1,319 research outputs found

    Determination of the antimutagenicity of an aqueous extract of Rhizophora mangle L. (Rhizophoraceae), using in vivo and in vitro test systems

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    An aqueous extract of Rhizophora mangle L. bark is used as raw material in pottery making in the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil. This extract presents large quantities of tannins, compounds possessing antioxidant properties. Tannin antioxidant activity, as a plant chemical defense mechanism in the process of stabilizing free radicals, has been an incentive to studies on anti-mutagenicity. The present work aimed to evaluate possible antimutagenic activity of a R. mangle aqueous extract, using the Allium cepa test-system and micronuclear (MN) assay with blockage of cytokinesis in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1). The Allium cepa test-system indicated antimutagenic activity against the damage induced by the mutagenic agent methyl methanesulfonate. A reduction in both MN cell frequency and chromosome breaks occurred in both the pre and post-treatment protocols. The MN testing of CHO-K1 cells revealed anti-mutagenic activity of the R. mangle extract against methyl methanesulfonate and doxorubicin in pre, simultaneous and post-treatment protocols. These results suggest the presence of phyto-constituents in the extract presenting demutagenic and bio-antimutagenic activities. Since the chemical constitution of Rhizophora mangle species presents elevated tannin content, it is highly probable that these compounds are the antimutagenic promoters themselves

    5D UED: Flat and Flavorless

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    5D UED is not automatically minimally flavor violating. This is due to flavor asymmetric counter-terms required on the branes. Additionally, there are likely to be higher dimensional operators which directly contribute to flavor observables. We document a mostly unsuccessful attempt at utilizing localization in a flat extra dimension to resolve these flavor constraints while maintaining KK-parity as a good quantum number. It is unsuccessful insofar as we seem to be forced to add brane operators in such a way as to precisely mimic the effects of a double throat warped extra dimension. In the course of our efforts, we encounter and present solutions to a problem common to many extra dimensional models in which fields are "doubly localized:" ultra-light modes. Under scrutiny, this issue seems tied to an intrinsic tension between maintaining Kaluza-Klein parity and resolving mass hierarchies via localization.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Search for Higgs bosons of the Universal Extra Dimensions at the Large Hadron Collider

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    The Higgs sector of the Universal Extra Dimensions (UED) has a rather involved setup. With one extra space dimension, the main ingredients to the construct are the higher Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations of the Standard Model Higgs boson and the fifth components of the gauge fields which on compactification appear as scalar degrees of freedom and can mix with the former thus leading to physical KK-Higgs states of the scenario. In this work, we explore in detail the phenomenology of such a Higgs sector of the UED with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in focus. We work out relevant decay branching fractions involving the KK-Higgs excitations. Possible production modes of the KK-Higgs bosons are then discussed with an emphasis on their associated production with the third generation KK-quarks and that under the cascade decays of strongly interacting UED excitations which turn out to be the only phenomenologically significant modes. It is pointed out that the collider searches of such Higgs bosons face generic hardship due to soft end-products which result from severe degeneracies in the masses of the involved excitations in the minimal version of the UED (MUED). Generic implications of either observing some or all of the KK-Higgs bosons at the LHC are discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures and 1 tabl

    Development and evaluation of a new fully automatic motion detection and correction technique in cardiac SPECT imaging

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    In cardiac SPECT perfusion imaging, motion correction of the data is critical to the minimization of motion introduced artifacts in the reconstructed images. Software-based (data-driven) motion correction techniques are the most convenient and economical approaches to fulfill this purpose. However, the accuracy is significantly affected by how the data complexities, such as activity overlap, non-uniform tissue attenuation, and noise are handled. We developed STASYS, a new, fully automatic technique, for motion detection and correction in cardiac SPECT. We evaluated the performance of STASYS by comparing its effectiveness of motion correcting patient studies with the current industry standard software (Cedars-Sinai MoCo) through blind readings by two readers independently. For 204 patient studies from multiple clinical sites, the first reader identified (1) 69 studies with medium to large axial motion, of which STASYS perfectly or significantly corrected 86.9% and MoCo 72.5%; and (2) 20 studies with medium to large lateral motion, of which STASYS perfectly or significantly corrected 80.0% and MoCo 60.0%. The second reader identified (1) 84 studies with medium to large axial motion, of which STASYS perfectly or significantly corrected 82.2% and MoCo 76.2%; and (2) 34 studies with medium to large lateral motion, of which STASYS perfectly or significantly corrected 58.9% and MoCo 50.0%. We developed a fully automatic software-based motion correction technique, STASYS, for cardiac SPECT. Clinical studies showed that STASYS was effective and corrected a larger percent of cardiac SPECT studies than the current industrial standard software

