27 research outputs found

    Barriers to the spiritual care of parents taking care of their child with a life-limiting condition at home

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    The changes that parents face when caring for a child with a life-limiting condition at home can affect them on a spiritual level. Yet, indications remain that parents do not feel supported when dealing with spiritual issues related to caring for a severely ill child. This paper explores, from the perspectives of bereaved parents, chaplains, grief counselors, and primary health care providers, the barriers to supporting the spiritual needs of parents. We conducted a qualitative focus group study from a constructivist point with chaplains/grief counselors, primary care professionals, and bereaved parents. All groups participated in two consecutive focus group sessions. Data were thematically analyzed. Six chaplains/grief counselors, 6 care professionals, and 5 parents participated. We identified six barriers: (1) There were difficulties in identifying and communicating spiritual care needs. (2) The action-oriented approach to health care hinders the identification of spiritual care needs. (3) There is an existing prejudice that spiritual care needs are by nature confrontational or difficult to address. (4) Spiritual support is not structurally embedded in palliative care. (5) There is a lack of knowledge and misconceptions about existing support. (6) Seeking out spiritual support is seen as too demanding. Conclusion: Parents of children with life-limiting conditions face existential challenges. However, care needs are often not identified, and existing support is not recognized as such. The main challenge is to provide care professionals and parents with the tools and terminology that suit existing care needs. (Table presented.)

    Supporting carers to manage pain medication in cancer patients at the end of life: A feasibility trial

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    Background: Carers of people with advanced cancer play a significant role in managing pain medication, yet they report insufficient information and support to do so confidently and competently. There is limited research evidence on the best ways for clinicians to help carers with medication management. Aims: To develop a pain medicines management intervention (Cancer Carers Medicines Management) for cancer patients’ carers near the end of life and evaluate feasibility and acceptability to nurses and carers. To test the feasibility of trial research procedures and to inform decisions concerning a full-scale randomised controlled trial. Design: Phase I-II clinical trial. A systematic, evidence-informed participatory method was used to develop CCMM: a nurse-delivered structured conversational process. A two-arm, cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial of Cancer Carers Medicines Management was conducted, with an embedded qualitative study to evaluate participants’ experiences of Cancer Carers Medicines Management and trial procedures. Setting: Community settings in two study sites. Participants: Phase I comprises 57 carers, patients and healthcare professionals and Phase II comprises 12 nurses and 15 carers. Results: A novel intervention was developed. Nurses were recruited and randomised. Carer recruitment to the trial was problematic with fewer than predicted eligible participants, and nurses judged a high proportion unsuitable to recruit into the study. Attrition rates following recruitment were typical for the study population. Cancer Carers Medicines Management was acceptable to carers and nurses who took part, and some benefits were identified. Conclusion: Cancer Carers Medicines Management is a robustly developed medicines management intervention which merits further research to test its effectiveness to improve carers’ management of pain medicines with patients at the end of life. The study highlighted aspects of trial design that need to be considered in future research

    The broad spectrum of unbearable suffering in end of life cancer studied in dutch primary care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Unbearable suffering most frequently is reported in end-of-life cancer patients in primary care. However, research seldom addresses unbearable suffering. The aim of this study was to comprehensively investigate the various aspects of unbearable suffering in end-of-life cancer patients cared for in primary care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty four general practitioners recruited end-of-life cancer patients with an estimated life expectancy of half a year or shorter. The inclusion period was three years, follow-up lasted one additional year. Practices were monitored bimonthly to identify new cases. Unbearable aspects in five domains and overall unbearable suffering were quantitatively assessed (5-point scale) through patient interviews every two months with a comprehensive instrument. Scores of 4 (serious) or 5 (hardly can be worse) were defined unbearable. The last interviews before death were analyzed. Sources providing strength to bear suffering were identified through additional open-ended questions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Seventy six out of 148 patients (51%) requested to participate consented; the attrition rate was 8%, while 8% were alive at the end of follow-up. Sixty four patients were followed up until death; in 60 patients interviews were complete. Overall unbearable suffering occurred in 28%. A mean of 18 unbearable aspects was present in patients with serious (score 4) overall unbearable suffering. Overall, half of the unbearable aspects involved the domain of traditional medical symptoms. The most frequent unbearable aspects were weakness, general discomfort, tiredness, pain, loss of appetite and not sleeping well (25%-57%). The other half of the unbearable aspects involved the domains of function, personhood, environment, and nature and prognosis of disease. The most frequent unbearable aspects were impaired activities, feeling dependent, help needed with housekeeping, not being able to do important things, trouble accepting the situation, being bedridden and loss of control (27%-55%). The combination of love and support was the most frequent source (67%) providing strength to bear suffering.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Overall unbearable suffering occurred in one in every four end-of-life cancer patients. Half of the unbearable aspects involved medical symptoms, the other half concerned psychological, social and existential dimensions. Physicians need to comprehensively assess suffering and provide psychosocial interventions alongside physical symptom management.</p

    Angst bij kanker : Wat kunnen verpleegkundigen doen?

