32 research outputs found

    Suscetibilidade Magnética Como Indicador De Qualidade Do Solo Em áreas Sob Cultivo De Cana-de-açúcar

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    Sugarcane management practices (unburned cane - UC and burned cane - BC) interfere with dynamics of soil magnetic properties. This study focused on determining the potential of magnetic susceptibility as soil quality indicator in areas under sugarcane cultivation. The experiment area is on the limit between basalt from São Bento Group, Serra Geral Formation, and sandstone from Bauru Group - Adamantina Formation. Twenty soil samples were collected from two management areas (burned and unburned sugarcane prior to harvest) at a depth range of 0.0-0.2 m. Local soil was classified as eutroferric Red Latosol (Oxisol), with highly clayey texture. Chemical and physical properties, CO2 emissions and magnetic susceptibility (MS) in air-dried fine earth (MSADFE), total sand fraction (MSTS) and clay fraction (MSCF). The magnetic signature from MS was effective in identifying changes of physical, chemical and mineralogical traits in Latosols under burned and unburned sugarcane crop. The information provided here can guide further studies on the genesis of minerals with magnetic expression in environments and exposed to fire burning. © 2016, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arid. All rights reserved.30228729

    Avaliação do desempenho de adubos verdes antecedendo o plantio de milho, em agroecossistema sob bases ecológicas, Utilizando-se análises multivariadas.

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    bitstream/item/68818/1/021-moitinho-avaliacao.pdfPublicado também no Cadernos de Agroecologia, v. 7, n. 2, 2012

    Soil Co 2 Emission Of Sugarcane Fields As Affected By Topography

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    The spatial and temporal variation of soil CO 2 emission is influenced by several soil attributes related to CO 2 production and its diffusion in the soil. However, few studies aiming to understand the effect of topography on the variability of CO 2 emissions exist, especially for cropping areas of tropical regions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial and temporal changes of soil CO 2 emission and its relation to soil attributes in an area currently cropped with sugarcane under different relief forms and slope positions. Mean CO 2 emissions in the studied period (seven months) varied between 0.23 and 0.71, 0.27 and 0.90, and 0.31 and 0.80 g m -2 h -1 of CO 2 for concave (Cone), backslope (BackS) and footslope (FootS) positions, respectively. The temporal variability of CO 2 emissions in each area was explained by an exponential relation between the CO 2 emission and soil temperature and a linear relation between CO 2 emission and soil water content. The Q 10 values were 1.98 (± 0.34), 1.81 (± 0.49) and 1.71 (± 0.31) for Conc, BackS and FootS, respectively. Bulk density, macroporosity, penetration resistance, aggregation and oxidizable organic carbon content explain the changes in soil CO 2 emission observed, especially when the Cone position was compared to BackS. The effect of relief form and topographic position on soil CO 2 emission variation was dependent on the time of measurement.6617783ALVENÄS, G., JANSSON, P.E., Model for evaporation, moisture and temperature of bare soil: Calibration and sensitivity analysis (1997) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 88, pp. 47-56BERNOUX, M., CARVALHO, M.C.S., VOLKOFF, B., CERRI, C.C., CO 2 emission from mineral soils following land-cover change in Brazil (2001) Global Change Biology, 7, pp. 779-787BERNOUX, M., CARVALHO, M.C.S., VOLKOFF, B., CERRI, C.C., Brazil's soil carbon stocks (2002) Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66, pp. 888-896CAMPOS, D.C., (2003) Potencialidade do sistema de colheita sem queima da cana-de-açúcar para o seqüestro de carbono, , Piracicaba: USP/ESALQ, 103p, Doutorado(2007) Acompanhamento da safra brasileira de cana-de-açúcar, , http://www.conab.gov.br/conabweb/download/safra/3-levantamento0708-nov2007.pdf, COMPANHIA NACIONAL DE ABASTECIMENTO, CONAB, safra, terceiro levantamento, novembro/. 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Japanese Journal of Ecology, v.53, p.13-22, 2003KANG, S., LEE, D., LEE, J., RUNNING, S.W., Topographic and climatic controls on soil environments and net primary in a rugged temperate hardwood forest in Korea (2006) Ecological Research, 21, pp. 64-74KANG, S., DOH, S., LEE, D., LEE, D., JIN, V.L., KIMBALL, J., Topographic and climatic controls on soil respiration in six temperate mixed-hardwood forest slopes, Korea (2003) Global Change Biology, 9, pp. 1427-1437KANG, S., KIM, S., DOH, S., LEE, D., Predicting spatial and temporal patterns of soil temperature based on topography, surface cover and air temperature (2000) Forest Ecology and Management, 136, pp. 173-184KEMPER, W.D.ROSENAU, R.C. Aggregate stability and size distribution. In: KLUTE, A. (Ed.) Methods of soil analysis. 2 ed. Madison: ASA, 1986. p.425-441. 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    Greenhouse gas mitigation and offset options for beef cattle production under contrasting pasture management systems in Brazil.

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    This study estimates the GHG balance (emissions and sinks) related to the beef cattle production in three contrasting production scenarios on Brachiaria pasture in Brazil: 1) Degraded pasture (DP), 2) Managed pasture (MP), and 3) Crop?livestock?forest integration system (CLFIS)