    Seesaw Neutrino Signals at the Large Hadron Collider

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    We discuss the scenario with gauge singlet fermions (right-handed neutrinos) accessible at the energy of the Large Hadron Collider. The singlet fermions generate tiny neutrino masses via the seesaw mechanism and also have sizable couplings to the standard-model particles. We demonstrate that these two facts, which are naively not satisfied simultaneously, are reconciled in the five-dimensional framework in various fashions, which make the seesaw mechanism observable. The collider signal of tri-lepton final states with transverse missing energy is investigated for two explicit examples of the observable seesaw, taking account of three types of neutrino mass spectrum and the constraint from lepton flavor violation. We find by showing the significance of signal discovery that the collider experiment has a potential to find signals of extra dimensions and the origin of small neutrino masses.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figure

    The statistical neuroanatomy of frontal networks in the macaque

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    We were interested in gaining insight into the functional properties of frontal networks based upon their anatomical inputs. We took a neuroinformatics approach, carrying out maximum likelihood hierarchical cluster analysis on 25 frontal cortical areas based upon their anatomical connections, with 68 input areas representing exterosensory, chemosensory, motor, limbic, and other frontal inputs. The analysis revealed a set of statistically robust clusters. We used these clusters to divide the frontal areas into 5 groups, including ventral-lateral, ventral-medial, dorsal-medial, dorsal-lateral, and caudal-orbital groups. Each of these groups was defined by a unique set of inputs. This organization provides insight into the differential roles of each group of areas and suggests a gradient by which orbital and ventral-medial areas may be responsible for decision-making processes based on emotion and primary reinforcers, and lateral frontal areas are more involved in integrating affective and rational information into a common framework

    A Histone-Like Protein of Mycobacteria Possesses Ferritin Superfamily Protein-Like Activity and Protects against DNA Damage by Fenton Reaction

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    Iron is an essential metal for living organisms but its level must be strictly controlled in cells, because ferrous ion induces toxicity by generating highly active reactive oxygen, hydroxyl radicals, through the Fenton reaction. In addition, ferric ion shows low solubility under physiological conditions. To overcome these obstacles living organisms possess Ferritin superfamily proteins that are distributed in all three domains of life: bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. These proteins minimize hydroxyl radical formation by ferroxidase activity that converts Fe2+ into Fe3+ and sequesters iron by storing it as a mineral inside a protein cage. In this study, we discovered that mycobacterial DNA-binding protein 1 (MDP1), a histone-like protein, has similar activity to ferritin superfamily proteins. MDP1 prevented the Fenton reaction and protects DNA by the ferroxidase activity. The Km values of the ferroxidase activity by MDP1 of Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG-3007c), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Rv2986c), and Mycobacterium leprae (ML1683; ML-LBP) were 0.292, 0.252, and 0.129 mM, respectively. Furthermore, one MDP1 molecule directly captured 81.4±19.1 iron atoms, suggesting the role of this protein in iron storage. This study describes for the first time a ferroxidase-iron storage protein outside of the ferritin superfamily proteins and the protective role of this bacterial protein from DNA damage

    Stellar Coronal and Wind Models: Impact on Exoplanets

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    Surface magnetism is believed to be the main driver of coronal heating and stellar wind acceleration. Coronae are believed to be formed by plasma confined in closed magnetic coronal loops of the stars, with winds mainly originating in open magnetic field line regions. In this Chapter, we review some basic properties of stellar coronae and winds and present some existing models. In the last part of this Chapter, we discuss the effects of coronal winds on exoplanets.Comment: Chapter published in the "Handbook of Exoplanets", Editors in Chief: Juan Antonio Belmonte and Hans Deeg, Section Editor: Nuccio Lanza. Springer Reference Work

    Ferromagnetic Semiconductors: Moving Beyond (Ga,Mn)As

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    The recent development of MBE techniques for growth of III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors has created materials with exceptional promise in spintronics, i.e. electronics that exploit carrier spin polarization. Among the most carefully studied of these materials is (Ga,Mn)As, in which meticulous optimization of growth techniques has led to reproducible materials properties and ferromagnetic transition temperatures well above 150 K. We review progress in the understanding of this particular material and efforts to address ferromagnetic semiconductors as a class. We then discuss proposals for how these materials might find applications in spintronics. Finally, we propose criteria that can be used to judge the potential utility of newly discovered ferromagnetic semiconductors, and we suggest guidelines that may be helpful in shaping the search for the ideal material.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figure