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    Angst is een veelvoorkomend symptoom bij patiënten met kanker in de palliatieve fase. Wat kun je als verpleegkundige doen om het verschil te maken? In dit artikel de uitkomsten van een systematische literatuurreview over verpleegkundige interventies bij deze patiëntengroep

    Non-pharmacological nurse-led interventions to manage anxiety in patients with advanced cancer : A systematic literature review

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    Background Anxiety is a common symptom in patients with advanced cancer. Although pharmacological and psychosocial interventions are recommended, it remains unclear which role nurses can play in supporting patients with anxiety. Objective The objective was to provide an inventory of non-pharmacological nurse-led interventions and evaluate the effectiveness in managing anxiety in advanced cancer patients. Design A systematic literature review was performed from xx-xx-xxxx until March 2013. Four databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO and Cochrane) were searched using predefined search terms without date limits. Randomized controlled trials, focusing on non-pharmacological nurse-led interventions in the management of anxiety in patients with advanced cancer were identified. Due to the heterogeneity of the included studies, results are presented in a descriptive way. Results A total of seven studies were included. The interventions were categorized into patient education, telemonitoring, psychotherapy, complementary care or a combination of these. Two studies showed significant improvements in anxiety levels in patients who received a psychoeducational intervention and in those who participated in a telemonitoring program. However, both studies were judged with a high risk of bias due to attrition, the randomization process and the lack of blinding which was not described. A complementary care intervention, a focused narrative interview and a telemonitoring program identified improvement in anxiety after each time the intervention was provided. However, no significant differences between intervention and control group were found. Conclusion Although there is no firm evidence due to the high risk of bias, two studies showed that nurses could play a meaningful role in the management of anxiety with regard to early recognition and even in a specific set of psychotherapeutic interventions. Obviously, interventions should be adapted to the underlying cause of anxiety. However, the results of this systematic literature review show a limited degree of evidence to realize this goal. Future research should focus on the interpretation of the findings in order to understand why certain interventions are effective. Furthermore, clarification of which nurse competencies are needed to perform these interventions successfully must be defined. Nevertheless, this systematic literature review encourages nurses to take a key role in the management of anxiety and shows that it is worthwhile to investigate the difference that can be made by nurses in supporting advanced cancer patients with anxiety

    Algemene principes van palliatieve zorg

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    Palliatieve zorg is een benadering die de kwaliteit van leven verbetert van patiënten (kinderen en volwassenen) en hun naasten die te maken hebben met een levensbedreigende aandoening, door het voorkomen en verlichten van lijden door middel van vroegtijdige signalering en zorgvuldige beoordeling en behandeling van pijn en andere problemen van lichamelijke, psychosociale en spirituele aard. In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de algemene principes van palliatieve zorg

    Symptoms of patients with incurable head and neck cancer: Prevalence and impact on daily functioning

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    Background There is lack of research on symptoms in patients with head and neck cancer in the palliative phase. The aim of this study was to explore symptom prevalence and the impact of these symptoms on daily functioning in patients with incurable head and neck cancer. Also, discrepancies between patients and family caregivers are described. Methods Questionnaires were used to collect data about symptom prevalence (n = 124) and symptom impact (n = 24). Results We discovered that the symptoms with a high prevalence were fatigue, pain, weakness, trouble with short walks outside, and dysphagia. The symptoms with the greatest impact on daily functioning were dyspnea, voice changes, trouble with short walks outside, anger, and weakness. Conclusions Patients with incurable head and neck cancer experience a great number of different symptoms. Focus on these symptoms by health care professionals could further optimize symptom management. In future research, we recommend further validation of the used questionnaires. Head Neck 35: 868-876, 201

    Algemene principes van palliatieve zorg

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    Palliatieve zorg is een benadering die de kwaliteit van leven verbetert van patiënten (kinderen en volwassenen) en hun naasten die te maken hebben met een levensbedreigende aandoening, door het voorkomen en verlichten van lijden door middel van vroegtijdige signalering en zorgvuldige beoordeling en behandeling van pijn en andere problemen van lichamelijke, psychosociale en spirituele aard. In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de algemene principes van palliatieve zorg

    Algemene principes van palliatieve zorg

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    Palliatieve zorg is een benadering die de kwaliteit van leven verbetert van patiënten (kinderen en volwassenen) en hun naasten die te maken hebben met een levensbedreigende aandoening, door het voorkomen en verlichten van lijden door middel van vroegtijdige signalering en zorgvuldige beoordeling en behandeling van pijn en andere problemen van lichamelijke, psychosociale en spirituele aard. In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de algemene principes van palliatieve zorg