, leaner presentation, to appear in PR

    O stars effective temperature and HII regions ionization parameter gradients in the Galaxy

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    Extensive photoionization model grids are computed for single star HII regions using stellar atmosphere models from the WM-basic code. Mid-IR emission line intensities are predicted and diagnostic diagrams of [NeIII]/[NeII] and [SIV]/[SIII] excitation ratio are build, taking into account the metallicities of both the star and the HII region. The diagrams are used in conjunction with galactic HII region observations obtained with the ISO Observatory to determine the effective temperature Teff of the exciting O stars and the mean ionization parameter U. Teff and U are found to increase and decrease, respectively, with the metallicity of the HII region represented by the [Ne/Ne_sol] ratio. No evidence is found for gradients of Teff or U with galactocentric distance Rgal. The observed excitation sequence with Rgal is mainly due to the effect of the metallicity gradient on the spectral ionizing shape, upon which the effect of an increase in Teff with Z is superimposed. We show that not taking properly into account the effect of metallicity on the ionizing shape of the stellar atmosphere would lead to an apparent decrease of Teff with Z and an increase of Teff with Rgal.Comment: Accepted in Ap