17 research outputs found

    Surgical enucleation of unilateral mandibular radicular cysts in an 11-year-old Thoroughbred mare

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    An 11‐year‐old Thoroughbred broodmare was diagnosed with extensive radicular cysts that affected the left horizontal mandibular ramus. A left mandibular swelling was present clinically, and mandibular lesions appearing cystic in nature were identified with successive radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations. Surgical enucleation of the cysts was performed under a standing sedation protocol and the excised cystic structures submitted for histopathological analysis. Histological examination of the cystic structures confirmed a diagnosis of multiple radicular cysts.https://beva-onlinelibrary-wiley-com/journal/204232922020-06-01hj2020Companion Animal Clinical Studie

    Janus and the bureaucrats: Middle management in the public sector

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    Two dominant discourses have been identified as underpinning the restructuring of public sector organisations - the New Right ideology (free markets, customer sovereignty, individualism) and the 'post-modernism' position emphasising change, discontinuity and flexibility in organisations. Both are centrally critical of bureaucracy either because of its inefficiency or of its obsolescence respectively. In both views, middle management is a key problem that can be overcome by delayering but middle management is also a solution through implementing change and encouraging the new culture of initiative and entrepreneurialism. The article reports on original research focussing on the perceptions of middle managers in a range of public sector organisations. Rather than moving towards a post-bureaucratic form, the findings suggest that change is being driven by opportunistic cost-cutting leading to a disillusioned and demoralised middle management stratum experiencing long working hours, feelings of job insecurity and working within a strong performance culture - a culture that remains very bureaucratic. Many of the traditional middle management frustrations remain and are exacerbated by the pressures to achieve increasingly demanding targets with little discretion or decision-making opportunity. The article argues that this is the latest stage in the evolution of bureaucracy rather than its impending demise

    Association of nucleolar organizing regions and Ki-67 expression with recurrence rate of hair follicle tumor in dogs Associação das regiões organizadoras de nucléolos e da expressão do Ki-67 com a taxa de recorrência dos tumores de folículo piloso em cães

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    Mitotic index, nuclear diameter, number of nucleolar organizing regions, and Ki-67 expression, in hair follicle tumors of 82 dogs were evaluated. Tissue specimens were used to prepare sections for histological staining for number of nucleolar organizing region and immunohistochemical staining for Ki-67. Tumors were classified as trichoblastoma (n=32), benign trichoepithelioma (n=30), pilomatricoma (n=7), malignant trichoepithelioma (n=6), infundibular keratinizing acanthoma (n=5), and tricholemmoma (n=2). Head, dorsum, and limbs were the most affected sites. Malignant trichoepithelioma presented significantly higher mitotic index, number of nucleolar organizing regions and Ki-67 expression. Regarding benign neoplasms, trichoblastoma presented significantly higher mitotic index and number of nucleolar organizing regions. Ki-67 expression did not differ among hair follicle benign neoplasms. Recurrence was only observed in two cases, with one benign trichoepithelioma and one malignant trichoepithelioma. In the two cases, nodules have not been removed with clean surgical margin. It was concluded that in benign neoplasms of hair follicles, the number of nucleolar organizing regions and Ki-67 expression were significantly smaller than in malignant neoplasm. Clean surgical margins are suggested to be more responsible to tumor recurrences than the number of nucleolar organizing regions, expression of Ki-67, and the mitotic index.<br>O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o índice mitótico, o diâmetro nuclear, o número de regiões organizadoras de nucléolos e a expressão do Ki-67 em 82 tumores de folículo piloso de cães, entre 2000 e 2006. Os tumores foram classificados como tricoblastoma (n=32), tricoepitelioma benigno (n=30), tricoepitelioma maligno (n=6), pilomatricoma (n=7), acantoma infundibular ceratinizante (n=5) e tricolemoma (n=2). A cabeça, o dorso e os membros foram os locais mais frequentemente acometidos. O tricoepitelioma maligno apresentou índice mitótico, número de regiões organizadoras de nucléolos e expressão do Ki-67 significativamente maiores quando comparado aos outros tipos de tumores. Dentre as neoplasias benignas, o tricoblastoma apresentou índice mitótico e número de regiões organizadoras de nucléolos significativamente maiores. A expressão do Ki-67 não diferiu entre os tumores benignos de folículo piloso. A recorrência foi observada apenas em dois casos, incluindo um tricoepitelioma benigno e um tricoepitelioma maligno. Em dois casos, os nódulos não foram removidos com margem cirúrgica completa. Desta forma, conclui-se que nas neoplasias benignas de folículo piloso, o número das regiões organizadoras de nucléolo e da expressão de Ki-67 foram significativamente menores que em neoplasias malignas. Além disto, sugere-se que a margem cirúrgica completa está mais associada à recorrência dos tumores que as regiões organizadoras de nucléolo, a expressão de Ki-67 e o índice mitótico